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And the Truth will set you free


I was hoping you would pay attention to my thread about "true non-trins" thread which I asked you but you did not.

You should test the spirit of supporters of your faith.

So you can learn about them if their support of you is genuine.

We should not take everything that we claim.

I don't support your dwelling on obedience to God and Jesus so much.

Becaseu it is debatable and not clear about what we must observe.

You are giving too much room for your claims to be attacked since you and Comingfrom claim to follow all the laws and they are equally important to obey.

Now Meshak. I have always allowed you to blow steam. But when you preach things about me to others, then you should be able to back up your claims with something more than your own words. Can you show me even one place where i said "I follow all of God's Laws, and that they are all equally important to obey"?

While it is true I post God's Word, and Jesus Word's, which may teach this, and have claimed to believe in them, I don't go around claiming what you are saying.

Do I strive to be Faithful and obedient to God? Sure! Am I perfect? No. but as I have stated many times. "but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

I know you are mad at me, but that is no reason to make stuff up about me.
I gave you support for your claim of mainstream obeying the commandment is legalism.

No one fought as you did besides some other few posters.

that's the main reason for my support of you.

they cannot attack me on this since I don't claim to follow all the laws.

For me it's about what the Scriptures actually teach. You have identified a deception I believe, in the RCC doctrine of the trinity. GA preaches God's instructions are a Yoke of Bondage, and that the Pharisees were trying to earn salvation by obeying God, both are false according to Scriptures.. 1M preaches Jesus didn't distinguish between the Prophets and those unrighteous men who murdered them, another false doctrine according to Scriptures.

So far, CF has not promoting any of these false doctrines. If he had, I would have addressed them.

You anger at me is based on nothing. You can be this way if you want. But I have only been honest and kind with you since we met.
Thank you Sissy.
This cannot possibly be true.

The Feast of Firstfruits (Pentecost) was commanded that there be leaven.
We have to bring that we have.

My apologies, I didn't explain it well the first time.
He just showed me this.

I will put upon you none other burden.
But that which ye have already hold fast till I come.

Revelation 2:24-25

Pentecost was one of the three yearly holy Feasts that all of God's people were commanded to participate in, so it cannot possibly be that only babes in ignorance offered leaven.
Correct, and thank you. I didn't know it was called Pentecost.

Three times thou shalt keep a feast unto Me in the year.
Thou shalt keep the feast of unleavened bread:
( thou shalt eat unleavened bread seven days, as I commanded thee,
in the time appointed of the month Abib; for in it thou camest out from Egypt:
and none shall appear before Me empty: )
And the feast of harvest, the firstfruits of thy labours, which thou hast sown in the field:
and the feast of ingathering, which is in the end of the year, when thou hast gathered in thy labours out of the field.
Three times in the year all thy males shall appear before the Lord God.

Exodus 23:14-17

God absolutely accepted the leavened offering that He commanded to be offered and participated by all His people.
I said that, and I showed the verse, but I needed to see it again too.
So thank you again. Forgive me, I am still learning.

It is acceptable in our firstfruits offerings only, and it shall not be burnt upon the altar.

No meat offering, which ye shall bring unto the Lord, shall be made with leaven:
for ye shall burn no leaven, nor any honey, in any offering of the Lord made by fire.
As for the oblation of the firstfruits, ye shall offer them unto the Lord:
but they shall not be burnt on the altar for a sweet savour.

Leviticus 2:11-12

Furthermore, it was while the disciples were participating in the Feast of Firstfruits (Pentecost) that they received their new tongues of fire from the Holy Spirit that would spread the gospel throughout the world.
Thank you, yes, it was the same for me.
I have a thread here for discussing our new tongue.

Wherefore thus saith the Lord God of hosts,
Because ye speak this word, behold, I will make My words in thy mouth fire,
and this people wood, and it shall devour them.

Jeremiah 5:14

For you to say that you must avoid leaven at all times would mean that you could never participate in the holy Feast of Pentecost that God commanded for all His people.
We are to try to avoid eating leaven.
But our firstfruits offerings will undoubtedly contain some.

Ye shall eat nothing leavened; in all your habitations shall ye eat unleavened bread.
Exodus 12:20

Your tongue and understanding of this Feast is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay off.
Well, thank you for your assessment.
You were a great help to me.

Then Jesus said unto them,
Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees.

Matthew 16:6
Now Meshak. I have always allowed you to blow steam. But when you preach things about me to others, then you should be able to back up your claims with something more than your own words. Can you show me even one place where i said "I follow all of God's Laws, and that they are all equally important to obey"?

While it is true I post God's Word, and Jesus Word's, which may teach this, and have claimed to believe in them, I don't go around claiming what you are saying.

Do I strive to be Faithful and obedient to God? Sure! Am I perfect? No. but as I have stated many times. "but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

I know you are mad at me, but that is no reason to make stuff up about me.

For me it's about what the Scriptures actually teach. You have identified a deception I believe, in the RCC doctrine of the trinity. GA preaches God's instructions are a Yoke of Bondage, and that the Pharisees were trying to earn salvation by obeying God, both are false according to Scriptures.. 1M preaches Jesus didn't distinguish between the Prophets and those unrighteous men who murdered them, another false doctrine according to Scriptures.

So far, CF has not promoting any of these false doctrines. If he had, I would have addressed them.

You anger at me is based on nothing. You can be this way if you want. But I have only been honest and kind with you since we met.
Now you have become hypocritical and make up things about me while accusing others of doing it to you. Quite the hat trick.
It's Biblical truth that stings you GA. It would not matter who showed it to you.
Says the legalist who denies the Gosple of Christ to follow the popular religion of the world. You have that audacity to scold Shak for misrepresenting yourself to others while you do the very same thing within your scold.

. Can you show me even one place where i said "I follow all of God's Laws, and that they are all equally important to obey"?

When I claimed Jesus says God is one is the most important commandment, did you not say all commandments need to obey? Isnt that the reason for your dwelling on the 4th commandment?
I know you are mad at me, but that is no reason to make stuff up about me.

Read the comment above.
For me it's about what the Scriptures actually teach. You have identified a deception I believe, in the RCC doctrine of the trinity. GA preaches God's instructions are a Yoke of Bondage, and that the Pharisees were trying to earn salvation by obeying God, both are false according to Scriptures.. 1M preaches Jesus didn't distinguish between the Prophets and those unrighteous men who murdered them, another false doctrine according to Scriptures.

I dont care what they accused you of. they are not credible since they claim to strive to obey God and Jesus' teaching is legalism. It is clearly unbiblical. It is not even debatable that you keep at with them.
So far, CF has not promoting any of these false doctrines. If he had, I would have addressed them.

he has been portraying himself as holy as Jesus and claiming to be meek. You dont recognize his self-exaltation. It is so strange.

His MO is that he can copy and paste wall-to-wall verses.
You anger at me is based on nothing. You can be this way if you want. But I have only been honest and kind with you since we met.

I am not angry at all. I am only disappointed.
You were my friend too, Meshak.
And I have never done anything to you.

And I still love you ❤️ and forgive you.
But I do wish you would get up off your belly and stop hissing.
For your sake.

♥️ ♥️ ♥️
I dont use my faith for pleasing people.

I use it for witnessing.

I gave you the benefit of doubt that you are striving to be godly for your self-exaltion.
Thank you very much for that, sweetie. 😘
Now I might get some traffic to my website.

Are you going to visit his site?

It is super messy and disorganized.

And one loyal poster has been changing her user name a million times.

And she does not believe comingfrom heals the sick.

And mocked him for it.

And she is his over 20 years loyal friend.
It's a jumble, that is for sure. Imagine if we were all in the same room at a Whitehorse banquet! But no one likes to be told that nobody cares about them or what they have to say. Many people care about you, both on and off the forum, and I am one of them.
It does not bother me at all if anyone cares. My mission is for against trin churches' triune god worshipping.

So If I want to please you guys, I have to stop preaching my claim.

I was just so disappointed that @Studyman does not seem to care.

You know how much I supported him even though he did not show much appreciation.
It does not bother me at all if anyone cares. My mission is for against trin churches' triune god worshipping.

So If I want to please you guys, I have to stop preaching my claim.

I was just so disappointed that @Studyman does not seem to care.

You know how much I supported him even though he did not show much appreciation.
It makes no difference to me whether you please me or not. I still care about you.
You were my friend too, Meshak.
And I have never done anything to you.

And I still love you ❤️ and forgive you.
But I do wish you would get up off your belly and stop hissing.
For your sake.

♥️ ♥️ ♥️
So calling someone a snake is love to you? Just asking.