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And the Truth will set you free

When one brings their firstfruits to Him, they are still a babe in the scripture, and in their understanding,
and so their offering still contains leaven, and even honey, because of ignorance.
This cannot possibly be true.

The Feast of Firstfruits (Pentecost) was commanded that there be leaven.
Pentecost was one of the three yearly holy Feasts that all of God's people were commanded to participate in, so it cannot possibly be that only babes in ignorance offered leaven.

Yet God, knowing their heart, and their sincerity, still accepts them (not their leavened offering),
God absolutely accepted the leavened offering that He commanded to be offered and participated by all His people.

Furthermore, it was while the disciples were participating in the Feast of Firstfruits (Pentecost) that they received their new tongues of fire from the Holy Spirit that would spread the gospel throughout the world.

For you to say that you must avoid leaven at all times would mean that you could never participate in the holy Feast of Pentecost that God commanded for all His people.

Your tongue and understanding of this Feast is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay off.
But you are not willing to investigate whether what I said is true.

You have an obligation to do since I invested in your claims for so many months.

that is only a decent Christian thing to do.

I owe you nothing Meshak.

If someone says something that is true, and you agree with it, that's only wisdom on your part. It's not a trade, or a sale, or a compromise. You preach against the Catholic "Trinity" doctrine. I believe your understanding regarding this doctrine is true. Therefore, I support it. But you don't "Owe" me anything for this support, simply because I recognized a truth you were promoting. I don't now own you, or control you, nor do you "owe" me anything simply because I recognize a truth you are promoting.

This is silly Meshak.

I was hoping you would pay attention to my thread about "true non-trins" thread which I asked you but you did not.

You should test the spirit of supporters of your faith.

So you can learn about them if their support of you is genuine.

We should not take everything that we claim.

I don't support your dwelling on obedience to God and Jesus so much.

Becaseu it is debatable and not clear about what we must observe.

You are giving too much room for your claims to be attacked since you and Comingfrom claim to follow all the laws and they are equally important to obey.

I gave you support for your claim of mainstream obeying the commandment is legalism.

No one fought as you did besides some other few posters.

that's the main reason for my support of you.

they cannot attack me on this since I don't claim to follow all the laws.

I was hoping you would pay attention to my thread about "true non-trins" thread which I asked you but you did not.

You should test the spirit of supporters of your faith.

So you can learn about them if their support of you is genuine.

We should not take everything that we claim.

I don't support your dwelling on obedience to God and Jesus so much.

Becaseu it is debatable and not clear about what we must observe.

You are giving too much room for your claims to be attacked since you and Comingfrom claim to follow all the laws and they are are equally important to obey.

I gave you support for your claim of mainstream obeying the commandment is legalism.

No one fought like you did besides some other few posters.

that's the main reason for my support of you.

they cannot attack me on this since I don't claim to follow all the laws.
Nobody cares, meshak.

there are all kinds of corruption going on in the Christian world, even on this site.

If you close your eyes to the facts and the whole truth, you will be sharing their guilt too.

the Bible says to not share the guilt of evil deeds.

the Truth set you free indeed.
Why don't you ask him if what I said is true?

He has his own site too which he advertised in this site no on seems to care but me.

I visited it just because I showed him I care even though I did not agree with many of the things he claims because I gave him the benefit of the doubt.

especially he claims to heal the sick. And they call him Jesus.

Yes, I always give everyone the benefit of the doubt.

I did to comingfrom, God's Truth, Dakk, and many more.

I paid a lot of attention to them because they seem to be hot for the Lord. But I found so many inconsistencies in the claims and behaviors. Which you seem to disregard over and over. It seems that you disregard comingfrom's inconsistency because he has given you as the most scriptural as he. that is a grandiose compliment that you cannot ignore.

I watch out for what anyone claims if they are consistent in their words because I strive to be true to God and Jesus.

It is clear to me that you dont really care about the whole Truth of what we claim.
You were my friend too, Meshak.
And I have never done anything to you.

And I still love you ❤️ and forgive you.
But I do wish you would get up off your belly and stop hissing.
For your sake.

♥️ ♥️ ♥️
Because that might take you off your searching for iniquities in your brethren.

Not even close. You do not keep all of God's words.
I am sure that is true. He has a lot of words in His word.
But I think I am closer than you are, in keeping them all.

Not to boast, but to encourage you, to not be left behind.

SM looks at the bible and tries to earn or maintain his salvation by doing what it says. You look into God's word and sak yourself, "What can I do to change this around so I can say I keep it. The seventh day is the sabbath? Hmmm, that is inconvenient, I know, I'll change that to only two or three sabbaths a year and who care what day it is on, God didn't really mean what he said..."
Anybody who loves God so much that they cannot stop searching the scriptures
to find more ways to please Him, you stiffnecked people say are trying to "earn".

Man, I didn't stop proclaiming sabbaths for my first four and half years walking with the Lord.
I love coming to Him and standing in His presence. Don't you.
It is how I come to understand His "meaningless vagaries".
I do understand why you say that, because His words were the same for me, way back when.

These are the feasts of the Lord, even holy convocations,
which ye shall proclaim in their seasons.

Leviticus 23:4

No, don't lie to yourself. You sling mud back. Maybe you imagine it is Holy Mud.
You could say that.
If I see one speak in error, I will say something,
and offer a correction, even with the scripture so they might see.
I judge as I would like to be judged.

But I am not going around attacking people like some.
I only reply to posts,
and I also try to make teachings of the commandments.

I may well be wrong, and if so, hopefully some with a clearer eye will come and correct me.
But just saying, you lie, you aren't saved, you don't keep the word, you're imagining, and other such sayings and repeatedly,
is of no benefit to anyone.
That is just casting stones at those trying to be righteous. Isn't it.

For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged:
and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.

Matthew 7:2

You do not like your false beliefs being challenged but what type of Christian would I be if I did not say something when error that kills is being preached?
Calling my beliefs false is not challenging them.

That is just casting a stone at something which you have confessed you don't even comprehend.

Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy;
break up your fallow ground:
for it is time to seek the Lord, till He come and rain righteousness upon you.

Hosea 10:12
I was hoping he cares.
It's a jumble, that is for sure. Imagine if we were all in the same room at a Whitehorse banquet! But no one likes to be told that nobody cares about them or what they have to say. Many people care about you, both on and off the forum, and I am one of them.
Because that might take you off your searching for iniquities in your brethren.
You can’t hear me. It is the message not the messenger.
I am sure that is true. He has a lot of words in His word.
But I think I am closer than you are, in keeping them all.

Not to boast, but to encourage you, to not be left behind.
No one will be justified by keeping the law.
Anybody who loves God so much that they cannot stop searching the scriptures
to find more ways to please Him, you stiffnecked people say are trying to "earn".

Man, I didn't stop proclaiming sabbaths for my first four and half years walking with the Lord.
I love coming to Him and standing in His presence. Don't you.
It is how I come to understand His "meaningless vagaries".
I do understand why you say that, because His words were the same for me, way back when.

These are the feasts of the Lord, even holy convocations,
which ye shall proclaim in their seasons.

Leviticus 23:4

You could say that.
If I see one speak in error, I will say something,
and offer a correction, even with the scripture so they might see.
I judge as I would like to be judged.

But I am not going around attacking people like some.
I only reply to posts,
and I also try to make teachings of the commandments.

I may well be wrong, and if so, hopefully some with a clearer eye will come and correct me.
But just saying, you lie, you aren't saved, you don't keep the word, you're imagining, and other such sayings and repeatedly,
is of no benefit to anyone.
That is just casting stones at those trying to be righteous. Isn't it.

For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged:
and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.

Matthew 7:2

Calling my beliefs false is not challenging them.

That is just casting a stone at something which you have confessed you don't even comprehend.

Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy;
break up your fallow ground:
for it is time to seek the Lord, till He come and rain righteousness upon you.

Hosea 10:12
You simply cannot hear.