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And the Truth will set you free


the truth set you free.

Keeping your eyes closed on evil deeds is not the way.

Isn't that why you are so spending your time against mainstreamers?

Do you know what we practice is our fruit too?

Jesus says we know them by our fruit.

My witness of comingfrom is his fruit that you don't want to know which is so convenient.

the truth set you free.

Keeping your eyes closed on evil deeds is not the way.

Isn't that why you are so spending your time against mainstreamers?

Do you know what we practice is our fruit too?

Jesus says we know them by our fruit.

My witness of comingfrom is his fruit that you don't want to know which is so convenient.

What is the name of the website?
Think not to look into God's mind,
or your own mind.
why not?
They encourage themselves in an evil matter:
they commune of laying snares privily; they say, Who shall see them?
They search out iniquities; they accomplish a diligent search:
both the inward thought of every one of them, and the heart, is deep.
But God shall shoot at them with an arrow;
suddenly shall they be wounded.

Psalm 64:5-7

In some ways SM and I are not miles apart,
in that we both believe to keep all God's words,
Not even close. You do not keep all of God's words. SM looks at the bible and tries to earn or maintain his salvation by doing what it says. You look into God's word and sak yourself, "What can I do to change this around so I can say I keep it. The seventh day is the sabbath? Hmmm, that is inconvenient, I know, I'll change that to only two or three sabbaths a year and who care what day it is on, God didn't really mean what he said..."
and we are open to receiving even more knowledge and revelation of God and His word.
And we can share our revelations, even our differences, with each other
without falling to slinging mud at each other.
For we both have no interest in defending an unbiblical faith.
No, don't lie to yourself. You sling mud back. Maybe you imagine it is Holy Mud.
This is the very flak the fallen fire at us.

Who whet their tongue like a sword, and bend their bows to shoot their arrows, even bitter words:
Psalm 64:3

Repent, and do the first works.
You do not like your false beliefs being challenged but what type of Christian would I be if I did not say something when error that kills is being preached?

I gave great support to what you are doing I thought you are trying to be true to God and Jesus with all your heart.

But your closed mind of comingfrom's inconsistency is the last straw.

You cannot see what is the interior motive in the sites.

that's why I was trying to open your eyes to see the whole truth.

You should know better than that since you claim to obey all God's laws.

I gave great support to what you are doing I thought you are trying to be true to God and Jesus with all your heart.

But your closed mind of comingfrom's inconsistency is the last straw.

You cannot see what is the interior motive in the sites.

that's why I was trying to open your eyes to see the whole truth.

You should know better than that since you claim to obey all God's laws.

Thank you Meshak.

I gave great support to what you are doing I thought you are trying to be true to God and Jesus with all your heart.

But your closed mind of comingfrom's inconsistency is the last straw.

You cannot see what is the interior motive in the sites.

that's why I was trying to open your eyes to see the whole truth.

You should know better than that since you claim to obey all God's laws.

Next time someone new come on this forum, I run them by you and GA so you guys can tell me how to treat them.
Thank you Meshak.
Right now only one long-time loyal poster.

She has been posting against OT law viciously.

And she is the one who blurted out about his smoking drag.

He smoked at her house when he visited her.

He did that because she does think anything wrong with smoking drag either.

She defended comingfrom from my confronting Paul, comingfrom's smoking a drag.

It is a messy site so it is not easy to find who said what.

it seems he has that site for over 20 years with one poster.
Next time someone new come on this forum, I run them by you and GA so you guys can tell me how to treat them.
so convenient copout.

It is not a mature thing to do.

I invested so many months to support you a long time.

Give me a break.
Of course not.

I just simply don't judge people based on what others say about them. If you believe this practice is evil, then you do what you must.
But you are not willing to investigate whether what I said is true.

You have an obligation to do since I invested in your claims for so many months.

that is only a decent Christian thing to do.