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Belief a Conscious Choice?

Greetings rstrats,

When Paul was confronted by the risen Jesus on the way to Damascus, he changed his belief to accept that Jesus was the Christ.

Kind regards

How do you know that it wasn't just suddenly that he realized that he had a new belief? How do you know that he consciously engendered the new belief? That he would have been able to say: "OK, I currently believe that this person isn't the Messiah, but I am going to believe that he is, and - voila! - I now believe that he is"?
Are you saying that you think that you have the ability to consciously engender a new belief, i.e., to be convinced, without doubt, that someone or something exists or that a certain proposition is true? If so, perhaps you can help me. I have never been able to consciously choose any of the beliefs that I have and I would like to be able to do that. I wonder if you might explain how you do it. What do you do at the last moment to instantly change your one state of belief to another? What is it that you do that would allow you to say, "OK, at this moment I have a lack of belief that ‘x’ exists or is true, but I choose to believe that ‘x’ exists or is true and now instantly at this new moment I do believe that ‘x’ exists or is true?

Maybe you could use something like leprechauns to demonstrate your technique. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, a leprechaun is "a fairy peculiar to Ireland, who appeared in the form of an old man of minute stature, wearing a cocked hat and a leather apron." and who stores away his gold in a pot at the end of a rainbow, and If ever captured has to grant three wishes to the person who captures him.

So, assuming that you don’t already have a belief in them, how about right now, while you are reading this, choose to believe - be convinced without a doubt - that they exist. Now that you believe in leprechauns, my question is, how did you do it? How did you make the instantaneous transition from lack of belief to belief?

Not going to take time to read all of this. Sorry friend.

To the first question: Are you saying that you think that you have the ability to consciously engender a new belief, i.e., to be convinced, without doubt, that someone or something exists or that a certain proposition is true?

The short answer is - you have a choice to pick up a bible and read it; then think for yourself and decide to believe in the message that is sends. Of course would suggest starting in Matthew, Mark, Luke, John then the letters; then go on back to the Old Testament. Very helpful in that regard for sure.

Also it would be helpful to take up some history alongside with everything and understand that none of the bible was written to us. But for a people of a past time, in which people have gathered up materials to compose and allow us to have what we now call the Holy Bible.

That choice is totally dependent upon you yourself to do.
OK, perhaps someone else might be able to demonstrate their ability to consciously engender a new belief in something.
I think on a terrestrial level we start off believing everything our teachers, parents and guardians tell us.

Our beliefs can be influenced and changed by evidence encountered as we go along life’s path.

But when it comes to the transcendent and intangible it is a different story. Even our “supporting evidence” can simply be imagined.

Of course there are times when even physical reality is over ridden by superstition.
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The short answer is - you have a choice to pick up a bible and read it; then think for yourself and decide to believe in the message that is sends.

So once you decide that you would like to believe something, can you then go ahead and actually consciously engender a belief in the something, i.e., be convinced, that it actually exists or is true?
When it comes to the faith based reality of being resurrected to new life in a new spiritual body after death here and being with God;it seems to be right now today am fully convinced.

From my belief in faith; Jesus Christ is the way, the life, and the truth. This is a biblical truth which is a reality. Though we do not live in that age like they did; the new age of living by faith and walking in the spirit and seeking God and asking for Him to help us in overcoming aspects in life is totally viable still today. To me personally.

Do not know you; or your beliefs, or what you may say next or do next.

What are your thoughts on what you have asked me?
OK, perhaps someone else might be able to demonstrate their ability to consciously engender a new belief in something.
No one will be able to because it cannot be done. Even the word translated faith, pistas, is something given by God and does not have its origin in and cannot be found within a human person. We can believe many things, and as GA says, children believe what their parents say because they trust their parents etc. When we are talking about biblical faith, or faith as it is used in the Bible, we have to use it as the Bible uses it. It is not something conjured. It cannot be conjured, and even if we think we have conjured it through mantras or whatever, it is not true faith. True faith has something beyond belief attached to it, and it resides in our heart (metaphorically), because it has been placed there by God. It is unshakable and unmovable. Not simply something we decided to follow.
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I disagree with it being unmovable or unshakable ; people can leave the faith in my opinion considering a lot of the context of what the Bible says about people leaving or walking away from faith. Some people may not believe it ; which would be those who believe once saved always saved.

That is my opinion though and open to the possibility to be wrong but the Bible is open to the possibility of people walking or falling away.

Take care.
I disagree with it being unmovable or unshakable ; people can leave the faith in my opinion considering a lot of the context of what the Bible says about people leaving or walking away from faith. Some people may not believe it ; which would be those who believe once saved always saved.

That is my opinion though and open to the possibility to be wrong but the Bible is open to the possibility of people walking or falling away.

Take care.
Free WIll----Those who are elected may be seeking Jesus/GOD and as of yet not found Him...OR they have be studying a different theology that the right one?

Once Save, Always Saved works for me but it took me 50 years to get here.

Hello, bladerunner,

Choice indeed. There was an elected chosen people being written to in the epistles when is found evident by what is written and the context of who it had been written too; such as the saints at Rome, or to the exiles abroad, Gods elect as it is known. The Bible is a collection of writings of the people in the ancient times; though we have benefit from reading them. None of the Bible itself was written to us specifically.

There is no scripture; that states that all that was written then is also for all the future generations to come. So my view is those elect have done been gathered and taken.

When it comes to faith; Jesus said himself thought if a person is prescuted they sometimes wither away; Matthew 13:5-6. Which to me speaks of even back then people would fall away not that they couldn’t return to it. There was a select group though that was kept themselves pure which was evident through the letters even that very small group known as the 144,000.

One more interesting note about this is everyone is going to receive an spiritual body; resurrection; Anastasis it’s called; there is also a better resurrection for people now even today which is for a small group of people if they desire it and it’s conditional and for believers it’s call exanastasis mentioned only once in Philippians by Paul.

I do believe that God is calling all to himself through Christ now today; how people respond is up to then. They can walk away if they choose , stay stagnant, or continue to press on towards the prize, as Paul stated.

That’s all the information that has been brought forward to me.

Thank you, for reading.