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Belief a Conscious Choice?

Hello rstrats,

So once you decide that you would like to believe something, can you then go ahead and actually consciously engender a belief in the something, i.e., be convinced, that it actually exists or is true?

Is this similar to the last question you asked about Lepherchuans, and even Aliens?

Because if the aspect of even the earthly nature people can believe in those things. Have talked to people who believe in Aliens and things like that and really interesting stories shared, and what not though the person used meth a lot of the time. I have no judgement of people believing whatever they do believe.

To me; I believe that for myself I'll say my opinion like that Aliens do not exist; and someone will come and say they do. That is fine. Will love them regardless.

If someone comes up to me and says Matthew, I believe that Hell exist and people go there and burn forever and ever. I'll say okay. I disagree and suggest the bible tells us very different but if that is what you believe no judgement there. If I am wrong, may God beat me with a few strips. Just desire to love others and allow them to have freedom.

On the youtube Channel ran: Will teach what I believe is right; but no one has to accept it or follow it and can completely reject it and will still love other people either way it goes. God is about love, and also truth; I will teach what I believe is truth however if others do not accept it is irrelevant because would encourage them to go and do their own study and they have to figure it out themselves.
Hello rstrats,

So once you decide that you would like to believe something, can you then go ahead and actually consciously engender a belief in the something, i.e., be convinced, that it actually exists or is true?

Is this similar to the last question you asked about Lepherchuans...?

In your post #41 I thought you might be saying that you believed that you could obtain beliefs by simply consciously engendering them. In post #58, I asked if that was what you were saying, and if so, if you might demonstrate such an ability. To that end, because I assumed that you probably didn't already have a belief in them, I suggested that leprechauns be used for your demonstration. Since you haven't done that I take it that that is not what you were saying.
What are your thoughts about it yourself?

If you mind to answer. Curious to know what you believe personally.
In the closed topic, "Could you Choose to Believe in a Literal Santa Claus?" a poster wrote: "A person can decide to believe."
But once the decision is made that they want to believe something, is it then possible to go ahead and actually consciously engender the belief, i.e., be convinced, without doubt, that someone or something exists or that a certain proposition is true?

I would suggest we beware of the wiles of the evil one . What God joins together as a witness of one he multiples . What God calls two he calls one witness.

The bible speaks of two witnesses by which we can believe.(1) the witness of men governed by his conscience and (2) the witness of God that works in the believers new born again heart . Again he would make it all one witness as the god of this world.

Our faithless conscience is simply a judgment hall excuses us one moment and accuses us five minutes latter .

Here comes the wife (LOL)

Therefore if mankind does not speak according to the law and the prophets or with the prophets . The law (let there be) and the testimony (and it was good) they have no light of the gospel on their path . Two is the testimony of Gods witness . Not one faithless our conscience

Isaiah 8: 20 To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.

The same two witnesses that will be silenced or killed in the book of Revelation .God sending a famine for hearing the gospel for a short while at the end
Of course they can.
As I asked Matthew G, perhaps you can help me. I have never been able to consciously choose any of the beliefs that I have and I would like to be able to do that. I wonder if you might explain how you do it. What do you do at the last moment to instantly change your one state of belief to another? What is it that you do that would allow you to say, "OK, at this moment I have a lack of belief that ‘x’ exists or is true, but I choose to believe that ‘x’ exists or is true and now instantly at this new moment I do believe that ‘x’ exists or is true?
Maybe you could use something like leprechauns to demonstrate your technique. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, a leprechaun is "a fairy peculiar to Ireland, who appeared in the form of an old man of minute stature, wearing a cocked hat and a leather apron." and who stores away his gold in a pot at the end of a rainbow, and If ever captured has to grant three wishes to the person who captures him.
So, assuming that you don’t already have a belief in them, how about right now, while you are reading this, choose to believe - be convinced without a doubt - that they exist. Now that you believe in leprechauns, my question is, how did you do it? How did you make the instantaneous transition from lack of belief to belief?
You chose to write after all this time. And visit this site, and turn the computer on. Unless your a robot.