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John 17

I know she means when we are walking again after the millennium on earth. I think so. Let she self explain it sister.

But remember that by Jesus second coming, we that are going with him shall change from mortal to immortal immediately. So we are pure and clean. That's why by the third coming back to earth we will stay in Jerusalem. And God destroyed the wicked and Satan forever. It says that we walk upon them.
You've been hoodwinked again by men that make up stuff.
Scripture does not reveal 3 comings, only 2.
1st time as suffering lamb, 2nd time as King of Kings lion.
I know she means when we are walking again after the millennium on earth. I think so. Let she self explain it sister.
She stated a falsehood that is not scriptural.
Why would you hide from correcting her for that?
Greetings again Pipripi, meshak, Sissy, shroom,
Now Trevor my brother, do you think in Noah days with the flood was somebody alive out of the ark? So do Jesus Christ come to rule on earth now when He comes in this earthly Jerusalem, or by His immense power the earth will be on fire?
the whole earth will be spiritual Jerusalem. @shroom and @TrevorL are wrong.
It won't be the entire earth until after the millennium.
Now we seem to have three differing views, and this is different to the view that I and shroom have advocated.
The millennial kingdom will be on this earth, with Jesus Christ ruling from Jerusalem. The earth will be healed, restored to paradise.

Kind regards
You've been hoodwinked again by men that make up stuff.
Scripture does not reveal 3 comings, only 2.
1st time as suffering lamb, 2nd time as King of Kings lion.
Let me help you! Don't you know who I am? I am the man of the Bible.

Jesus coming: First time "as a baby". Matthew 1:18.
Second time: "with power" Matthew 24:30.
Third time: Revelation 21:1-7.
And to make it sure look: Revelation 21:8!! What is written there? You should die twice if you don't follow only the Bible.

All who pretend that Jesus will ruled on this sin earth shall die by Jesus second coming, then after the millennium years, they resurrected and die for the second time. All those that their names is written in 2 Thessalonians 2:8-12!!🤨
Let me help you!
You have to have Truth in order to help people, and you don't have it, Pip.

Don't you know who I am? I am the man of the Bible.
You follow a sect of the SDA denomination.

Jesus coming: First time "as a baby". Matthew 1:18.
Second time: "with power" Matthew 24:30.
Third time: Revelation 21:1-7.
Jesus Christ first came as the Lamb of God ~2000 years ago.
He will come for Christians at the rapture (1 Cor 15:51ff; 1 Thes 4:13ff). Christians will meet him in the air.
He will return TO earth as King of kings and Lord of Lords (Rev 19:11ff). There is no verse in the Bible that has him returning to heaven again.

And to make it sure look: Revelation 21:8!! What is written there? You should die twice if you don't follow only the Bible.
Then you should stop following your church's "manual of life."

All who pretend that Jesus will ruled on this sin earth shall die by Jesus second coming, then after the millennium years, they resurrected and die for the second time. All those that their names is written in 2 Thessalonians 2:8-12!!🤨
Your eschatology and many other aspects of your beliefs are wrong.
Now we seem to have three differing views, and this is different to the view that I and shroom have advocated.
I think Sissy's statement "It won't be the entire earth until after the millennium" concerned Jerusalem itself. The millennial kingdom will cover the entire earth.

(correct me if I'm wrong, Sissy..)
God and Jesus will rule the earth from heaven.

Jesus will not live on earth.
The Bible does not seem to sway your beliefs, but there is no verse in the Bible that has Jesus Christ returning to heaven after he returns in Rev 19:11.

You just say stuff, meshak.
Let me help you! Don't you know who I am? I am the man of the Bible.
It is apparent you are too unlearned in theology to be of any help to me.

Jesus coming: First time "as a baby". Matthew 1:18.
Second time: "with power" Matthew 24:30.
Third time: Revelation 21:1-7.
"With power" is the 2nd coming, as the King of Kings lion.
Rev 21 is the city (new Jerusalem), not Christ.
There is no 3rd coming of Christ.
No wonder you are so confused in theology.
You have to have Truth in order to help people, and you don't have it, Pip.
Are you saying that the Bible is a lying book.
You follow a sect of the SDA denomination.
Yes, and you are following a trinity god of the Roman Catholic Church, am I right??
Jesus Christ first came as the Lamb of God ~2000 years ago.
Yes, as a baby.
He will come for Christians at the rapture
There is no so called rapture. He came back to take all His elect and go back to heaven for a 1000 years. John 14:1-3, John 17.
(1 Cor 15:51ff; 1 Thes 4:13ff). Christians will meet him in the air.
He will return TO earth as King of kings and Lord of Lords
From where did He return? Where is Jesus Christ now? John 14:1-3; John 17.
(Rev 19:11ff). There is no verse in the Bible that has him returning to heaven again.
This is your stupid plucking verses method, that has destroyed your mind, so that you cannot see nothing written in the Bible anymore, till you can understand it. 2 Thessalonians 2:8-12. Pluck this verses and apply it to your life system. Acts 1:6-11. Go pluck this verses and bond them together and read it a hundred 💯 times. Maybe you can wake ⏰ up.
Then you should stop following your church's "manual of life."
Now start reading my manual life. My manual life is not from the SDA Church that you hate. But from the remnant of this SDA church that have going back to their roots, guiding by God Himself. We are the last generation that have the full gospel to send to the world 🌎. Revelation 12:17 and Revelation 14:6-13. Verse 6-11 is written for you, and verse 12-13 is written for me. This is how to claim your possession in the Bible. By following only the Bible completely.
Your eschatology and many other aspects of your beliefs are wrong.
Proof me where from the Bible. Not from your plucking verses books.
Greetings again Pipripi, meshak, Sissy, shroom,

Now we seem to have three differing views, and this is different to the view that I and shroom have advocated.

Kind regards
Good morning Trevor. Where in the Bible, can I read that the world will be health? Because I see everywhere in the Bible that this world will be destroyed. Again my friend, in the Bible is written, there will be no sea anymore. At what time in the future, there will be no sea?
It is apparent you are too unlearned in theology to be of any help to me.
Yes, I know! It is no wonder why I can answered all questions exactly how the Bible describes. But asking you where can I read in the Bible: Trinity, god holy spirit, three gods in one, triune god, god holy spirit, 7 years tribulation and secret rapture, you cannot answered me.

If you can proof me, I will follow your teaching. But I will read it CHAPTERS AND VERSES. Not plucking here and there!!
"With power" is the 2nd coming, as the King of Kings lion.
Yes, and this power will destroyed everything on this planet. There will be no living things on earth anymore. And this earth will be the bottomless pit for Satan, because there is no people on earth to tempt. You and all Sunday keepers are burned out, and after the 1000 year millennium reign in heaven. We come down from heaven, and you and all of 2 Thessalonians 2:8-12 shall raised up. And together with Satan, you are going to attack the new Jerusalem. You at the left hand of Satan, and Trevor at his right hand. Shroom and the others are after yours. Even the Popes are far after yours, because they have invented the trinity Sunday god and you all have following his teaching.

We (Pipiripi) and all the others that are looking only after Christ Jesus, will coming out of the new Jerusalem on earth, walking on the dust of what is left of yours.
Rev 21 is the city (new Jerusalem), not Christ.
Christ is in that city coming down. Where do you think is Christ now? In this earthly Jerusalem helping Satan build the temple? Can you read John 17 again. Please just read and see this completely scene in your mind. From now burn your plucking verses book. This book has hypnotized your brain 🧠 so that you cannot see other words written in the Bible.

Again I have help you to find Jesus Christ. Jesus is NOT far. His Holy Spirit is still on earth, but sooner it will go back to heaven, and Satan will have his complete power to destroy us true believer. Revelation 12:17. The false years tribulation has started long ago. Because tribulation was started from the beginning with the apostles. Go read act again. Your holy father (the pope) has united you all in his power. The ecumenical movement. We  FEW will never bow down before him on Sunday, when they make it an obligation rule. We BOW DOWN only for Christ Jesus and Jehovah God on Saturday. And when you see us Saturday Sabbath worshipping God, you are going telling your Sunday priest that I am breaking yours rules. And you all come to beat me and kill me. And when this begins to happen, Jesus is coming down.

So your holy father on earth with your president has an agenda date 2030, is the day everything is ready to rule the world.
There is no 3rd coming of Christ.
No wonder you are so confused in theology.
Helping you again! Read Revelation 20 till 22. Used only your Bible. Don't look in your plucking book, otherwise you cannot find it.