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What Is the Book of Romans All About?

I do want to say that I never said that Jesus was not a descendant of Adam - I said that Jesus did not inherit Adam's "fallen nature".
Adam had the same nature before and after he sinned. The only difference was that God was not talking to him much after the "fall".
Adam had the same nature before and after he sinned. The only difference was that God was not talking to him much after the "fall".
That’s false. He knew he had changed, that he had become crafty. He immediately started blaming Eve, and even God, for his sin.
That’s false. He knew he had changed, that he had become crafty. He immediately started blaming Eve, and even God, for his sin.
Behavior is not the same Nature. You are confused.
Technically true, but when a person’s nature changes, his behavior frequently changes as well.
A person's nature never changes. He is what he is. Just as a cat will always be a cat, a dog a dog. A leoperd will never lose his spots.
A person's nature never changes. He is what he is. Just as a cat will always be a cat, a dog a dog. A leoperd will never lose his spots.
When a person becomes born again of holy spirit, he has two natures to choose from. The old man and the new. We are to put off the old man and put on the new. We are to change our behavior to the nature of the new man, the Christ in us.
Greetings again patience,
How exactly did he inherit the fallen nature through Mary?
I do want to say that I never said that Jesus was not a descendant of Adam - I said that Jesus did not inherit Adam's "fallen nature".
Mary was his mother, and like begets like. God as his father did not eliminate Mary's contribution to the conception and birth of Jesus. Jesus was a descendant of Adam after Adam and Eve had sinned, but he was destined to be the seed of the woman who would overcome all aspects of sin introduced by the initial reasoning and words of the serpent Genesis 3:15. Jesus had sin nature but never sinned Romans 8:3, Hebrews 2:14, he overcame the lusts of the flesh. Sin occurs when the lusts are conceived, not when they are rejected James 1:14-15. Jesus overcame the lust for food by his previous meditation on the word of God in the first temptation in the wilderness.

Kind regards
When a person becomes born again of holy spirit, he has two natures to choose from. The old man and the new. We are to put off the old man and put on the new. We are to change our behavior to the nature of the new man, the Christ in us.
Sure, but are not the old man and the new man both "man"?