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Greetings again Pipiripi,
It is failed because you want that your wrong understanding of Isaiah 2:1-4 has to do with your physical thinking of prophecy, and never can understand the spiritual meaning, and also cannot understand that God always used symbolic languages when it is something in the future.
Yes, I will hold on to my understanding of Isaiah 2:1-4. I would like to share this with you. In my early 20s I had a discussion with a work mate. He was interested in the Bible and Prophecy. The first conversation was at the time of the Six Day War, and Israel was very much in the news. I stated that I believed Israel would survive and spoke of a few prophecies that speak of their involvement in latter day events. Some weeks later I received a knock on the door and a SDA Pastor and his Assistant visited unannounced and stated that they wanted to talk to me about the Bible, Israel and Prophecy. They had been sent by my workmate's mother who was a SDA and she was very concerned about my influence on her son.

Eventually I asked about the nation of Israel and their role in some of the Prophets. I do not know exactly what verses were discussed, but mainly the general concept was discussed. Their answer was that the many prophecies that speak of Israel were conditional, and would have only occurred if the Jews had accepted Jesus at his first coming. Seeing that the Jews did not accept Jesus, then all these prophecies were superseded. Looking back now, this became a turning point, as I no longer held the SDAs in much respect, even though I agreed with some of their other doctrines. My understanding of the prophets is that they clearly speak of how the Jews would reject their Messiah, yet despite this they would eventually return to the Land and be converted.

A second encounter had a similar effect. I was down in the Sydney Domain, and they had open air preaching at that time, with about 10-12 stands. Each stand would be surrounded by people listening and sometimes hassling the speaker of each group. On one occasion an older SDA started to discuss privately with me, and the subject of the Kingdom and Israel was mentioned. I asked how he understood Zechariah 14, and his answer was that he did not know why God placed Zechariah 14 in the Bible, because he could not reconcile his beliefs with Zechariah 14.

These two encounters were over 50 years ago, and I have never seen the need to change my view on this, especially as I was well instructed about the Promise of the Land in Genesis 13:14,15 (not heaven going) and Galatians 3:8,16,26,27,28,29 by my Sunday (!!!) School teacher. The difference between these SDAs and you is that they could understand what these prophecies were actually stating. You seem to have ripped these pages out of your Bible or white-wash painted over them by your wrong interpretation of Revelation 20. Neither has anything that you have stated altered my view on Jesus as the King/Priest upon the Temple/Throne of David in Jerusalem for the 1000 years, with the faithful also as king/priests and the mortal nation of Israel converted and the first dominion, and the mortal nations subjected and learning the ways of God. This picture is simply and clearly depicted in Isaiah 2:1,2,3,4 and Zechariah 14:16. I should imagine that you want to "pluck" these verses out of your Bible and put them in the fire.

Kind regards
Greetings again Pipiripi,

Yes, I will hold on to my understanding of Isaiah 2:1-4. I would like to share this with you. In my early 20s I had a discussion with a work mate. He was interested in the Bible and Prophecy. The first conversation was at the time of the Six Day War, and Israel was very much in the news. I stated that I believed Israel would survive and spoke of a few prophecies that speak of their involvement in latter day events. Some weeks later I received a knock on the door and a SDA Pastor and his Assistant visited unannounced and stated that they wanted to talk to me about the Bible, Israel and Prophecy. They had been sent by my workmate's mother who was a SDA and she was very concerned about my influence on her son.

Eventually I asked about the nation of Israel and their role in some of the Prophets. I do not know exactly what verses were discussed, but mainly the general concept was discussed. Their answer was that the many prophecies that speak of Israel were conditional, and would have only occurred if the Jews had accepted Jesus at his first coming. Seeing that the Jews did not accept Jesus, then all these prophecies were superseded. Looking back now, this became a turning point, as I no longer held the SDAs in much respect, even though I agreed with some of their other doctrines. My understanding of the prophets is that they clearly speak of how the Jews would reject their Messiah, yet despite this they would eventually return to the Land and be converted.

A second encounter had a similar effect. I was down in the Sydney Domain, and they had open air preaching at that time, with about 10-12 stands. Each stand would be surrounded by people listening and sometimes hassling the speaker of each group. On one occasion an older SDA started to discuss privately with me, and the subject of the Kingdom and Israel was mentioned. I asked how he understood Zechariah 14, and his answer was that he did not know why God placed Zechariah 14 in the Bible, because he could not reconcile his beliefs with Zechariah 14.

These two encounters were over 50 years ago, and I have never seen the need to change my view on this, especially as I was well instructed about the Promise of the Land in Genesis 13:14,15 (not heaven going) and Galatians 3:8,16,26,27,28,29 by my Sunday (!!!) School teacher. The difference between these SDAs and you is that they could understand what these prophecies were actually stating. You seem to have ripped these pages out of your Bible or white-wash painted over them by your wrong interpretation of Revelation 20. Neither has anything that you have stated altered my view on Jesus as the King/Priest upon the Temple/Throne of David in Jerusalem for the 1000 years, with the faithful also as king/priests and the mortal nation of Israel converted and the first dominion, and the mortal nations subjected and learning the ways of God. This picture is simply and clearly depicted in Isaiah 2:1,2,3,4 and Zechariah 14:16. I should imagine that you want to "pluck" these verses out of your Bible and put them in the fire.

Kind regards
it is clear that you don't accept spiritual Israel and Israelites against Jesus' word.

that settles it for me.

just my two cents.

Greetings again meshak,
it is clear that you don't accept spiritual Israel and Israelites against Jesus' word.
Strange comment. I accept that the faithful are spiritual Israel now and they will become the kings and priests of the Age to Come, helping the mortal nations in the ways of God. The SDAs claim that the SDAs will be kings and priests in heaven for the 1000 years with all the nations destroyed and the earth burnt and desolate. Their job as kings and priests will be the sombre duty to examine the books of the wicked who will be raised and told why they are rejected and then these wicked will die again. I prefer what Isaiah 2:1,2,3,4 and Zechariah 14:16 clearly teach that there will be mortal individuals and nations in the Kingdom of God during the 1000 years in contradiction to your, SDA and JW teachings. You support Pipiripi because he is anti-trin, not because you accept his kingdom teachings. Part of your mission, the enemy of my enemies is my friend, no matter how ridiculous are his other teachings. The JWs believe that only the 144,000 in heaven will be the kings and priests, while the 2nd class JWs will be upon the earth. You have only part JW teaching, but the faithful will have no one to help when the faithful are kings and priests for the 1000 years. That settles it for me, I prefer Isaiah 2:1,2,3,4, Zechariah 14:16, bye.

Kind regards
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Greetings again meshak,

Strange comment. I accept that the faithful are spiritual Israel now and they will become the kings and priests of the Age to Come, helping the mortal nations in the ways of God. The SDAs claim that the SDAs will be kings and priests in heaven for the 1000 years with all the nations destroyed and the earth burnt and desolate. Their job as kings and priests will be the sombre duty to examine the books of the wicked who will be raised and told why they are rejected and then these wicked will die again. I prefer what Isaiah 2:1,2,3,4 and Zechariah 14:16 clearly teach that there will be mortal individuals and nations in the Kingdom of God during the 1000 years in contradiction to your, SDA and JW teachings. You support Pipiripi because he is anti-trin, not because you accept his kingdom teachings. Part of your mission, the enemy of my enemies is my friend, no matter how ridiculous are his other teachings. The JWs believe that only the 144,000 in heaven will be the kings and priests, while the 2nd class JWs will be upon the earth. You have only part JW teaching, but the faithful will have no one to help when the faithful are kings and priests for the 1000 years. That settles it for me, I prefer Isaiah 2:1,2,3,4, Zechariah 14:16, bye.

Kind regards
I dont accept JWs 144,000 and SDA's their strict obedience to Saturday worshipping and their kingdom.

I have told you so.

You guys nitpicking each other, disregarding the most important commandment.

that's why I don't join any organization.

I have been trying all non-trins to stop nitpicking war regarding the prophecy.

At least @Pipiripi and @Studyman accept my mission.

but you have been antagonizing me for my mission for all these years.
Greetings again meshak,
I dont accept JWs 144,000 and SDA's their strict obedience to Saturday worshipping and their kingdom.
You do not accept the teaching of Isaiah 2:1-4 and Zechariah 14:16 either. Anyway, this thread is finished as Pipiripi has already claimed victory and done his victory lap around the oval and everyone on White Horse Forum has applauded him, as he claimed in his last post, even though he ignored just about everything I stated, and said such things as plucking verses.
Everybody knows that you have lost the debate.

@Studyman is the only one who is fighting against Trin's deceptive teachings.
I doubt that Studyman would endorse support for what you stand for. You claimed this for nearly every non-trin at one stage or another, and tried to stir us up for your holy cause or mission, and then you started to claim that each of us were not true non-trins. Eventually you will be alone as queen, sitting on the sand castle waving your flag or banner like a Trump supporter at his rally, and the sand castle will crumble or be washed away by the tide.

Kind regards
Greetings again meshak,

You do not accept the teaching of Isaiah 2:1-4 and Zechariah 14:16 either.

I dont read the way you do. You are disregarding Jesus' replacement of the teaching of Jesus.
I doubt that Studyman would endorse support for what you stand for.
He knows what I am doing and he accepts it. @Studyman

I asked him and he endorsed my mission.

I truly believe remnants are from non-organizational Jesus' followers.

I am truly sad for you for your narrow-minded faith.

it is clear that you hate my faith because I don't accept your reading of prophecy.
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No non trins, except shroom and his friends, hate me the way you do. I don't count shroom as non-trin becaseu he adopts too many of trin's doctrines.

that should tell you something.

In fact, all Christoderians treated me as you do, even though I expressed my agreement with many of their claims.
Greetings again meshak,

Strange comment. I accept that the faithful are spiritual Israel now and they will become the kings and priests of the Age to Come, helping the mortal nations in the ways of God. The SDAs claim that the SDAs will be kings and priests in heaven for the 1000 years with all the nations destroyed and the earth burnt and desolate. Their job as kings and priests will be the sombre duty to examine the books of the wicked who will be raised and told why they are rejected and then these wicked will die again. I prefer what Isaiah 2:1,2,3,4 and Zechariah 14:16 clearly teach that there will be mortal individuals and nations in the Kingdom of God during the 1000 years in contradiction to your, SDA and JW teachings. You support Pipiripi because he is anti-trin, not because you accept his kingdom teachings. Part of your mission, the enemy of my enemies is my friend, no matter how ridiculous are his other teachings. The JWs believe that only the 144,000 in heaven will be the kings and priests, while the 2nd class JWs will be upon the earth. You have only part JW teaching, but the faithful will have no one to help when the faithful are kings and priests for the 1000 years. That settles it for me, I prefer Isaiah 2:1,2,3,4, Zechariah 14:16, bye.

Kind regards

I would offer.

People are quick to be of number as some sort of self venerating hope. I did it it prove it .No such thing as sign gifts (self venerating)

Jesus says those of the number they have there reward of false fame

Remember no signs were given to wonder after rather than follow prophecy . Simply the sign of the times .History repeating itself over and over having no power of ones own to change . Moral issues at the fall of any nation or family .

The last sign and wonder, as sign to the whole world comparing as a parable Jonah to the Son of man Jesus. It was fulfilled during the three days and nights propmised demonstration of the lamb who was slain from the very foundation of the world .The six days the father did work .

Christians have become the new order of Kingdom of priest .By the Spirit of Christ that works in us to both reveal his will and empower us to do it to his good pleasure. He is our high priest continually without beginning and end of Holy Spirit life .

If a person dismisses the interpretation instruction in the first verse as not only "sent" but "signified" or called hidden manna in Chapter 2 . Then all things become literal what the eyes see.the pagan tradition out of sight out of mind

Revelation 1:1 King James Version The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John:
By that kind of interpretation literal it exposes those who had no faith coming from the word of God. they made Jesus into a circus seal .challenging his relaship with the Father. . . Work a healing, perform a miracle do your magic then when we see it we will trust you .

Jesus called them an evil faithless generation natural unconverted mankind

The law below. .

John 4:48 Then said Jesus unto him, Except ye see signs and wonders, ye will not believe.

The testimony of faithlessness sign and wonder seekers below

John 6:30
They said therefore unto him, What sign shewest thou then, that we may see, and believe thee? what dost thou work?

The 144,000 a golden measure to represent the unseen faith of Christ is number no man could count representing a unknow concealed .
Why wonder after a unknown? Jesu said marvel not but rather believe in respect to the greatest possible miracle "new birth" receiving the end from the begging (1 Peter 1)

Revelation 7:4 And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel.

Not two 144,000 (brides)

Revelation 7:9 After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands;

The signified understanding of the thousand in regard to time or numbers of people clearly represents a unknow. . again no sign was given to wonder after .(wondering is not believing)

The bride of Christ the church ..... using gates to represent all the old testament saints and walls to represent new testament saints .

Gold a metaphor used in parables throughout the Bible represents the unseen work of Christ faith that works in his children of light .Christians

Again gold the only rudiment of this world that God called good, the measure we walk by or understand the hidden things or mysteries of faith

Genesis 2: 11-12 The name of the first is Pison: that is it which compasseth the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold; And the gold of that land is good: there is bdellium and the onyx stone.

Revelation 15-17 And he that talked with me had a golden reed to measure the city, and the gates thereof, and the wall thereof.
And the city lieth foursquare, and the length is as large as the breadth: and he measured the city with the reed, twelve thousand furlongs. The length and the breadth and the height of it are equal. And he measured the wall thereof, an hundred and forty and four cubits, according to the measure of a man, (the literal ) that is, of the angel.

The measure of man the literal temporal must be mixed with the unseen eternal golden measure of faith together = a unknown .

No sign was given to wonder or marvel after .

No non trins, except shroom and his friends, hate me the way you do. I don't count shroom as non-trin becaseu he adopts too many of trin's doctrines.

that should tell you something.

In fact, all Christoderians treated me as you do, even though I expressed my agreement with many of their claims.
Its not that difficult . The dynamic dual .

Two is the one witness God spoke. The law of faith. The father as the law giver declares it is good as the testimony of faith. . using the temporal things seen Jesus as His one witness . The father not seen spoke through the Son of man Jesus seen .

Three or trinity has another kind of use it denotes the end of a matter throughout the Bible

God is not a man .

1 John 2:22 Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.
Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also.

There is nothing missing in the above description. Elohim us . . two not three

The trinity was developed to support a government of dying mankind Those who worship his and hers gods. A queen of heaven both of the Jew and today the Catholics and the eastern orthodoxly . Just like the Pharisees with Sadaucesss both sects both set aside their differences to try and make sola scriptura without effect.

Today called the venerable, worship-able ones They still debate as to where Mary our dear sister in the lord was buried or even if she was.

The doctrine of wondering like that of limbo and purgatory .
No non trins, except shroom and his friends, hate me the way you do.
I don't hate you.
I don't count shroom as non-trin becaseu he adopts too many of trin's doctrines.
That a person can know he is saved and believing in a strong military are not "trin doctrines."
that should tell you something.
It tells me you don't know what trin doctrines are.
In fact, all Christoderians treated me as you do, even though I expressed my agreement with many of their claims.
What is a Christoderian?