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Is The Bible A Failure?


Sissy is my name.

Never a lack of devious whackos trying to chip away hunks of scripture.

No shortage of stuck in the mud fundie dispensationalists either, right? Or should we say devious whacko stuck in the mud fundie dispensationalists?

I mean, you set the bar so high.
I wish this were true, but it is not.

The gospel message of Jesus is "Repent, for the kingdom is near." Meaning, turn from your sins, cuz your going to hell if you don't.

The gospel message of Paul is "confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and you are saved." or the myriad of other magical sayings.

Jesus says works, Paul says voodoo incantations. (Do you believe in magic, in a young girl's heart....)

The inclusione and exclusions of the bible are demonstrably decided by men, mostly for politcal gains. In fact when the Czar was deciding between Islam and Christianity for thier national religion the deciding factor for Christianity was that they drink and muslims don't. And we know that God affirmed that his choice was correct because, tada, vodka!

The Ethopian Coptic Christians have in their holy bible the first (or is that third depending on you count) book of Enoch as sacred text. And even though they are being exterminated, you can still find it in there. You won't find it in the Jewish bible, cuz that whole prediction of the Messiah thing which is why the people of that time knew when it was time to expect the messiah. And you won'f find it in catholic bibles because Jerome wanted to pull in Jewish authority, and you won't find it in the protestant bible cuz,well they are protestant,-nothing new here, move along.

Even the book that contains the reason for Hanukkah is missing from Jewish bible because when they were trying to differentiate themselves from the gentile pagan christians, they claimed they would only preserve books found in Hebrew, a dead language that the Christians couldnt use. They then made fun of the Christians because they had so many books that were different from one to the other even though they were the same book. A lesson that the Muslims took serious so they burned every book that deviated and only those found in arabic, which is a lie-and someone preserved some of those aberations, but truth is lost when it comes to religion.

That horrible herretic Luther tried to undermine other books of the bible that dealt with works because he was psychologically tormented by the idea that he would have to answer for his sins.-Protestants-Tada!

Holy spirit my arse. We can see that the different versions of different books that are included and excluded and why, shows that what is in the bible was decided solely by man.

Dude, you're the chaplin here? Congrats, well deserved, and as I said to my friend Vishnu, "thats too much pressure."
Hi Phedup.
I think we guessed this would be a divisive topic.
I think my history on the collection of Scripture into the text we know today could do with some further study.
I was intrigued by the Russian Czar point you made. It reminded me of Henry VIII and the political sphere seizing the church domain and the Tyndale translation being used as a political football.
I sense more reading ahead of me: just when I thought I was going to have light weekend!
Thank you for the compliment: Mark and I had been invited to be chaplains here... and it is not taxing, no Vishnu eruptions! I am always comfortable assisting with talking things through- as long as you talk into my good ear!
I'm sure there are plenty of them too.
I'm not a fundie dispensationalists.
Sissy, what on earth is 'fundie'? Ah just got it... fundamentalist... oh I was about to not post this, but why not- comedic relief..
Just a little common sense should cast doubts about some of the claims the Israelites made about their history. Its a fact that Christian teachers and preachers use the Bible as their authority. That being the case, it should be obvious why they can't admit errors and absurdities.

God doesn't write books, any books!
That would seem to be the core of the problem the faithless men (no Bible) looking to the literal historical for the gospel hid .But it is hidden in parables from those who desire to have a Pagan foundation, a hierarchy of venerable men that lord it over the understanding of the non venerable . The abomination of desolation. . Kings in Israel .

The reformation came nearly 2000 years ago and restored the government of God back to the period of Judges .Men and women' prophets from all the nations of the world .The period of time used as a figure or parable for when there were King in Israel ended. It signified as in all parable while as the first tabernacle was yet standing:. Christ had not come.

Hebrew9: 8-10 The Holy Ghost this signifying, that the way into the holiest of all was not yet made manifest, while as the first tabernacle was yet standing: Which was a figure for the time then present, in which were offered both gifts and sacrifices, that could not make him that did the service perfect, as pertaining to the conscience; Which stood only in meats and drinks, and divers washings, and carnal ordinances, imposed on them until the time of reformation.

Sissy is my name.

Never a lack of devious whackos trying to chip away hunks of scripture.
So, in general, all biblical modern biblical scholars are "devious whackos" because you have evidence that this is why they came to this conclusion or, like your beliefs, they don't need to actually be true? Just wondering.
That would seem to be the core of the problem the faithless men (no Bible) looking to the literal historical for the gospel hid .But it is hidden in parables from those who desire to have a Pagan foundation, a hierarchy of venerable men that lord it over the understanding of the non venerable . The abomination of desolation. . Kings in Israel .

The reformation came nearly 2000 years ago and restored the government of God back to the period of Judges .Men and women' prophets from all the nations of the world .The period of time used as a figure or parable for when there were King in Israel ended. It signified as in all parable while as the first tabernacle was yet standing:. Christ had not come.

Hebrew9: 8-10 The Holy Ghost this signifying, that the way into the holiest of all was not yet made manifest, while as the first tabernacle was yet standing: Which was a figure for the time then present, in which were offered both gifts and sacrifices, that could not make him that did the service perfect, as pertaining to the conscience; Which stood only in meats and drinks, and divers washings, and carnal ordinances, imposed on them until the time of reformation.
The shamans of religion appeal to mystery's that aren't there and the fears of insecure people. The Israelites lied about parts of their history, I have no faith in their exaggerations or the accusations they made about God. The core of the problem with Bible worshipers is that people aren't buying it anymore. The wizard of OZ was an old nut job behind the curtain. The truth is, there wasn't anything behind the vail in the Temple, just some old boxes.
Hi Phedup.
I think we guessed this would be a divisive topic.
I think my history on the collection of Scripture into the text we know today could do with some further study.
I was intrigued by the Russian Czar point you made. It reminded me of Henry VIII and the political sphere seizing the church domain and the Tyndale translation being used as a political football.
I sense more reading ahead of me: just when I thought I was going to have light weekend!
Thank you for the compliment: Mark and I had been invited to be chaplains here... and it is not taxing, no Vishnu eruptions! I am always comfortable assisting with talking things through- as long as you talk into my good ear!

Legend holds that the tenth-century Russian prince Vladimir the Great rejected Islam as a state religion for the country because of its prohibition of alcohol.[11]