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It is Jesus' gospel that His apostles preached.

So we don't need Paul's teachings to spread Jesus' Gospel.

You guys give Pual too much power over Jesus.

so sad.

It is totally different from Rom 3:21-26, or I Cor 15:1-4? How? I don't know what you mean or who you guys are.

Paul's teaching are directly from Christ or else dump the rest of the NT.
It is totally different from Rom 3:21-26, or I Cor 15:1-4? How? I don't know what you mean or who you guys are.

Paul's teaching are directly from Christ or else dump the rest of the NT.
You guys put Paul on a pedestal and disregard Jesus' authority.

So you think Jesus did not give His disciples enough information to spread the gospel?

This is why I am saying you guys don't respect much of Jesus' Lordship.

so so sad and professing to be His servant.
You guys put Paul on a pedestal and disregard Jesus' authority.

So you think Jesus did not give His disciples enough information to spread the gospel?

This is why I am saying you guys don't respect much of Jesus' Lordship.

so so sad and professing to be His servant.

The historic facts are that he spent 40 days instructing them in what the enthronement meant. There are some 20 OT passages he spent time on, as they are the first quoted in Acts. On top of this he intercepted Paul and a decade or so later he was no longer teaching Pharisee Christianity like 11:1,2 or 15:1-4. Instead he was accepted as a preacher of the Gospel.

I have no idea what you are going on about, but you don't know what Acts means, so far as I can tell. I suggest spending several hours in chs 2-4 until you have mastered how the OT passages were used to have an intelligent conversation here.

Why don't define the Gospel instead of reloading your rifle of accusation?
Why don't define the Gospel instead of reloading your rifle of accusation?
Gospel means good news.

It is about all people who accept Jesus as their Lord and savior who will be saved by following His teachings of love.

His teachings are all in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and the book of Revelation.

"For God so love the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believed in Him shall not perish but have eternal life".
Greetings again EarlyActs,
It already came.
You have not responded directly to what I stated. The word Kingdom speaks of a King and a Dominion and the King is Christ and Genesis 13:14-15 defines the first dominion. The theme of dominion starts in Genesis 1:26,27 and is expanded in Numbers 14:21, Psalm 8:1,4,5,6,9, Psalm 72:8 and many other passages. The NT passages do not supersede or override these basic concepts and the numerous clear prophecies.

Kind regards
Greetings again EarlyActs,

Genesis 13:14,15 detail the Land that Abraham and his seed were to inherit and Galatians 3:8,16,26,27,28,29 tell us that this seed is Jesus and those that believe and are baptised by water into Christ. They will receive this inheritance of the Land when Jesus returns and raises the faithful to be kings and priests over the converted nation of Israel and the subjected and learning nations for the 1000 years Acts 3:19,20,21, Isaiah 2:1,2,3,4. There are many prophecies that further detail what will happen leading up to this outcome, and during the Kingdom.

Kind regards
The seed is Christ the Holy Spirit not the fleshly seeds like that of of the Son of man Jesus. The land represented by the temporal corrupted things seen as a shadow that points to the new incorruptible heaven and earth .

The thousand through out the Bible is a metaphor used in "parables" the "signified tongue" as interpretation tool or called hidden mana in Revelation 2:17. It represents a unknown .or concealed .

No signs were given save the sign of Jonah. Jesus fulfilled it in the three days and nights demonstration of the lamb slain from the foundation .The six days the father did work.

Ignore the signified understanding then the parables be come literal and it anyone's guess .

Revelation 1:1 The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John:

Revelation 17 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.
Gospel means good news.

It is about all people who accept Jesus as their Lord and savior who will be saved by following His teachings of love.

His teachings are all in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and the book of Revelation.

"For God so love the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believed in Him shall not perish but have eternal life".
Ever read Gal 2:20? He who loved us and gave himself up for us? Rom 3:21-26? I Cor 15:1-5? Your issues are not issues. They are deliberate. Final warning as far as conversation with me goes.
Greetings again EarlyActs,

You have not responded directly to what I stated. The word Kingdom speaks of a King and a Dominion and the King is Christ and Genesis 13:14-15 defines the first dominion. The theme of dominion starts in Genesis 1:26,27 and is expanded in Numbers 14:21, Psalm 8:1,4,5,6,9, Psalm 72:8 and many other passages. The NT passages do not supersede or override these basic concepts and the numerous clear prophecies.

Kind regards

After the captivity, there was going to be a kingdom that came. The zealots and Judaizers thought it meant one thing. They were literalists and they were wrong. He said it is here, upon you, among you, etc; it was Him.
After the captivity, there was going to be a kingdom that came. The zealots and Judaizers thought it meant one thing. They were literalists and they were wrong. He said it is here, upon you, among you, etc; it was Him.
The kingdom prophesied to come was not an ethereal "spiritual" kingdom. One day there will be a literal kingdom on earth, with Jesus Christ ruling the world from Jerusalem.
Ever read Gal 2:20? He who loved us and gave himself up for us? Rom 3:21-26? I Cor 15:1-5? Your issues are not issues. They are deliberate. Final warning as far as conversation with me goes.
I am not interested in Pual's words.