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John 17

I cannot communicate with you because your claims are too vague for me.

Thanks for the reply..

That's fine. My writing ability suffers for one thing.

.But were they to vague for the apostles in Luke 9? The father purposely hiding the gospel understanding of the parables that teach us how to walk by faith (the unseen things of God ).

They must of thought Jesus went of the deep end and the other apostles other than jesus began a new election "who is the Greatest alpha dog .His own family in the same way rejected his teaching from the father

At the end of the series of parables he rebuked them and declared they knew not what manner of spirit they were of (walking by sight) no faith coming from the father needed to believe God .
Thanks for the reply..

That's fine. My writing ability suffers for one thing.

.But were they to vague for the apostles in Luke 9? The father purposely hiding the gospel understanding of the parables that teach us how to walk by faith (the unseen things of God ).

They must of thought Jesus went of the deep end and the other apostles other than jesus began a new election "who is the Greatest alpha dog .His own family in the same way rejected his teaching from the father

At the end of the series of parables he rebuked them and declared they knew not what manner of spirit they were of (walking by sight) no faith coming from the father needed to believe God .
blessings sweetie.