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Did Jesus' return happen in 1st century?

… messianic Jewish …

I think perhaps - for the sake of our readers - that in addition to what I said earlier, I should add that this is a perfectly fair and reasonable statement. I agree with you that what I have presented is messianic Jewish theology.
I think perhaps - for the sake of our readers - that in addition to what I said earlier, I should add that this is a perfectly fair and reasonable statement. I agree with you that what I have presented is messianic Jewish theology.

It's a pretty heady topic, that I do enjoy discussing. It's much easier to disagree with Trinitarians on the subject than with you, quite honestly. :giggle:

They make the leap to the Jesus is Yahweh conclusion quite quickly when asked to examine NT references that quote OT passages where it is undeniable that the writers are both pointing to Jesus as the coming of God (Yahweh) himself. That's a core belief for trinitarians.

I like and respect your perspective and appeal to "agency" --and actually agree with you on this point. While I'm not aware of anywhere in scripture that you will read the expression "Yahweh Shaliah" what I see instead, and repeatedly is the concept of what some call the angel of the Lord--

In the Hebrew Scriptures this concept is demonstrated in various ways. The Hebrew word used to signify such an agent is malak. This word is often translated in our English Bibles as angel, a misleading translation. Our English word angel is a direct transliteration of the Greek word angelos, which means messenger, envoy. The translators then use the word angel to translate malak, which also means messenger. Both words malak and angelos are used of both supernatural beings and humans.

And this is how I see the man Jesus--- an agent.

View: https://youtu.be/RBHcWvqXUQI?si=VCnDeRsee38MjNZL
It's a pretty heady topic, that I do enjoy discussing. It's much easier to disagree with Trinitarians on the subject than with you, quite honestly. :giggle:

They make the leap to the Jesus is Yahweh conclusion quite quickly when asked to examine NT references that quote OT passages where it is undeniable that the writers are both pointing to Jesus as the coming of God (Yahweh) himself. That's a core belief for trinitarians.

I like and respect your perspective and appeal to "agency" --and actually agree with you on this point. While I'm not aware of anywhere in scripture that you will read the expression "Yahweh Shaliah" what I see instead, and repeatedly is the concept of what some call the angel of the Lord--

In the Hebrew Scriptures this concept is demonstrated in various ways. The Hebrew word used to signify such an agent is malak. This word is often translated in our English Bibles as angel, a misleading translation. Our English word angel is a direct transliteration of the Greek word angelos, which means messenger, envoy. The translators then use the word angel to translate malak, which also means messenger. Both words malak and angelos are used of both supernatural beings and humans.

And this is how I see the man Jesus--- an agent.

View: https://youtu.be/RBHcWvqXUQI?si=VCnDeRsee38MjNZL

A link to a very brief Hebrew word study on shaliah. It’s a good introduction on the concept.
