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And the Truth will set you free

He upgraded Moses' law to "love your enemy".
Because people would not keep the old law.

Now that we have to love our enemies, people aren't very good at that either,
so must be time for a new upgrade. Version 3.0

Will be... "Be a good Christian, and accept you are a sinner (not good)".
Of course, I do.

I just dont believe you do all those Moses laws.

You even claim to heal the sick.

You are very much like Benny Hinn the TV evangelist.

I don't trust him either. He performs miracles on TV.

BTW, Xenn claims he resurrected the dead.

You guys are a hoot expecting everyone to believe your "miracles".
John 11:26
Except a man be born of water...

And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, Gen 1:20

and of the Spirit,

And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, Gen 1:24

he cannot enter the kingdom of God.

Hence the reason why those who are not born of water and Spirit believe they can enter the kingdom of God.
@Studyman You mentioned, in our private conversation, I still have some errors in my understanding of the feasts.
And I trust you, and think you may well be right.
I don't like having errors, and therefore request you, if I may, to address my replies to Sissy, to show me my errors.

Also @Sissy you helped me immensely, and I would love you to continue too.
You also said I was waaaaay off. I hate to be waaaaaay off.
So please help, put me on the way.


I was responding to that very thing in the private conversation we were having, that apparently you now want to be made public. I'm OK with that.
That's to expect when you are always waving red flags.
True, there is a much different response from a creature of reason to a red flag than their is a creature of instinct like a bull.
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My apology, I see now that I put the incorrect verse ref. Should be Daniel 9:24

The Bible isn't a history book for me.
We are God's people (or claim to be), and we are still babbling on. :giggle:

Meanwhile God sits in the heavens, beyond space and time,
seeing everything in secret, knowing even our hearts and mind.
Thanks for that admission. There is no one who will or can change your mind but warning people of the sophistry you have become snared in is important. What you teach, the message you present is a creative reimagining of scripture and is the commandments of a man.

If anyone is wants to be free, cast your burden upon the Lord and He will sustain the. He died with your sins in his body and thus reconciled you to God. All you need to do it accept it and be reconciled to God. Then abide, abide, abide, live in and for Jesus whol will never forsake the and will continually cleanse you fron all your sins.
Do you think Moses knew who Tsophnath was? Considering that at the time of the birth of Moses, the Pharaoh had set out to devise a plan to get the Hebrews up out of the land lest their numbers grow greater than his own people. So do you think it was a coincidence that Moses was brought into the fold of Pharaoh?

Seeing that Moses was leading 600,000 people (not to mention the livestock) out of Egypt into the desert, you do realize the amount of fresh water that would be needed to survive the first week? Not to sure how familiar you are with desert conditions but you would need at least 950 wagons to haul the amount of water needed for one day. Since it would take at least three days across the barren desert to reach the Red Sea, once they crossed over, they would be facing at least another 4 days to reach water.

So if I was with them, I would have stayed in my tent like the LORD told them.

So then, in your religion, Jesus did break God's Sabbaths. And His Father made Abraham's children, and all the animals lay in their own shit one day a week.

So then, the Exodus was just one big conspiracy dreamed up by Pharaoh to get rid of their slaves, who were desperately trying to stay in Egypt,. But in the very end, as they were leaving, suddenly Pharaoh changed his mind, and sent his army to retrieve them, but they drown in the Red Sea.

OK Jasher.
I never leave the salt of God's covenant out of my oblations. Lev 2:13
And you never put it in.
In fact, the reason you murmur against me is because I never leave out His commandments.

Never leave out or never let grace and mercy in?

Its not a little salt that you add but more like Lots wife total judgement no room for grace seasoned with mercy . one salty drink .

The salt was given to lead to grace fresh waterthe gospel . . not lead to more salt .

Or at least that How I understanding your oblations.

James 3:12 Can the fig tree, my brethren, bear olive berries? either a vine, figs? so can no fountain both yield salt water and fresh.

Fresh water comes from above.

Deuteronomy 32:1-2 King James Version Give ear, O ye heavens, and I will speak; and hear, O earth, the words of my mouth.My doctrine shall drop as the rain, my speech shall distil as the dew, as the small rain upon the tender herb, and as the showers upon the grass:
It is far more important
to know the difference between God's ordinances and man's ordinances, in my book. Lev 18:3

And we are to walk in God's judgments, and do them. Lev 18:4

Amen. (we agree on something 😊 )

And no one shall enter His kingdom except those that do His law/will. Deut 8:1 & Matt 7:21
Unless you know what these terms actually mean, the rest is moot.