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"Try The Spirits Whether They Are Of God" 1 John 4:1.

There are no contradictions in the Bible concerning salvation. If predestination was true the Bible would be full of it, there is nothing. The word predestination only appears in the Bible 4 times. Not once does it say that God predestinates people to heaven or to hell. You are assuming that the scripture says that.
Let me try again..to answer directly this question above. "Not once does it say that God predestinates people to heaven or to hell. You are assuming that the scripture says that."

Rom 8:29(KJV).."For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren" Rem, Jesus is also the firstborn and are those of His church (His Body)...Notice it says the they are predestinated.

Rom 8:30..(KJV)
"Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified. Notice the two verses go together..In the first (v29) tells us He did predestinate who He foreknew to be in the same "firstborn" as Jesus.

In the second verse (30). Again Jesus tells us about predestination, only this time he tells us those who were predestined were also called, and those who were called were also justified and those who were justified were also glorified (taken into heaven)

SO---Predestined - Called- Justified- Glroified (into heaven).......I do believe that is exactly what it says

I am pretty sure it answered your last post statement ". "Not once does it say that God predestinates people to heaven or to hell. You are assuming that the scripture says that.""

According to the Bible it’s true. Christ died for everyone. Salvation is available to anyone.
We agree on that but not everyone accepts it and of those that do not, cannot because of their total depravity of sin. They will not/ can not seek nor recognize God UNLESS He Calls them (conditions their hearts and minds to accept Jesus Christ and Seek Him and His WORD).

We agree on that but not everyone accepts it and of those that do not, cannot because of their total depravity of sin. They will not/ can not seek nor recognize God UNLESS He Calls them (conditions their hearts and minds to accept Jesus Christ and Seek Him and His WORD).

"For God has concluded them ALL in unbelief, that he might HAVE MERCY UPON ALL" Romans 11:32.

Of all of the religions, Calvinism is the easiest to refute.
"For God has concluded them ALL in unbelief, that he might HAVE MERCY UPON ALL" Romans 11:32.

Of all of the religions, Calvinism is the easiest to refute.
Fortunately, the Lord our GOD, Jesus Christ is speaking to the Gentiles and telling them the future of Israel..for in Rom 9, 10 and 11, lies the past, present (time of Paul) and future. Yes, He will have mercy on the remnant of Israel which will be roughly 1/3 of their population of the future.

You really need to understand your bible more.

Your right. The Gospel is anti-religion. Yet multitudes like you, love their religion. If Calvinist were interested in what Jesus accomplished on the cross they would not be Calvinist.
What would they be?

And there is no such as no religion. Atheism is a religion they have many supports groups that by faith do not believe in a God not seen .Jesu called them fools. No God in their thinking)

Do you love your religion?

James defines the religion that God sets his approval on in a parable below

James 1: 27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.
Fortunately, the Lord our GOD, Jesus Christ is speaking to the Gentiles and telling them the future of Israel..for in Rom 9, 10 and 11, lies the past, present (time of Paul) and future. Yes, He will have mercy on the remnant of Israel which will be roughly 1/3 of their population of the future.

You really need to understand your bible more.

You don't understand what the word "All" means, you probably also have a problem with the word "Whosoever". To believe Calvinism means that you have to change the meaning of words in the Bible.
You don't understand what the word "All" means, you probably also have a problem with the word "Whosoever". To believe Calvinism means that you have to change the meaning of words in the Bible.
do not change word one but you certainly ignore many. If your speaking about "All of Israel:" then this has been spoken of many time in both OT and NT..."All of Israel" to mean those who are alive at the time of the particular event...There are at least two events where this is used.

do not change word one but you certainly ignore many. If your speaking about "All of Israel:" then this has been spoken of many time in both OT and NT..."All of Israel" to mean those who are alive at the time of the particular event...There are at least two events where this is used.

It does not say ALL of Israel. But even if it did, it means EVERYONE. Just like, "God so loved the world" means everyone.
It does not say ALL of Israel. But even if it did, it means EVERYONE. Just like, "God so loved the world" means everyone.
I see the problem,,,,you don't like it if the whole world is not saved and threatened by the Predestination Doctrine, that you may not be one of the elect...

That is not the way it works...Oh, He(Jesus)saved the world so I am saved and do not have to do anything..Anything goes. Wrong

I see the problem,,,,you don't like it if the whole world is not saved and threatened by the Predestination Doctrine, that you may not be one of the elect...

That is not the way it works...Oh, He(Jesus)saved the world so I am saved and do not have to do anything..Anything goes. Wrong

Salvation has been provided for everyone by the doing and the dying of Jesus.

"That he by the grace of God should taste death for EVERYONE" Hebrews 2:9.

I am one of the elect because I am "In Christ".
Salvation has been provided for everyone by the doing and the dying of Jesus.

"That he by the grace of God should taste death for EVERYONE" Hebrews 2:9.

I am one of the elect because I am "In Christ".
you are one of the elect? yet you ignore and rail against the very doctrine it is in...That does not change the fact, there will be many who are not saved, because God does not give them His mercy.

It does not say ALL of Israel. But even if it did, it means EVERYONE. Just like, "God so loved the world" means everyone.
I would agree with the word Israel it represents all the sons of God as the bride of Christ he propmised to give her a new name which he did in the book of Acts renamed her Christian . A more befitting name to represent all the nations of the world . Literally meaning as a demonym: Residents of the city of Christ named after her founder and husband Christ.

The love or labor of love God as a work of His faith had was for the whole world not just the Jewish world . He who is of one mind and always does whatsoever his soul pleases. He does the electing making our heart soft with the water of the word (the Holy Spirit) Jesus said to the father "not as I will" but you Abba father