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Did Jesus' return happen in 1st century?

In these two chapters of Rev. Jesus' letter to each one is also for all of them. Each church that He speaks to represents a church era in the future. chapter 3:11speaks of the church of Philadephia which represent the church era of the early 1900 to around to 1970...After this, the church of Laodicea has taken over and covers all of the mega and other evangelical churches of the day.

He also told this church of Philadephia that they would not go through hour of temptation. Rev 3:10.

One other point.,,The crown you speak of is the crown(s) given to the church(hisBody) saints at the Bema seat Judgements (rev 4:4) . Perserverance of the saints, 'following the WORDof God' will keep those crowns which are given back to Jesus in Rev 4:10......

You totally disregard the Word of GOD....

well it is obvious you do not keep the prophecies of Revelation....They did not happen in 70AD of anyother century to date..they are future events and if You believe they are long past, you are in for a rude awakening.

well it is obvious you do not keep the prophecies of Revelation....They did not happen in 70AD of anyother century to date..they are future events and if You believe they are long past, you are in for a rude awakening.


What is the rude awakening? What does that mean to you?
Because Revelation had not happened just yet, that is why those scripture exist.

The Devil was running around in that time period before the age was wrapped up.

All of the letters seem to interlace with one another, and the Revelation was the Unveiling of who Jesus Christ was along with everything that would be going on around in that day in time in the part of the earth they lived in.

The only thing I believe we wrestle around with is not only ourselves but darkness, such as spirit of greed, spirit of hatred, spirit of malice.

So many people put the blame on the devil when in James he makes it clear that it is by our own desires we do anything.

James 1:14, but that is just how I believe when it comes to these things. Because of the fulfillment.
I haven't blamed the devil for anything - just quoted the admonitions that God gave us concerning him and those admonitions are still applicable for today because the devil is still around wreaking havoc! All one needs to do is look around and see the evil in the world and realize evil forces are still at work. Death is also still around because people are still dying!

How was Adam and Eve lured and enticed to sin? How do you think we are lured and enticed to sin?
What is the rude awakening? What does that mean to you?
That one day (hopefully while you are alive) that the future events are upon us..The Pre-Trib Rapture will come upon you one day and only then will you realize you plight.

I haven't blamed the devil for anything - just quoted the admonitions that God gave us concerning him and those admonitions are still applicable for today because the devil is still around wreaking havoc! All one needs to do is look around and see the evil in the world and realize evil forces are still at work. Death is also still around because people are still dying!

How was Adam and Eve lured and enticed to sin? How do you think we are lured and enticed to sin?

Did not say you did. I am stating that people do.

Those are not admonishment from God, they are admonishments from Paul... encouraging groups of people in that day in age to not fall into the devils hand. People don't believe revelation has happened yet so of course they believe the devil is still around.

How was Adam and Eve lured and enticed to sin? By their own nature to choose to disobey God. Sure Satan lent a hand, because he was around, however he did not make them choose to disobey God. Does lies and untruths keep us from God today? Sure, where do the lies and untruths come from? Us human beings, or the Devil? you have to make the choice.

I would consider us human beings being the culprit yet so many people would love to be able to blame the devil... Just as Adam blamed God for the woman he gave him.
That one day (hopefully while you are alive) that the future events are upon us..The Pre-Trib Rapture will come upon you one day and only then will you realize you plight.


Very doubtful for me from my view. Does sound quite threatening though.
If I really believed the devil was around still today @patience I would say so, but however I am very committed to the victory of Christ founded in the book of Revelation, over all things, death, sin, hell/hades, the devil.
So you would have to wait in the grave until the trump went off? Those scriptures are admonishments to Corinth, and to Thessalonica, which pertain to the coming Lord Jesus Christ, when they were waiting, and watching for him to return.

Those verses still apply to us spiritually all people are going to be raised from the dead, and due to the fulfillment that will be when they die today, they won't be waiting in the grave, they will be resurrected immediately at least that is my hope due Jesus saying all will be resurrected, some to condemnation, some to everlasting life.
If that is what those verses are saying, which I believe they are, then, yes.

To the church of God in Corinth, to those sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints together with all those who in every place call upon the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, both their Lord and our Lord. [1 Cor. 1:2]

Thessalonians is addressed to the Thessalonian church but we, born again believers are all part of the church, the body of Christ. All the epistles are applicable to born again believers.
The scripture I am referring to is 2 Peter 3:9.

2Pe 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

Willing - in the greek below. God's expressive will is that He doesn't desire any to perish.

G1014 (Strong)​




Middle voice of a primary verb; to “will”, that is, (reflexively) be willing: - be disposed, minded, intend, list (be, of own) will (-ing). Compare G2309.
2 Peter 3:9 All this means is that the Lord is tarrying to give everyone an opportunity to hear the gospel and believe on him for eternal life "not wishing for any to perish". Goes right along with John 3:16 - whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
If that is what those verses are saying, which I believe they are, then, yes.
To the church of God in Corinth, to those sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints together with all those who in every place call upon the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, both their Lord and our Lord. [1 Cor. 1:2]

Thessalonians is addressed to the Thessalonian church but we, born again believers are all part of the church, the body of Christ. All the epistles are applicable to born again believers.

I don't disagree, but do believe that there was a special group of people back then that day known as the bride of Christ. I have no problem with people apply the scriptures to themselves, as long as it edifies having love for God and love for others, and freedom for people to think and be lead by the spirit.

Bride of Christ = 144,000 of the early church which Jesus promised to quickly come back to.
2 Peter 3:9 All this means is that the Lord is tarrying to give everyone an opportunity to hear the gospel and believe on him for eternal life "not wishing for any to perish". Goes right along with John 3:16 - whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

I believe it means that God is not willing for any human being to perish whatsoever.

Because of Jesus Christ saying that all will be resurrected. I believe that is true, and I believe according to what Revelation says, and not what other peoples opinions are is that God has a place for believers, and a place outside the kingdom of heaven for non-believers.

You do understand my reasoning for all these things though right? What you believe doesn't matter to me personally as it is your own person belief that when you die you are gonna be waiting for Jesus to come back and it is all scripturally based (I don't have a problem with this I will explain though what I believe if possible).

Every day at some funeral, whether believer or not - they all go into the heavenly realm, however not everyone is saved unto - or to the kingdom of heaven, only those of faith.
Did not say you did. I am stating that people do.

Those are not admonishment from God, they are admonishments from Paul... encouraging groups of people in that day in age to not fall into the devils hand. People don't believe revelation has happened yet so of course they believe the devil is still around.
All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness [2 Tim. 3:16]

Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time not by the will of man: but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. [2 Peter 1:20, 21]
How was Adam and Eve lured and enticed to sin? By their own nature to choose to disobey God. Sure Satan lent a hand, because he was around, however he did not make them choose to disobey God. Does lies and untruths keep us from God today? Sure, where do the lies and untruths come from? Us human beings, or the Devil? you have to make the choice.

I would consider us human beings being the culprit yet so many people would love to be able to blame the devil... Just as Adam blamed God for the woman he gave him.
In the beginning, Adam and Eve had no "sin nature". They were pure. And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good. [Gen. 1:21]

Right, Satan didn't MAKE them choose to disobey God BUT his whole conversation did LURE and ENTICE them causing them to desire what God forbade. I would say that lies and untruths come from our environment, our understanding AND from other outside forces - the ultimate source of lies and untruths come from the father of lies - . . . He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When He speaks a lie, he speaks of his own: for He is a liar, and the father of it. [John 8:44]

I don't disagree, but do believe that there was a special group of people back then that day known as the bride of Christ. I have no problem with people apply the scriptures to themselves, as long as it edifies having love for God and love for others, and freedom for people to think and be lead by the spirit.

Bride of Christ = 144,000 of the early church which Jesus promised to quickly come back to.

I believe it means that God is not willing for any human being to perish whatsoever.

Because of Jesus Christ saying that all will be resurrected. I believe that is true, and I believe according to what Revelation says, and not what other peoples opinions are is that God has a place for believers, and a place outside the kingdom of heaven for non-believers.

You do understand my reasoning for all these things though right? What you believe doesn't matter to me personally as it is your own person belief that when you die you are gonna be waiting for Jesus to come back and it is all scripturally based (I don't have a problem with this I will explain though what I believe if possible).

Every day at some funeral, whether believer or not - they all go into the heavenly realm, however not everyone is saved unto - or to the kingdom of heaven, only those of faith.
There will be people alive and people "asleep" (dead) when Christ returns in the clouds. (all born again believers; 1 Cor. 15; 1 Thess. 4)

When Christ returns with his saints to fight the battle of Armageddon, there will be a resurrection of the just and the unjust [Acts 24:15] to be judged according to what they have done (works) at the great white throne. They will either be granted eternal life or sentenced to the "second death". [Rev. 20]

Not everyone is granted eternal life. We just do not see eye to eye on this matter.
There will be people alive and people "asleep" (dead) when Christ returns in the clouds. (all born again believers; 1 Cor. 15; 1 Thess. 4)

When Christ returns with his saints to fight the battle of Armageddon, there will be a resurrection of the just and the unjust [Acts 24:15] to be judged according to what they have done (works) at the great white throne. They will either be granted eternal life or sentenced to the "second death". [Rev. 20]

Not everyone is granted eternal life. We just do not see eye to eye on this matter.
Yeah that alright. Jesus Christ said everyone would resurrected.

I believe all the things in Acts 24, and Revelation 20 have happened.

And people just quoting those doesn't always hold water to me, as the contents and context always mainly primarily dealt with the nation of Israel.

All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness [2 Tim. 3:16]

Did you know this letter is written to Timothy, and "scripture" here means the Old Testament by itself alone.
Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time not by the will of man: but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. [2 Peter 1:20, 21]

If that is the case, I do not think I have made anything private or not known.

You can quote scripture all you like but, you still have to consider the people in that day age and time who were looking and reading these letters.

In the beginning, Adam and Eve had no "sin nature". They were pure. And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good. [Gen. 1:21]

I believe they had the ability to talk to God or not talk to God while they were there. The only two commandments were not to eat of the tree, and to multiply and replenish the earth. A choice to disobey God was done when Eve decided for herself looking at the fruit that it was good for wisdom.

I believe personally that Yes everything that God had done was good. However he gave his creation free will to choose. Dont you believe that? When they ate of the tree of good and evil they learned about good and evil. The sin was disobeying God by their action of doing what was told not to be done.

Right, Satan didn't MAKE them choose to disobey God BUT his whole conversation did LURE and ENTICE them causing them to desire what God forbade. I would say that lies and untruths come from our environment, our understanding AND from other outside forces - the ultimate source of lies and untruths come from the father of lies - . . . He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When He speaks a lie, he speaks of his own: for He is a liar, and the father of it. [John 8:44]

Yeah I Dont believe he is around anymore.