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Did Jesus' return happen in 1st century?

I take it then that you don’t believe Jesus will be in Jerusalem when he returns. Where do you think he will be?

You should just admit that you made it up. Scripture doesn't say anywhere that Jesus will return to Jerusalem. Does it?
You should just admit that you made it up. Scripture doesn't say anywhere that Jesus will return to Jerusalem. Does it?

It does.

Where do you think he’s going to be when he returns? You haven’t said. Perhaps you should admit that you don’t know. There’s nothing wrong with saying that you don’t know if / when you don’t.
If Jesus had returned in the 1st century he would have been seated and reigning on David’s throne in Jerusalem.

It’s not an historical event. It hasn’t happened yet. It’s a future event. The world is still awaiting his return.
The god of this world is, presently, the devil. The nations have not yet become the kingdom of God. They will, after the Messiah returns.
The Messiah and the saints will rule the world. That isn’t happening right now. When it does, the seat of world government will be located in Jerusalem. That’s certainly not the case at this present time.

When the Messiah returns, everyone will see it. When he is sitting on David’s throne it will be obvious to all.
I don’t understand your reluctance to say where you think he will be when he returns.

Finally! I'll accept your third party 'proofs.' Was that so hard? :ROFLMAO:

I figured that's where you were going. It begs the question-- Is Jesus Yahweh?

Ps 132 is David's psalm of ascents-- He is speaking of and to Yahweh specifically, and of his resting place- which is heavenly (up) not earthly (below).

Let us go to his dwelling place.
Let us worship before his footstool.
Ascend, O LORD, to your resting place,
you and the ark of your strength.
The Messiah and the saints will rule the world. That isn’t happening right now. When it does, the seat of world government will be located in Jerusalem. That’s certainly not the case at this present time.

When the Messiah returns, everyone will see it. When he is sitting on David’s throne it will be obvious to all.

This is replacement theology, of the messianic Jewish variety. No-- no thank you.
Finally! I'll accept your third party 'proofs.' Was that so hard? :ROFLMAO:

I googled “Jesus will be in Jerusalem when he returns” and linked the top hit. There are many, many more that I could have chosen.

I figured that's where you were going.

I wasn’t until you posted your humorous comment about me making it up. Change of plans.

It begs the question-- Is Jesus Yahweh?

Is Jesus Yahweh?

No, Jesus isn’t literally Yahweh.

Yes, Jesus is figuratively Yahweh. He is Yahweh’s shaliah.

Ps 132 is David's psalm of ascents-- He is speaking of and to Yahweh specifically, and of his resting place- which is heavenly (up) not earthly (below).

Let us go to his dwelling place.
Let us worship before his footstool.
Ascend, O LORD, to your resting place,
you and the ark of your strength.