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"Try The Spirits Whether They Are Of God" 1 John 4:1.

Let me try again..to answer directly this question above. "Not once does it say that God predestinates people to heaven or to hell. You are assuming that the scripture says that."

Rom 8:29(KJV).."For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren" Rem, Jesus is also the firstborn and are those of His church (His Body)...Notice it says the they are predestinated.

Rom 8:30..(KJV)
"Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified. Notice the two verses go together..In the first (v29) tells us He did predestinate who He foreknew to be in the same "firstborn" as Jesus.

In the second verse (30). Again Jesus tells us about predestination, only this time he tells us those who were predestined were also called, and those who were called were also justified and those who were justified were also glorified (taken into heaven)

SO---Predestined - Called- Justified- Glroified (into heaven).......I do believe that is exactly what it says

I am pretty sure it answered your last post statement ". "Not once does it say that God predestinates people to heaven or to hell. You are assuming that the scripture says that.""

None of the scriptures that you listed says that God predestinates people to heaven or to hell. All of the above scriptures also applies to me who is not a Calvinist. I am one of the elect because I am in Christ. God predestinated Jesus to be the savior of the world. All that are in Christ are the elect.
I would agree with the word Israel it represents all the sons of God as the bride of Christ he propmised to give her a new name which he did in the book of Acts renamed her Christian . A more befitting name to represent all the nations of the world . Literally meaning as a demonym: Residents of the city of Christ named after her founder and husband Christ.

The love or labor of love God as a work of His faith had was for the whole world not just the Jewish world . He who is of one mind and always does whatsoever his soul pleases. He does the electing making our heart soft with the water of the word (the Holy Spirit) Jesus said to the father "not as I will" but you Abba father
The doctrine that you must be saved to be saved is not biblical. The Holy Spirit is only given to those that hear and believe the Gospel, Galatians 3:2.
you are one of the elect? yet you ignore and rail against the very doctrine it is in...That does not change the fact, there will be many who are not saved, because God does not give them His mercy.

I have God's mercy, because I have Christ as my savior.
None of the scriptures that you listed says that God predestinates people to heaven or to hell. All of the above scriptures also applies to me who is not a Calvinist. I am one of the elect because I am in Christ. God predestinated Jesus to be the savior of the world. All that are in Christ are the elect.
what about all that are not in Christ...are they elect as well?

I have God's mercy, because I have Christ as my savior.
Yet you don't believe in his word...so you just ignore it along with other doctrines of the Holy Word, Yet you proclaim you are saved...I have seen a lot of people saying the same, day in day out...

I will not rebuke you but rather will leave that to Jesus...You may be right?

Yet you don't believe in his word...so you just ignore it along with other doctrines of the Holy Word, Yet you proclaim you are saved...I have seen a lot of people saying the same, day in day out...

I will not rebuke you but rather will leave that to Jesus...You may be right?


All that are "IN CHRIST" are the elect, no predestination or Calvinism needed. I by my own free will accepted Jesus as my savior. I was convicted by the Holy Spirit of my need for Christ and accepted him as my savior, that was over 50 years ago. I had not even heard of Calvinism. I was a lost sinner that needed to be saved and called on Christ to save me, "Whosoever that shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved" Romans 10:13. I am trusting in Christ to save me, not a doctrine or a religion.
All that are "IN CHRIST" are the elect, no predestination or Calvinism needed. I by my own free will accepted Jesus as my savior. I was convicted by the Holy Spirit of my need for Christ and accepted him as my savior, that was over 50 years ago. I had not even heard of Calvinism. I was a lost sinner that needed to be saved and called on Christ to save me, "Whosoever that shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved" Romans 10:13. I am trusting in Christ to save me, not a doctrine or a religion.

Two possibilities. Two manners of spirits . The Spirit of God and the anti- spirit . . Legion, Lucifer, Satan the one father of all lies

Well either you by own will are in bondage to the one god of this world believing the lie of the father of lies ( Legion) Or the work of God working in you revealed the will and empowered you to perform it. . You say convicted by the Holy Spirit then make the claim of false pride . Obviously we cannot serve two good teaching masters as one unseen God and Lord .

Which one good teaching master today ?

God did not create as free agents but creatures to obey the will of another not seen. It was not God's choice that mankind learn by experience what it means to be dead as in dying leading to actually death .
Two possibilities. Two manners of spirits . The Spirit of God and the anti- spirit . . Legion, Lucifer, Satan the one father of all lies

Well either you by own will are in bondage to the one god of this world believing the lie of the father of lies ( Legion) Or the work of God working in you revealed the will and empowered you to perform it. . You say convicted by the Holy Spirit then make the claim of false pride . Obviously we cannot serve two good teaching masters as one unseen God and Lord .

Which one good teaching master today ?

God did not create as free agents but creatures to obey the will of another not seen. It was not God's choice that mankind learn by experience what it means to be dead as in dying leading to actually death .
The evidence of the Holy Spirit is in me.

Over 50 years of faithful service to Christ and his Gospel.
Yet you don't believe in his word...so you just ignore it along with other doctrines of the Holy Word, Yet you proclaim you are saved...I have seen a lot of people saying the same, day in day out...

I will not rebuke you but rather will leave that to Jesus...You may be right?


Blade— don’t be so quick to make pronouncements like this.

He believes it differently than you.

Many do. It’s sad when folks have no room in their hearts or conversations for those who simply see things differently. There are portions of scripture YOU ignore. There are beliefs YOU insert that are not there. So what?

Those are YOUR understandings and YOUR beliefs and YOU are the only one who has to answer for them. No one else gets to pronounce your beliefs wrong, though they may well be. Can anyone say— “you don’t believe God’s word?” Your beliefs and understandings and doctrines differ from some others on some things.

Wonderful. You ain’t the Pope. — and if you were, would that make you correct on everything?
Blade— don’t be so quick to make pronouncements like this.

He believes it differently than you.

Many do. It’s sad when folks have no room in their hearts or conversations for those who simply see things differently. There are portions of scripture YOU ignore. There are beliefs YOU insert that are not there. So what?

Those are YOUR understandings and YOUR beliefs and YOU are the only one who has to answer for them. No one else gets to pronounce your beliefs wrong, though they may well be. Can anyone say— “you don’t believe God’s word?” Your beliefs and understandings and doctrines differ from some others on some things.

Wonderful. You ain’t the Pope. — and if you were, would that make you correct on everything?

The main thing is are your doctrines and beliefs compatible with the Bible? I mean the whole Bible not just some of the Bible. Calvinists build their doctrine and beliefs on a handful of scriptures. There is nothing in the Old Testament that supports Calvinism. All of the prophets and patriarchs were justified and saved by faith in God's promise of a savior. No one claims that they were predestinated to salvation.
The main thing is are your doctrines and beliefs compatible with the Bible? I mean the whole Bible not just some of the Bible. Calvinists build their doctrine and beliefs on a handful of scriptures. There is nothing in the Old Testament that supports Calvinism. All of the prophets and patriarchs were justified and saved by faith in God's promise of a savior. No one claims that they were predestinated to salvation.

A person's main concern should be determining if their own doctrines and beliefs align with scripture, not worrying about everyone else's.
A person's main concern should be determining if their own doctrines and beliefs align with scripture, not worrying about everyone else's.
I accept and believe all of the Bible, not just some of the Bible. All of the scriptures that Calvinist embrace I also embrace. I just interpret them differently. The Gospel of Jesus Christ interprets all scripture. Without knowledge of the Gospel there is no enlightening.