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And the Truth will set you free

God renting out Mankind as his vineyard may be tied to God giving Adam authority over the Earth. In sin, Adam lost authority?
So it is written: “The first man Adam became a living being"; the last Adam, a life-giving spirit. (1 Corinthians 15:45)

All authority was given unto Jesus. Did Jesus give authority to certain people who fell away? Catholics and Orthodox, asserting Apostolic Authority, they suggest so. Were they always doing the right thing, or did some Emperor's, Kings, Patriarchs, or Popes, did they do the wrong things?

Protestants often claim authority by saying that they represent something closer to the first century Christianity. Was one of them a Prophet or part of a prophetic ministry? Did they have authority?

Jesus gave authority to someone similar to God giving authority to Adam? Where, and who is actually wielding such authority?
There was light and dark the first 24 hours. Does that make sense?
No. For one the day in Genesis 1 was not measured in hours but in degrees as in 360 degrees.

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Moreover, the evening and the morning does not infer 24 hours.


However, the Day and Night does represent the two great lights that were set in the firmament on the fourth day,


The evening represents 180 degrees,
and the morning represents 180 degrees
(1 complete rotation 360 degrees)

The first day represents the period from the emergence of the expanse in Genesis 1:1 until the visible light appeared within the expanse as written in Genesis 1:5. However, it is not until the darkness returns unto the place it came from that the day is fulfilled.

Do you seriously believe that the planets, or at least the earth, was made automagically rotating at the rate necessary to make one complete rotation upon its axis in a 24 hour period?.


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Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you,
Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink His blood, ye have no life in you.

John 6:53

I have to interpret those passages in the light of what Jesus said also, and not ignore His words.
Nor am I allowed to ignore the law of Moses.
Which embellishes and underscores what Jesus said.
ComingFrom, you completely ignore the law of moses. Giving lip service and repeating how much it should be, has to be and is kept, is not keeping it. To do that you would have to do what it says and you do not. You do what you say, there is very little in common with what you do to what the law actually says to do.

I don't know if you agree with Joseph Goebbels or are simply that self deceived, but you are operating under his premise that if you claim it long enough people will eventually see it as the truth. But it is blatantly obvious that you do not keep the Law of Moses, not even close.

After all that, then I could see a different interpretation for what Paul is saying there.
But could you do that now, when your spirit is quickened.

But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins,
( then saith He to the sick of the palsy, ) Arise, take up thy bed, and go unto thine house.

Matthew 9:6
The power to forgive sins came from the shedding of blood. Christ's for without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sin.
Here we go. Another long one. :giggle:

But I saw you putting on fig leaves. And yes, why would you do that?

I counsel thee to buy of Me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich;
and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear;
and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.

Revelation 3:18
No you didn't. You are full of it. Why do you paint yourself as a peeping tom.

For those interested in the truth. Each item mentioned in Rev 3: 18 relates to the righteousness and wisdom of Christ.

The Gold: Proverbs 16:16 How much better it is to get wisdom than gold!

The white rament: Christ's imputed righteousness. Isaiah 61:10: I will greatly rejoice in the LORD, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for He has clothed me with the garments of salvation, He has covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decks himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.

Eye Salve: The Holy Spirit's gift of discernment.
Jesus is my Lord who feeds me.
I sacrifice everything for Him.

Labour not for the meat which perisheth,
but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life, which the Son of man shall give unto you:
for Him hath God the Father sealed.

John 6:27
And you think this is a big deal to God? Do you think this impresses God and makes him say wow, that fellow is swell?
Well, the first day was the period from when darkness was created as the expanse was brought into existence until the two great lights were named in Genesis 1:5

You have nothing to support that idea.
Not when you can't comprehend what was said, so what part of what was said don't you comprehend?
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But I saw you putting on fig leaves. And yes, why would you do that?

No you didn't. You are full of it. Why do you paint yourself as a peeping tom.
I don't think he was painting himself as peeping tom but the fact you do is a revealing response.

Jesus answered and said unto him, Because I said unto thee, I saw thee under the fig tree, believest thou? thou shalt see greater things than these. John 1:50
I don't think he was painting himself as peeping tom but the fact you do is a revealing response.

Jesus answered and said unto him, Because I said unto thee, I saw thee under the fig tree, believest thou? thou shalt see greater things than these. John 1:50
@Comingfrom is lucky to have you to answer for him.

I see that in this case at least, satire escapes you, which is quite revealing itself.

Also your quoting of a random text whose only connection to the scripture in question is the word “fig” is an oddity.

You do have an interesting approach here. I suppose we do need those who ride in backward on their horse while applying their aftershave to add old spice to our lives.

So I might understand your responses better, just what parts of the bible do you take literally?
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I know the difference because I determine which is good and which is bad by the actual literal words of God in the scriptures. Not according to my imagination or by considering everything within scripture as metaphor with the meaning of that metaphor determined by me.
Thank you, Arial.

My approach was somewhat different.
I did not presume I was in any position to judge God's words at all, to determine what they meant.
And I heed the warning in Genesis chapters 2 & 3 against supposing I knew good and evil.

Lest I believed my eyes were open, and that I was as a god.

Where something is metaphor, the Bible itself explains what is meant by it. Anything that contradicts clear scripture teaching on salvation, and the scripture teaching on who Jesus is and what He did, is bad, bad leaven. Those things are not presented in metaphor, and they are not mysterious in their content. Jesus often spoke in parables for the express purpose of doing so the hard of heart would not understand. A parable is not a metaphor.
I also had a controversy with God,
but especially with how men were telling me what God was saying in scripture.

The Lord, our loving and merciful God wrote on stone tablets for us, "Thou shalt not kill".
Then He appears to command His people to bring Him their best livestock, to kill, for sacrifices to Him.
Then later, in Deut 13, He appears to be commanding us to stone people to death, who try to turn us away from Him.
Then later on again, He appears to be commanding His people to war with nations to steal their land, and to kill them brutally.

So, as you say, it comes down to us to work out what is metaphor, and what isn't,
and what could the metaphors mean?

The easy one for me was stoning others to death.
Because, well, for one, we are watching it all the time on the forums,
people casting stones at those that challenge their faith.
This is one Old Testament commandment Christians do fervently keep.
And if someone doesn't handle criticism in the heat of the debate, we have an expression for it.
"People who live in glass houses should not throw stones".
Even if people call them tomato throwers, and their stones the tomatoes.
We all know what is meant.

And when crunch comes to crunch, and one turns his back on the other ( to use 2 more metaphors )
we sometimes hear them say "that person is dead to me".
And how many times does God say that? that men are dead ( to Him ), and that He destroys them (the wicked),
even the same day one eats the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, they die ( according to God's word ),
but they still are alive in the world. Aren't they.

So that commandment at Deuteronomy 13:8-10 was obviously metaphorical, to me.
And we are witnesses of that statute.
I'll leave this at that for now.

Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.
John 7:24
I don't think he was painting himself as peeping tom but the fact you do is a revealing response.

Do you think that is why Adam and Eve donned fig leaves?
to paint themselves as peeping toms?

Who ever paints them self as a peeping tom?
Even the peeping toms keep it their secret, don't they.

Instead, think of the saying, The Emperor wears no clothes,
and what does that mean.