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Is The Bible A Failure?

Where do you get your information? How do you know God even exists. You are saying a lot as if it is true, so where did you get this truth from? It couldn't be the bible since you believe it to be so unreliable.
Pffft, do you think you are a lawyer, if you can't answer the facts you just make the water all muddy?
His point still stands.... 'the scriptures' that Paul was referring to, were not the 66 books that we refer to as the Bible.
You are right I believe.

Perhaps you both should reconsider.

2 Peter 3 ESV
(15) And count the patience of our Lord as salvation, just as our beloved brother Paul also wrote to you according to the wisdom given him,
(16) as he does in all his letters when he speaks in them of these matters. There are some things in them that are hard to understand, which the ignorant and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do the other Scriptures.
The Gospel message is the benchmark for inclusion and exclusion of the formulation of the NT is the main.
I wish this were true, but it is not.

The gospel message of Jesus is "Repent, for the kingdom is near." Meaning, turn from your sins, cuz your going to hell if you don't.

The gospel message of Paul is "confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and you are saved." or the myriad of other magical sayings.

Jesus says works, Paul says voodoo incantations. (Do you believe in magic, in a young girl's heart....)

The inclusione and exclusions of the bible are demonstrably decided by men, mostly for politcal gains. In fact when the Czar was deciding between Islam and Christianity for thier national religion the deciding factor for Christianity was that they drink and muslims don't. And we know that God affirmed that his choice was correct because, tada, vodka!

The Ethopian Coptic Christians have in their holy bible the first (or is that third depending on you count) book of Enoch as sacred text. And even though they are being exterminated, you can still find it in there. You won't find it in the Jewish bible, cuz that whole prediction of the Messiah thing which is why the people of that time knew when it was time to expect the messiah. And you won'f find it in catholic bibles because Jerome wanted to pull in Jewish authority, and you won't find it in the protestant bible cuz,well they are protestant,-nothing new here, move along.

Even the book that contains the reason for Hanukkah is missing from Jewish bible because when they were trying to differentiate themselves from the gentile pagan christians, they claimed they would only preserve books found in Hebrew, a dead language that the Christians couldnt use. They then made fun of the Christians because they had so many books that were different from one to the other even though they were the same book. A lesson that the Muslims took serious so they burned every book that deviated and only those found in arabic, which is a lie-and someone preserved some of those aberations, but truth is lost when it comes to religion.

That horrible herretic Luther tried to undermine other books of the bible that dealt with works because he was psychologically tormented by the idea that he would have to answer for his sins.-Protestants-Tada!

Holy spirit my arse. We can see that the different versions of different books that are included and excluded and why, shows that what is in the bible was decided solely by man.

Dude, you're the chaplin here? Congrats, well deserved, and as I said to my friend Vishnu, "thats too much pressure."
Perhaps you both should reconsider.

2 Peter 3 ESV
(15) And count the patience of our Lord as salvation, just as our beloved brother Paul also wrote to you according to the wisdom given him,
(16) as he does in all his letters when he speaks in them of these matters. There are some things in them that are hard to understand, which the ignorant and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do the other Scriptures.
Whoa, is that you Tambora? You ain't no sissy. Did 1m1s say that first? I can imagine him saying that.

2 Peter is a forgery.

I wish it was authentic because it is a slap at Paul. It tells the reader that the things of Paul are too hard to understand. It tells them they are not allowed to have their own itnerpretation, It tells them works salvation which is contrary to Paul's teachings.

Cuz the next verse goes:

17 "You therefore, beloved, since you are forewarned, beware that you are not carried away with the error of the lawless and lose your own stability. "

You are under the law and you will be judged by the works of the law.
Who was it that commissioned Paul? Who was it who gave Paul the message? That should answer the question.
Paul tells us it was Jesus. Mohammed got his message from God through the arch angle gabrial. Joseph smith by two angels of God. Many other have claimed they have this or that from God or other Gods. Benny Hinn, the charlatan tv evangalist is going to have Jesus on stage with him.

A tree and it's fruit.

Luther writes Sin and sin boldy because nothing can seperate you from God-Paul. The peasents, inspired by this, revolt, then Luther calls for them to be slaughtered. (70,000 or was it 100,000) One of the things they revolted about was the landlords did not give them enough food to live on and prevented them, by law, to hunt or fish. The nobels use the words of Luther, who uses the word of Paul, to begin the 100 year war where countless of peasent die for nobles.

This"Christian" nation, America, just stopped the practice of steralizing native american women in the mid 1970's, the ones that escaped the previous genecide anyways.

Ya, Paul and his fruit.
Paul tells us it was Jesus. Mohammed got his message from God through the arch angle gabrial. Joseph smith by two angels of God. Many other have claimed they have this or that from God or other Gods. Benny Hinn, the charlatan tv evangalist is going to have Jesus on stage with him.

A tree and it's fruit.

Luther writes Sin and sin boldy because nothing can seperate you from God-Paul. The peasents, inspired by this, revolt, then Luther calls for them to be slaughtered. (70,000 or was it 100,000) One of the things they revolted about was the landlords did not give them enough food to live on and prevented them, by law, to hunt or fish. The nobels use the words of Luther, who uses the word of Paul, to begin the 100 year war where countless of peasent die for nobles.

This"Christian" nation, America, just stopped the practice of steralizing native american women in the mid 1970's, the ones that escaped the previous genecide anyways.

Ya, Paul and his fruit.
I didn’t quote Paul.
Perhaps you both should reconsider.

2 Peter 3 ESV
(15) And count the patience of our Lord as salvation, just as our beloved brother Paul also wrote to you according to the wisdom given him,
(16) as he does in all his letters when he speaks in them of these matters. There are some things in them that are hard to understand, which the ignorant and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do the other Scriptures.

How does that challenge my point?
Acts 9:15-16 But the Lord said to Ananias, “Go! This man is my chosen instrument to proclaim my name to the Gentiles and their kings and to the people of Israel. I will show him how much he must suffer for my name.”
Again, no. This is even worse. It is third hand. Luke, Paul's traveling companion-not so sure they were friends, is simply recording accounts of what he was told by Paul. This is why in the three accounts of Paul's conversion they are all different. Paul is telling them to an audience on different occasions and highlighting different aspects. Luke is simply recording the history told to him, roman trained. As I said previously, Luke takes down the requirement told to him that qualify apostleship, Paul does not qualify, only Paul (22 times) and Luke (2 times, begrudingly) calls Paul an apostle.

Like I said to G.A., Mohamed (PBUH) states that he was given the Holy Koran by the Arch Angel Gabrial. Joseph Smith was given two Golden Tablets of writings by the Angel Moroni. Benny Hinn says Jesus is going to be on stage with him.

Why do you believe it when Paul makes these same claims and not the ones above?

Matthew 24: 4 Jesus answered them, “Beware that no one leads you astray. 5 For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am the Messiah!’[a] and they will lead many astray.

Sissy, who I think may be Tambora, is a dispensationailst. One of the dispensationailsts goaded me to debate them. They revealed that Jesus was for the dispensation of the Jews, and Paul is for the dispensation of the Christians. That the teachings of Jesus did not apply to this dispensation. Thus demonstrating that Jesus is irrelevant to the dispenstaionalist, yet they object if you tell them that rejecting Jesus makes them not a christian. She closed the thread and deleted it.