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Greetings again meshak,

I hope that you may gradually resolve this perspective. My early experience was with my Sunday School teacher who emphasised the link between the Promises to Abraham concerning the Land Genesis 13:14-15 and Paul's exposition in Galatians 3:8,16,26-27,28,29. A few years later in my early 20's I moved to another meeting and we studied the Book of Galatians and then 1 Corinthians chapters 1-4. Much of this has stayed with me and I would be interested if you consider the following is relevant to your perspective:
1 Corinthians 1:10–13 (KJV): 10 Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment. 11 For it hath been declared unto me of you, my brethren, by them which are of the house of Chloe, that there are contentions among you. 12 Now this I say, that every one of you saith, I am of Paul; and I of Apollos; and I of Cephas; and I of Christ. 13 Is Christ divided? was Paul crucified for you? or were ye baptized in the name of Paul?

Kind regards

Hi Trevor,
Can you give us a paragraph that navigates Gal 3 and preserves your futurist-Israel beliefs? I see you referenced it but have no idea what you mean, because of the context's own definition of the promise.
Then what is the disunity with Paul? Do you also minimize Jesus actually intercepting and guiding him for the decade following that interception?
I just can not believe He left His beloved apostles uninformed about the gospel.

And Paul is belittling them.

that is telling.
I am convinced that He have all the information that we need to know about the gospel to His twelve apostles.

Jesus says He is the Teacher and not let one call you a teacher.

I don't think you guys are respecting much of His word.

It seems that two things would happen then:
1, there would be no need for the rest of the letters. I actually have a way of agreeing with that but from another direction: that the vital teaching using 20 OT passages is found in early Acts, way before the letters in real time, yet in fundamental agreement. That teaching was from the 40 days between Res and Pentecost.
2, he repeatedly said that he was going to die and rise again, but they wouldn't understand that until after the Spirit came. Surely at a minimum that opens up the need for explanation later, bringing me back to #1.
I just can not believe He left His beloved apostles uninformed about the gospel.

And Paul is belittling them.

that is telling.

He meant that (uninformed stage) until Pentecost. Paul was nearby at Pentecost, but hostile. Christ intercepted Paul a bit later and explained all the same things.

Do you see that?

I don't think it is totally uninformed; it is just that they didn't know the death and resurrection was so vital, primary, defining. Instead they expected 'a restoration of the kingdom to Israel.' Remember the line about John as Elijah: 'he is the Elijah who was to come--if you can accept it. They couldn't until the 40 days of teaching.
He meant that (uninformed stage) until Pentecost. Paul was nearby at Pentecost, but hostile. Christ intercepted Paul a bit later and explained all the same things.

Do you see that?

I don't think it is totally uninformed; it is just that they didn't know the death and resurrection was so vital, primary, defining. Instead they expected 'a restoration of the kingdom to Israel.' Remember the line about John as Elijah: 'he is the Elijah who was to come--if you can accept it. They couldn't until the 40 days of teaching.
All that Paul is telling is not necessary for salvation.

Do you think His followers cannot serve God and Jesus without Pual's word?

All that Paul is telling is not necessary for salvation.

Please complete your post. This line means there is something in Paul that is necessary. Give 3 examples, please.
Do you think His followers cannot serve God and Jesus without Pual's word?

Now that we are in the 21st century and many people know the importance of justification by Christ in history, why would we overlook Paul about this, since that is where it comes from: Romans, Gal, Phil
Do you think His followers cannot serve God and Jesus without Pual's word?

Now that we are in the 21st century and many people know the importance of justification by Christ in history, why would we overlook Paul about this, since that is where it comes from: Romans, Gal, Phil
We don't need Paul's word to spread the Gospel to the world.
Greetings again EarlyActs,
Can you give us a paragraph that navigates Gal 3 and preserves your futurist-Israel beliefs? I see you referenced it but have no idea what you mean, because of the context's own definition of the promise.
Genesis 13:14,15 detail the Land that Abraham and his seed were to inherit and Galatians 3:8,16,26,27,28,29 tell us that this seed is Jesus and those that believe and are baptised by water into Christ. They will receive this inheritance of the Land when Jesus returns and raises the faithful to be kings and priests over the converted nation of Israel and the subjected and learning nations for the 1000 years Acts 3:19,20,21, Isaiah 2:1,2,3,4. There are many prophecies that further detail what will happen leading up to this outcome, and during the Kingdom.

Kind regards
There is only one Gospel, so what your saying is rather meaningless without detail.
It is Jesus' gospel that His apostles preached.

So we don't need Paul's teachings to spread Jesus' Gospel.

You guys give Pual too much power over Jesus.

so sad.
Greetings again EarlyActs,

Genesis 13:14,15 detail the Land that Abraham and his seed were to inherit and Galatians 3:8,16,26,27,28,29 tell us that this seed is Jesus and those that believe and are baptised by water into Christ. They will receive this inheritance of the Land when Jesus returns and raises the faithful to be kings and priests over the converted nation of Israel and the subjected and learning nations for the 1000 years Acts 3:19,20,21, Isaiah 2:1,2,3,4. There are many prophecies that further detail what will happen leading up to this outcome, and during the Kingdom.

Kind regards

It already came. That's why Paul is so disconcerted about how Gentiles were being treated. Read Eph 2-3, and 2 Cor 6 about the day of salvation and the living temple of Ezek 37. It is quoted because it is present reality.

Acts 3 is particularly forceful about present tense response to Christ's enthronement, even though the restoration of all things is heavily weighted on all--meaning there are some future things. He says these (now) are the days the prophets spoke of. A Jewish person hearing him would never have guessed he was speaking of things in some far distant future, because whoever did not obey the new Moses he mentioned was going to be humiliatingly disinherited--in that generation.