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Did Jesus' return happen in 1st century?

“The former treatise have I made, O Theophilus, of all that Jesus began both to do and teach, until the day in which he was taken up, after that he through the Holy Ghost had given commandments unto the apostles whom he had chosen: to whom also he shewed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs, being seen of them forty days, and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God: and, being assembled together with them, commanded them that they should not depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the Father, which, saith he, ye have heard of me. For John truly baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence. When they therefore were come together, they asked of him, saying, Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel? And he said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power. But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judæa, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight. And while they looked stedfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel; which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.”
‭‭Acts‬ ‭1:1-11‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Do you believe that Jesus would return to these people then in this age?

Back in the Old Testament day a priest had to come in to bring forth blood for their sins.

Jesus was ascended promised to come back, it would be a picture and type of how the Old Testament would work in the temple. The priest had to come back out to show that the offering was accepted.

Therefore either Jesus returned in that day in age or his blood was never accepted and He is still in the holy of holies waiting to come out, for thousands of years.

How does that make sense?


Jesus Christ couldn't have lied to a person whom he had told would see the mighty one come in the clouds could have he?

60So the high priest stood up before them and questioned Jesus, “Have You no answer? What are these men testifying against You?”

61But Jesus remained silent and made no reply.

Again the high priest questioned Him, “Are You the Christ, the Son of the Blessed One?”

62“I am,” said Jesus, “and you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of Powerl and coming with the clouds of heaven.”m

63At this, the high priest tore his clothes and declared, “Why do we need any more witnesses? 64You have heard the blasphemy. What is your verdict?”
Yeah that alright. Jesus Christ said everyone would resurrected.
Everyone will be resurrected but not ALL to eternal life.
I believe all the things in Acts 24, and Revelation 20 have happened.
I don't.
And people just quoting those doesn't always hold water to me, as the contents and context always mainly primarily dealt with the nation of Israel.
The Epistles are to the church, the body of Christ - born again believers - that's US.
Did you know this letter is written to Timothy, and "scripture" here means the Old Testament by itself alone.
ALL scripture . . . . is God-breathed which is why the Bible is called the "word of God".
If that is the case, I do not think I have made anything private or not known.

You can quote scripture all you like but, you still have to consider the people in that day age and time who were looking and reading these letters.
We do have to consider the day, the age, the time, and also the customs in which these letters were written.

We, too, are the "people" looking and reading these letters. . . . they are inspired by God and are profitable for doctrine, reproof and correction.
I believe they had the ability to talk to God or not talk to God while they were there. The only two commandments were not to eat of the tree, and to multiply and replenish the earth. A choice to disobey God was done when Eve decided for herself looking at the fruit that it was good for wisdom.

I believe personally that Yes everything that God had done was good. However he gave his creation free will to choose. Dont you believe that? When they ate of the tree of good and evil they learned about good and evil. The sin was disobeying God by their action of doing what was told not to be done.
Yes, I do believe that God created mankind with the ability to use reason and logic to learn from his environment; to understand what is presented to him and choose his behaviors. I know what the sin was and I know who tempted them.
Yeah I Dont believe he is around anymore.
Then it is easy for a person to be deceived if they do not believe he is around anymore.
Everyone will be resurrected but not ALL to eternal life.

I don't.

The Epistles are to the church, the body of Christ - born again believers - that's US.

ALL scripture . . . . is God-breathed which is why the Bible is called the "word of God".
people call it the word of God, it's a bible. The Scripture part is referring to the Old Testament, because Paul was encouraging Timothy.
We do have to consider the day, the age, the time, and also the customs in which these letters were written.
We, too, are the "people" looking and reading these letters. . . . they are inspired by God and are profitable for doctrine, reproof and correction.
The thing is you are making it about you yourself when it was Timothy being written to. Now is the Bible useful for spiritual means absolutely.
Yes, I do believe that God created mankind with the ability to use reason and logic to learn from his environment; to understand what is presented to him and choose his behaviors. I know what the sin was and I know who tempted them.
Their own temptation to go on and do the action.
Then it is easy for a person to be deceived if they do not believe he is around anymore.
I disagree in fact, believing that the Devil has been defeated is more freeing that you could imagine however you do not believe it but the Bible says it... now if you are gonna use the verse of Timothy you would have no problem in accepting the fact of the doing away with the Devil however, it is due to the bias you have that keeps you from believing it I think but maybe I am wrong.

You're not gonna change your mind either, and remind me of talking to Arial.

It probably is best we just stop here and be okay with each other stands.

I believe Jesus Christ has came and I do not discredit him and his promises to come.

For example in Matthew 10:23

Please understand that I understand you believe that the Bible is talking about you as a believer, but there are other believers in those letters that are being encouraged in a terrible time of persecution and being killed for the cause of Christ...

You're not being killed because you believe in Jesus, they were encouraged to wait and see for the Lord would return but you won't or do not want to believe that...

So this is where we just can say hey you believe whatever you want, it is your own life right? Is God gonna be mad at me because of believing Jesus Christ and his victory over all things? I doubt it, personally.
people call it the word of God, it's a bible. The Scripture part is referring to the Old Testament, because Paul was encouraging Timothy.


The thing is you are making it about you yourself when it was Timothy being written to. Now is the Bible useful for spiritual means absolutely.

Their own temptation to go on and do the action.

I disagree in fact, believing that the Devil has been defeated is more freeing that you could imagine however you do not believe it but the Bible says it... now if you are gonna use the verse of Timothy you would have no problem in accepting the fact of the doing away with the Devil however, it is due to the bias you have that keeps you from believing it I think but maybe I am wrong.
I don't believe that I hold any type of bias as to the devil not being done away with yet . . . . I believe that is what scripture teaches. You believe otherwise.
You're not gonna change your mind either, and remind me of talking to Arial.
I'm sorry that you are equating me to Arial - I have directed my conversation toward scripture and not toward you personally - not in any way condescending in my responses to you.
It probably is best we just stop here and be okay with each other stands.

I believe Jesus Christ has came and I do not discredit him and his promises to come.

For example in Matthew 10:23
Yes, we are at a standstill.
Please understand that I understand you believe that the Bible is talking about you as a believer, but there are other believers in those letters that are being encouraged in a terrible time of persecution and being killed for the cause of Christ...

You're not being killed because you believe in Jesus, they were encouraged to wait and see for the Lord would return but you won't or do not want to believe that...
Yes, I do believe the Bible is meant to strengthen us and encourage us in our Christian walk as believers. I also know that in other countries believers are being persecuted and killed for their beliefs and if it comes to it . . . also, there may come a day in which we also could be persecuted and killed for our beliefs - if the Lord tarries. Also, persecution comes in many different ways.
So this is where we just can say hey you believe whatever you want, it is your own life right? Is God gonna be mad at me because of believing Jesus Christ and his victory over all things? I doubt it, personally.
It was dreadful going from bad to worst until God in his mercy rescued me.
A pulled you out of the mire, and set you high upon the Rock event. It is wonderful to look back upon those places and practically see the hand of God lifting and moving us.
I don't believe that I hold any type of bias as to the devil not being done away with yet . . . . I believe that is what scripture teaches. You believe otherwise.

I'm sorry that you are equating me to Arial - I have directed my conversation toward scripture and not toward you personally - not in any way condescending in my responses to you.

Yes, we are at a standstill.

Yes, I do believe the Bible is meant to strengthen us and encourage us in our Christian walk as believers. I also know that in other countries believers are being persecuted and killed for their beliefs and if it comes to it . . . also, there may come a day in which we also could be persecuted and killed for our beliefs - if the Lord tarries. Also, persecution comes in many different ways.


Cool. Let's love Jesus, and love God and love others while we have life to do so.

Love is difficult isn't it.
I don't believe those reports about John, and some could be debated.

I don't care about tradition.
Tradition in this case simply means the common reports discovered that were written by people who lived at the time. Historical accounts. It is one way to check what your leader tells you to see if it has merit or not----but you readily and easily believe anything that suits you.
If you are someone who still believes that Jesus Christ is still coming back, that people are going to hell in a hand basket, that the devil is still running around and demons, and everything like that.

I love you for who you are, you have the right and freedom to believe these things.

The purpose of this was to get people to think about what they are saying and talking about, many people simply discredit all of Jesus and his promises of coming back, they say it is impossible for him to have come back to those people who were part of the bride in 70ad, and Jesus having the victory over all things.

People say that it just is not possible, well if that is the case I believe by faith.

I never seen it, and have no proof of anything written down as Jesus Christ has came back, but by golly I believe it by faith and that is a personal choice, even against all the people who constantly believe what was mentioned in the first passage here.

@Arial, I do not care for traditions sorry. Jesus did not care for the traditions of men either, so if siding with Jesus is me just tossing away what you had sent me to look like is wrong so be it.

I love, and hope for the best of each and everyone of you in your life while you have GOd with you in your life, you're forgiven, and that you are made right with God by faith in Jesus who makes you right with God.