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John 17

Greetings again Pipripi,
Good morning Trevor.
Good evening Pipripi, 10:27 PM here, Australian Eastern Daylight Saving Time, signing off soon. Returned from our mid-week Bible class.
Where in the Bible, can I read that the world will be health?
Acts 3:19,20,21, Psalm 72:6,16,19, Numbers 14:21, Isaiah 11:6,7,8,9, Isaiah 35:1,2,6, Daniel 2:35,44, and many more prophecies.

Kind regards
The Bible does not seem to sway your beliefs, but there is no verse in the Bible that has Jesus Christ returning to heaven after he returns in Rev 19:11.

You just say stuff, meshak.
my claims are all contextual.
Are you saying that the Bible is a lying book.
No. I believe the Bible. I do not believe what you say about the Bible.

Yes, and you are following a trinity god of the Roman Catholic Church, am I right??
This is why I don't usually respond to you. I have told you at least two dozen times that I am not a Trinitarian, but you continue to assume that I am.
I have told you at least two dozen times that I am not a Trinitarian, but you continue to assume that I am.
You keep screaming this mantra.

Jesus does not count lip-serving "servants".

He is for true blue ones, not plucking here and there as pipiripi says.

This is for @TrevorL too.
You keep screaming this mantra.

Jesus does not count lip-serving "servants".

He is for true blue ones, not plucking here and there as pipiripi says.

This is for @TrevorL too.
Your post is just another attempt to start an argument.
Your post is just another attempt to start an argument.
And this is another of your lame mantra.

I am only exposing your deceptive faith.

You and @TrevorL are a closet trin by the spirit you produce.
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Yes, I know! It is no wonder why I can answered all questions exactly how the Bible describes. But asking you where can I read in the Bible: Trinity, god holy spirit, three gods in one, triune god, god holy spirit, 7 years tribulation and secret rapture, you cannot answered me.
This all just goes to show that you do not pay attention to what people say.
I do not adhere to a 7 year tribulation nor a secret rapture.

So your holy father on earth with your president has an agenda date 2030, is the day everything is ready to rule the world.
What on earth gives you the idea that I have a holy father on earth???
I have never said that.
Why can't you just deal with what I actually say instead of throwing a bunch of random, all over the map questions at me?

As for your 2030 date setting, you should pay attention that Jesus said no one knows the day or hour.
And you should already know that the SDA have a bad history of date setting, all of which turned out to be wrong.

Helping you again! Read Revelation 20 till 22. Used only your Bible. Don't look in your plucking book, otherwise you cannot find it.
What on earth is this "plucking book" you accuse me of using????
I do not adhere to a 7 year tribulation nor a secret rapture.
What is your understanding of Daniel's 70th week? The "time of Jacob's trouble?" The two periods of 3 1/2 years in Daniel and Revelation?

The rapture was a secret, part of the secret of Christianity, but Paul declared it in 1 Cor 15:51. It's a secret no longer, or shouldn't be.
What is your understanding of Daniel's 70th week? The "time of Jacob's trouble?" The two periods of 3 1/2 years in Daniel and Revelation?

The rapture was a secret, part of the secret of Christianity, but Paul declared it in 1 Cor 15:51. It's a secret no longer, or shouldn't be.
There is so much debate on the Daniel passages with so many question, and one can go in several directions depending on which path one takes with certain statements.

Who is the "anointed" is in verse 25 and 26, the same anointed one in both verses or different anointed ones?
Cyrus, who was a major component of the restoration of the city and temple, and he is specifically called an "anointed", so is he one mentioned in Daniel?

Does the 70 weeks begin after Daniel got this message, or did it begin with the Babylonian attack on Jerusalem?

Are the 70 weeks successive or does one insert a gap in there someplace?

Whatever one chooses to be their answer to any of the questions will determine how they proceed with the other questions.
And many have proposed how they answer each using scripture and come up with different conclusions.

Daniel 9:24-27 LEB​
(24) "Seventy weeks is decreed for your people and for your holy city, to put an end to the transgression and to seal up sin and to make atonement for guilt and to bring in everlasting righteousness and to seal vision and prophet and to anoint the most holy place.​
(25) And you must know and you must understand that from the time of the going out of the word to restore and build Jerusalem until an anointed one—a leader—will be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks; it will be restored and will be built with streets and a moat, but in a time of oppression.​
(26) "And after the sixty and two weeks an anointed one shall be cut off, and he shall have nothing, and the people of the coming leader will destroy the city and the sanctuary, and its end will be with the flood and on to the end there shall be war; these desolations are determined.​
(27) And he will make a strong covenant with the many for one week, but in half of the week he will let cease sacrifice and offering and in its place a desolating abomination comes even until the determined complete destruction is poured out on the desolator."​

The thing about their "tribulation" being a 7 year period is suspect because no where in scripture does "seven" and "tribulation" appear together.
Doesn't automatically mean their tribulation isn't for 7 years, but doesn't automatically mean it is either.
Just because 3 1/2 years is mentioned two times does not necessarily mean they follow each other in succession (ie. they could overlap or have a gap between them, so we can't automatically assume they are a successive 7 years).

I believe the rapture is the resurrection.
There is so much debate on the Daniel passages with so many question, and one can go in several directions depending on which path one takes with certain statements.

Who is the "anointed" is in verse 25 and 26, the same anointed one in both verses or different anointed ones?
Cyrus, who was a major component of the restoration of the city and temple, and he is specifically called an "anointed", so is he one mentioned in Daniel?

Does the 70 weeks begin after Daniel got this message, or did it begin with the Babylonian attack on Jerusalem?

Are the 70 weeks successive or does one insert a gap in there someplace?

Whatever one chooses to be their answer to any of the questions will determine how they proceed with the other questions.
And many have proposed how they answer each using scripture and come up with different conclusions.

Daniel 9:24-27 LEB​
(24) "Seventy weeks is decreed for your people and for your holy city, to put an end to the transgression and to seal up sin and to make atonement for guilt and to bring in everlasting righteousness and to seal vision and prophet and to anoint the most holy place.​
(25) And you must know and you must understand that from the time of the going out of the word to restore and build Jerusalem until an anointed one—a leader—will be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks; it will be restored and will be built with streets and a moat, but in a time of oppression.​
(26) "And after the sixty and two weeks an anointed one shall be cut off, and he shall have nothing, and the people of the coming leader will destroy the city and the sanctuary, and its end will be with the flood and on to the end there shall be war; these desolations are determined.​
(27) And he will make a strong covenant with the many for one week, but in half of the week he will let cease sacrifice and offering and in its place a desolating abomination comes even until the determined complete destruction is poured out on the desolator."​

The thing about their "tribulation" being a 7 year period is suspect because no where in scripture does "seven" and "tribulation" appear together.
Doesn't automatically mean their tribulation isn't for 7 years, but doesn't automatically mean it is either.
Just because 3 1/2 years is mentioned two times does not necessarily mean they follow each other in succession (ie. they could overlap or have a gap between them, so we can't automatically assume they are a successive 7 years).
It's true there are many ways to understand it. Not much time now, but I think the anointed one in v25 is prophetic of Jesus Christ, and the leader in v26 is prophetic of the antichrist. I don't believe the 70th week (a seven year period) has come to pass yet.

But I agree, there are other possibilities..

I believe the rapture is the resurrection.
The resurrection was not a secret. It's spoken of in many places in the OT and the gospels. Paul was making a point, that what he was talking about, when both dead and living Christians will rise in the air to meet Jesus Christ, was a secret.
No. I believe the Bible. I do not believe what you say about the Bible.

This is why I don't usually respond to you. I have told you at least two dozen times that I am not a Trinitarian, but you continue to assume that I am.
You don't need to be a trinitarian to be part of the Roman Catholic Church. Go worship your god on Sunday is go worshipping the Catholic Church Sunday god.
Greetings again Pipripi,

Good evening Pipripi, 10:27 PM here, Australian Eastern Daylight Saving Time, signing off soon. Returned from our mid-week Bible class.

Acts 3:19, 20,21
It doesn't say nothing about health the world.

Psalm 72:6,16,19.
verse 6 don't says health the world. Verse 16, also don't say health the world. Verse 19 also don't say health the world.

Numbers 14:21.
This also don't say health the world.

Isaiah 11:6,7,8,9
This is speaking about the new earth and new heaven. Are those animals written here are living in peace with humans?

Isaiah 35:1,2,6
Again is speaking about the new world. Are this animals living in peace?

Daniel 2:35,44
Verse 35 is the new world.
Verse 44 is also the new world.

So Trevor! Everything that you have write doesn't have the words: the whole world will be health.


Why should God say that He shall created a new world and a heaven, but meanwhile is ruling on this earth with all His power!! Does it make sense!! No!!

Isaiah 11:6,7,8,9, Isaiah 35:1,2,6, Daniel 2:35,44, and many more prophecies. Yes! The all taking about hope. A new world and a new Jerusalem.

Kind regards
Greetings again Pipripi,
It doesn't say nothing about health the world.
Thank you for your response. I was being very kind, but the phrase "health the world" is not a correct phrase or not very clear in your partial English. I was not sure if you were saying or denying that the earth would be healthy, or that you were denying that the earth would be healed and hence refreshed and restored, exactly what Acts 3:19,20,21 states, and what the various prophecies also teach. But what I presented does speak about the earth being blessed during the 1000 year Kingdom of God on earth. What I quoted is the opposite to your view that the earth will be burnt and then desolate during the 1000 years. You teach that the earth will be cursed for 1000 years. The greatest King destroying or marring his Dominion - very poor "King Dom"

Kind regards