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Greetings again meshak,
He knows what I am doing and he accepts it. @Studyman
I doubt that he wants to be under your wing and to be used as support as you claim here for your supposed "mission".
it is clear that you hate my faith because I don't accept your reading of prophecy.
You like the word "hate", but I simply strongly disagree, and I assess that you have not considered many portions of the Word of God and the simple, clear teaching and understanding that comes from this. You seem to be able to turn every thread into a discussion of the Trinity. I suggest if the title is not the Trinity or similar that you should not participate unless you stick to the subject of the thread. Why advertise the false teaching of the Trinity in every thread?
No non trins, except shroom and his friends, hate me the way you do.
Like shroom I do not hate you. I may be a bit harsh, but it does not seem to impact upon you and I should rather apologise and leave you to your "mission" and ignore your posts. So I apologise.
In fact, all Christoderians treated me as you do, even though I expressed my agreement with many of their claims.
I am not sure who you are referring to here, Christadelphians? Have you had contact with other Christadelphians? on forums or personal? You will most probably find them much better than me. Christadelphians will attempt to substantiate the whole range of their doctrines, and do not like fellow travellers on a few of their doctrines if the person openly rejects their other doctrines, such as found in Isaiah 2:1-4, Zechariah 14:16. We do not fellowship people who have only part of the Gospel of the Kingdom and Name, but seek to bring them to that status of affectionately believing all of the Gospel of the Kingdom and Name and be thus motivated to unite in the death and resurrection of Christ by baptism in water Acts 8:5-6,12, Romans 6:1-8 and then walk in the crucified / resurrected life in Christ, motivated by his love Galatians 2:20. We have had two baptisms in recent months and a third on next Saturday if all goes well.

Kind regards
Have you had contact with other Christadelphians?
Nope, I have tried to understand what they are all about in the forums but they always shunned me.

You have been like that too. Very cold treatment.

and this is not your thread. all threads I am in, the OP accepts my interruptions except Sissy.

@Studyman is not under my wing. He has his own mission.

Don't be so flattered analyzing your enemy posters.

Your egoistic faith is your shortcoming and so childish.

As I said, you seem to be so intimidated by trins persecution and hate everyone who is not intimidated by them.

so sad.
Greetings again meshak,
Your egoistic faith is your shortcoming and so childish.
As I said, you seem to be so intimidated by trins persecution and hate everyone who is not intimidated by them.
so sad.
I can take on the criticism that I need to be more humble, but I am in no way persecuted by trins and I do not have a feeling of hate, again your favourite word for anyone who does not fully endorse you and your mission. I cannot endorse most of the rest of your post.

Kind regards
Greetings again meshak,

I can take on the criticism that I need to be more humble, but I am in no way persecuted by trins and I do not have a feeling of hate, again your favourite word for anyone who does not fully endorse you and your mission. I cannot endorse most of the rest of your post.

Kind regards
I know.

You have been expressing abundantly.

nothing new.

My comments are all my perspective of your faith and your behavior.
It was developed through study of scripture.
And a reminder that this thread is not about trin doctrine anyway.

Hi thanks .its not a salvation issue but more of how can we hear God who is not a man (creation)

I offer two is the witness of God .the us (Elohim) in Genesis 1:26)

Using two or three references how is the trin developed?
We should not try to change what is written. That's how man-made doctrines are created.
Man -made doctrine come as oral traditions. What would that have to with rightly dividing the parables, as doctrines?
So are you saying oral tradition is legit as doctrine?
Thanks I can try..

I would think oral traditons are opinions, or private commentaries called heresy of what we think the word of God teaches us. . The same word heresy is used to represent sect or denomination. . differences is a must .The kingdom of God does not come by observation or sight

In that way the smallest denomination is a family, nation or called a tribe . Like with the new family of the Jews . Beginning with a man called Abram meaning "exalted father" ( One) His mother a Hittite and father a Amorite .

Made up of two families. This was before his name was changed to "Abraham" meaning the Holy Father of many denominations as nations plural .

Ezekiel 16:3And say, Thus saith the Lord God unto Jerusalem; Thy birth and thy nativity is of the land of Canaan; thy father was an Amorite, and thy mother an Hittite

The blending of one new nation, or family

Matthew 18:20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

1 Corinthians 11:19 For there must be also heresies among you, that they which are approved may be made manifest among you.

I would then offer there is some what we call wiggle room room for differences as long as they do not do despite to the fullness of Christ grace. . . the cost of salvation.

Many do do despite to the grace they called false teachers as false prophets .They declare the will of what they call "venerable men" that lord it over the understanding of the non-venerable pew warmers

2 Peter 2:1 But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.
Thanks I can try..

I would think oral traditons are opinions, or private commentaries called heresy of what we think the word of God teaches us. . The same word heresy is used to represent sect or denomination. . differences is a must .The kingdom of God does not come by observation or sight

In that way the smallest denomination is a family, nation or called a tribe . Like with the new family of the Jews . Beginning with a man called Abram meaning "exalted father" ( One) His mother a Hittite and father a Amorite .

Made up of two families. This was before his name was changed to "Abraham" meaning the Holy Father of many denominations as nations plural .

Ezekiel 16:3And say, Thus saith the Lord God unto Jerusalem; Thy birth and thy nativity is of the land of Canaan; thy father was an Amorite, and thy mother an Hittite

The blending of one new nation, or family

Matthew 18:20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

1 Corinthians 11:19 For there must be also heresies among you, that they which are approved may be made manifest among you.

I would then offer there is some what we call wiggle room room for differences as long as they do not do despite to the fullness of Christ grace. . . the cost of salvation.

Many do do despite to the grace they called false teachers as false prophets .They declare the will of what they call "venerable men" that lord it over the understanding of the non-venerable pew warmers

2 Peter 2:1 But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.
My conclusion is the bottom line of salvation, meaning I consider all the scripture to fit into Jesus' word.

Jesus' word or teaching is the key to salvation and it is not that complicated.

After all, Christianity is all about salvation.