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And the Truth will set you free

Oh, yes. Worse than that. I had a list of things I believed were sin that would have made a Pharisee blush. I tried so very hard and then I tried harder and harder and harder until I was finally dashed on the rock and broken to pieces.
Thank you. That explains a lot.

Matt 7:24
You can not yet tell the difference between a law and a judgment and a statute and an ordinance.
And you don't think to read closely, or pray the Lord, to know and to discern.

And you have this question always,
and it confounds you and keeps you from keeping all God's law as He says to.

Cut off from Israel.
You claim to obey all OT laws.

Isn't that why you claim to take the three-day journey?

You claimed this is a commandment that we all should obey.
Thank you. That explains a lot.

Matt 7:24
Matt 7:24 is the wrong text CF, Anyone who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces; anyone on whom it falls will be crushed. Matt 21:44

Fall on the stone CF, fall on the stone, or it will fall on you.
You know my point of view on "ceremonial laws" being shadows of God's laws.
I am not aware of your view of the shadows.

It seems you are preaching the law as to the letter. . it kills. A little salt mixed with grace can heal. But that salt or power to rebuke is not of us.

The apostles are considered as nothing. God must cause growth or rebuke. Paul cannot turn other believers into a pillar of salt.

I believe, when the Lord circumcises our hearts and we are born in the spirit,
we are given seventy weeks to cleanse ourselves. Dan 9:27

You are making up the idea of we have 70 weeks to do what he does from the beginning. We receive the end the salvation of our soul from the start.

For me it was a sign that we should keep His words of everlasting life.
And if you fail to keep it perfectly than what? Do despite to His grace?

I believe all God's words are true and to be kept even today.
By kept do you mean guarded with all our new, born-again soul and heart? Or kept without error?

I sought a sign from Jesus too, and the only sign He gave me was Jonah.
You sought? Christ forbids the seeking after signs. Signs follow after one believes.

And what in your own words did the sign say. Keep all the commands or die?

Jonah wanted to die for a reason. It did not seem to bother him whether or not he did despite to the grace of God. God dragged him all the way to show he is not served by human hands of those who falsely boast they keep the law and have no need for mercy.

Jonah 4:1-4King James Version But it displeased Jonah exceedingly, and he was very angry .And he prayed unto the Lord, and said, I pray thee, O Lord, was not this my saying, when I was yet in my country? Therefore I fled before unto Tarshish: for I knew that thou art a gracious God, and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, and repentest thee of the evil Therefore now, O Lord, take, I beseech thee, my life from me; for it is better for me to die than to live. Then said the Lord, Doest thou well to be angry?

Jonah 4:8 And it came to pass, when the sun did arise, that God prepared a vehement east wind; and the sun beat upon the head of Jonah, that he fainted, and wished in himself to die, and said, It is better for me to die than to live. And God said to Jonah, Doest thou well to be angry for the gourd? And he said, I do well to be angry, even unto death.

Jonah murmured all the way. Jesus empowered by the Father did it with delight. which one will you follow angry Jonah ( I knew that thou art a gracious God, and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness) . . Or comforted Jesus?

Philippians 2:13 For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure. Do all things without murmurings and disputings:
You can not yet tell the difference between a law and a judgment and a statute and an ordinance.
And you don't think to read closely, or pray the Lord, to know and to discern.

And you have this question always,
and it confounds you and keeps you from keeping all God's law as He says to.

Cut off from Israel.
CF, it is important that we ourselves know the difference before we teach others. "Statute" and "ordinance" are often the same thing. In the hebrew they were written in they often were the same word.

Judgements come in two broad flavors. One is the verdict of either guilt or innocence, the other is the visitation of punishment for wrong-doing.

The law is the will of God for the universe and everything in it.
I believe, when the Lord circumcises our hearts and we are born in the spirit,
we are given seventy weeks to cleanse ourselves. Dan 9:27
You are misappropriating scripture here. Daniel 9:27 had to do with the future of the Israelites who were in Babylon at the time.
Thank you, but is that it? This is your explanation?
It doesn't need any more explanation to show that leaven was to be partaken of during the Feast of Firstfruits.

I have questions.

Have you brought your leavened firstfruits to the Lord during the feast of weeks?
How many weeks does it go for?
Do you keep it yearly?
Did you get your tongue of fire?
I'm a Gentile.
No Gentile nation was ever commanded to have the Feast of Firstfruits.

Also, what are the names of the other two feasts?
The feast of unleavened bread, and the feast of tabernacles.
Do they also have another name like the Pentecost has?
Feast of Tabernacles is also called Feast of Booths.
There were 600,000 men with wife's and children, with their camels, and cattle and goats. Is it really your belief that God commanded their animals to starve or thirst one day a week just to be compliant to His Law?
Do you think Moses knew who Tsophnath was? Considering that at the time of the birth of Moses, the Pharaoh had set out to devise a plan to get the Hebrews up out of the land lest their numbers grow greater than his own people. So do you think it was a coincidence that Moses was brought into the fold of Pharaoh?

Seeing that Moses was leading 600,000 people (not to mention the livestock) out of Egypt into the desert, you do realize the amount of fresh water that would be needed to survive the first week? Not to sure how familiar you are with desert conditions but you would need at least 950 wagons to haul the amount of water needed for one day. Since it would take at least three days across the barren desert to reach the Red Sea, once they crossed over, they would be facing at least another 4 days to reach water.

So if I was with them, I would have stayed in my tent like the LORD told them.
You claim to obey all OT laws.

Isn't that why you claim to take the three-day journey?

You claimed this is a commandment that we all should obey.
I say to keep all God's commandments, as He commanded. Deut 5:29
I cannot claim to be obeying them all.
God shows me something new I didn't know about His word nearly ever day. Deut 17:19

And yes, for me at least, 3 day sabbaths were necessary, some even longer. Deut 12:5 & Hos 6:2