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Belief a Conscious Choice?

The Gospel of Christ is the power of God unto Salvation. If you don’t have that it is found in the Bible. Take care.
As I asked Matthew G, perhaps you can help me. I have never been able to consciously choose any of the beliefs that I have and I would like to be able to do that. I wonder if you might explain how you do it. What do you do at the last moment to instantly change your one state of belief to another? What is it that you do that would allow you to say, "OK, at this moment I have a lack of belief that ‘x’ exists or is true, but I choose to believe that ‘x’ exists or is true and now instantly at this new moment I do believe that ‘x’ exists or is true?
Maybe you could use something like leprechauns to demonstrate your technique. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, a leprechaun is "a fairy peculiar to Ireland, who appeared in the form of an old man of minute stature, wearing a cocked hat and a leather apron." and who stores away his gold in a pot at the end of a rainbow, and If ever captured has to grant three wishes to the person who captures him.
So, assuming that you don’t already have a belief in them, how about right now, while you are reading this, choose to believe - be convinced without a doubt - that they exist. Now that you believe in leprechauns, my question is, how did you do it? How did you make the instantaneous transition from lack of belief to belief?
Personally, I would never want to consciously choose or reject a belief. I am too fallible of a human being to be in charge of such stuff. I choose what to believe or disbelieve, I put myself above God.

I could never choose to believe in the Easter bunny. I did not choose to disbelieve either. Evidence-informed by belief. As far as God's Truth goes, we do not choose to believe.
Through Him, you believe in God, who raised Him from the dead and glorified him, and so your faith and hope are in God.
1 Peter 1:21

Peter ought to know because when He believed that Jesus was the Son of God our savior and Messiah, Jesus did not say, Good for you, you were smart enough to believe." No Jesus said,
Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven."
Personally, I would never want to consciously choose or reject a belief. I am too fallible of a human being to be in charge of such stuff. I choose what to believe or disbelieve, I put myself above God.

I could never choose to believe in the Easter bunny. I did not choose to disbelieve either. Evidence-informed by belief. As far as God's Truth goes, we do not choose to believe.
Through Him, you believe in God, who raised Him from the dead and glorified him, and so your faith and hope are in God.
1 Peter 1:21

Peter ought to know because when He believed that Jesus was the Son of God our savior and Messiah, Jesus did not say, Good for you, you were smart enough to believe." No Jesus said,
Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven."

We'll make an exception for the ultimate belief, but in general, belief at it's origin is not a choice, however choosing to err on the side of maintaining that belief is. That goes for politics, doctrines, etc.
Personally, I would never want to consciously choose or reject a belief. I am too fallible of a human being to be in charge of such stuff. I choose what to believe or disbelieve, I put myself above God.
This is false humility. You are who you are because of the things you have chosen to believe.
This is false humility. You are who you are because of the things you have chosen to believe.
I know that you believe that you can judge other people the way you just did me. I doubt you chose to believe this it came from your pride. You can no more choose to change what you believe than an Ethiopian can change the color of his skin or a leopard its spots.

Your beliefs are welded to you. You never change them and you won't because you can't choose to change them.
I know that you believe that you can judge other people the way you just did me. I doubt you chose to believe this it came from your pride. You can no more choose to change what you believe than an Ethiopian can change the color of his skin or a leopard its spots.

Your beliefs are welded to you. You never change them and you won't because you can't choose to change them.
This is not true. People frequently change their beliefs on many different things, including their theology.
Greetings rstrats,

I am not sure of the fine line that you are suggesting and I would not use this terminology. I can say that I believe that Jesus was crucified, then raised from the dead and exalted to sit at the right hand of God. My belief is based upon many factors and life experiences, but especially it is based upon what the Word of God teaches in simply convincing narrative and the interaction of individuals such as the two on the Way to Emmaus, Mary Magdalene, and Peter and Paul. How my belief all comes together seems to me irrelevant.

Kind regards
Man has a will that He uses in doing his daily sinning...However, God conditions ones heart and mind to seek Jesus, gives them the faith needed for another gift of salvation...All so man can not boast it was he who chose GOD. God does it all.

Man has a will that He uses in doing his daily sinning...However, God conditions ones heart and mind to seek Jesus, gives them the faith needed for another gift of salvation...All so man can not boast it was he who chose GOD. God does it all.

Man has a will that he can also use to seek God, and many do. You did. I did. Every Christian did.

God wants everyone to be saved. Salvation is available to anyone.