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Why All the Divisions Within Christ's Church?

Wow! Did I press the wrong button?

If you calm down a bit we can discuss this.
What was not calm about that?! Stop the arguing and bickering or go elsewhere. You could have just discussed it instead of posting this.
What was not calm about that?! Stop the arguing and bickering or go elsewhere. You could have just discussed it instead of posting this.

You don't want to discuss?
OK, I'll leave you to your opinion.
Seriously Blade? Do you think you are the only one who has spent years studying and sharing what is in the Bible.

I really wouldn't brag too much about what you know because it's quite clear you are mistaken on some key issues.
I know the importance you put on certain verses, but you'll need support from the rest of scripture. Don't bother talking about the reformation because we are in the end days, and I won't have time for too much nonsense.
All things written in the law and prophets (sola scriptura) or law and the testimony of the law as God's testimony to us continue to reform and restore the government of God .The first century reformation which gets ignored sets the standard ,Study the 1st the 15th as a carbon copy follows. Same father of lies .God of this world
You don't want to discuss?
OK, I'll leave you to your opinion.
Look Mungo, you are putting forth emptiness. I posted something on the sovereignty of God. You responded by saying I needed to calm down, even though there was nothing in my post that suggested I wasn't calm or that I didn't want to discuss it. I suspect the angst was in you not me. Then you said we could discuss what I said about the sovereignty of God if only I would calm down. I ALREADY IN THAT VERY POST PUT FORTH MY UNDERSTANDING ON THAT SUBJECT. The next step in a discussion of what I SAID would be your input on the subject, not more of mine. And then when you did that, I would give my input on what you say. That is a discussion. I presented my case with support from the Bible. Your turn. If you want to have a discussion on what I said, go back, to put everything in its order so it makes sense, quote what I put forth on the sovereignty of God, and offer a comment on that. Instead of only offering comments on me.
That is just the way it was for me too discussing with her, and actually, it is that way with a lot of people here.
You have no clue what you are talking about----and yet you talk, talk, talk. Go back if necessary and read the OP and then post what you want on that subject. The OP is about a specific something. It is not about me. You and Mungo for some reason think it is. My guess would be that you don't care about the subject, at all, or you are using the primary "weapon" of those who cannot be given a subject and then put forth valid and supported comments on it. All you seem to have is your feelings and your mouth. This post does not require your response. It is off topic and dealing with your and Mongo's inability to even figure out what the subject is. I will not continue in the vein in which you are taking the thread. Just knock it off.
Let's assume for the moment, and the sake of discussion that doesn't consist of simply putting people down or changing the thread into what it isn't; let's assume that the teaching of traditional protestant churches on the sovereignty of God and original sin is correct. And for clarity, by divisions I am not necessarily speaking of denominational differences, but the myriad variety of the way in which we interpret scripture. If we pull away from these two doctrines how will Christians, true Christians in accordance with apostolic teaching and foundation, what will happen over time within the church, and the strength of the believer to stand against false teaching and their ability to discern what is false and what is true. That is the gist of my OP, the huge numbers of false teachers, ill equipped teachers, and how easily we accept them, right into the church.

The sovereignty of God being His absolute governance over all His creation, operating as such through all eternity because that is Who He is. Job chapters 38-41; Ps 115:3; Romans 11:33; Is 61:1; Is 25:8-9; Prov 19:21; 1 Chron 16:31; Dan 4:35; Ps 135:6 etc.
The protestant doctrine of original sin affirms that through Adam, to sin has become our very nature---what we are inclined towards and do---and all fall short of the glory of God, and God's justice against sin, death. Death of the person physically and this physical death bringing about eternal separation from God, unless the Perfect redeems the imperfect.