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Why the Sacrifices in the Sinai Covenant

So if this is true, then God's Laws would show us when and where God created this Partition which relegated repentant "Strangers" as "without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world".
You really don't think clearly. I explained the entire thing to you by explaining what that scripture was talking about. There was nothing in the scripture about repentant Jews. Strangers in this passage simply means they were not God's people. He gave His covenants and promises to the descendants of Abraham through Isaac. Deut 14:2 For you are a people holy to the Lord your God, and the Lord has chosen you to be a people for his treasured possession, out of all the peoples who are on the face of the earth. It was Jesus who tore down this partition by taking salvation to all nations. Gal 3:26-29 non-Jews were always able to have God as their God, but they had to be circumcised and were obligated to keep all of God's Law, just as Israel was.

Since you can't find any Law in which God is a Respecter of persons in this manner, your just blow off the question, and then go off on my because I asked it.
I didn't blow off the answer. You asked a question about something that wasn't true and wasn't even on the table. "Repentant strangers." Paul wasn't talking about and never said repentant strangers.
eGod didn't create the Partition between Jews and Non-Jews here, when did God create this Partition?

Lev. 19: 33 And if a stranger sojourn with thee in your land, ye shall not vex him.
This Lev passage is not about the partition. We see the partition made by God in Deut 7:6-8 as well as other places.
I asked you to answer who was it that called the repentant Jews "Uncircumcised", so we can see who was calling Repentant Strangers "Uncircumcised"? You didn't answer. So I continued to seek my answer from God.
No one called repentant strangers anything in that passage. Uncircumcised in this instance is referring to non-Jews. Those not of the circumcision. Eph 2:11 Therefore remember that one time you Gentiles in the flesh, called the uncircumcision by the uncircumcision When it speaks of strangers in Eph 2 it is not talking about the stranger that joins himself to Israel, but to all who were outside Israel, therefore strangers to the covenants and promises---without God.

So where is this Partition this world's religions that you are promoting, preach God placed between the Jew and Non-Jew, that relegated them as " without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world".
Deut 7:6-8
So where is this Partition you preach to the World GOD placed between Jew and Non-Jew?
Deut 7:6-8
I don't recall your rebuttal. What is it.

Why is it that the majority of your post these days are praising SM? Have you forgotten Jesus?
Becaseu he has been defending God and Jesus' teaching which most of you watered down with your man-made doctrines.

Ok I will do it again since you deny me a rebuttal.

I have done it many times since you guys repeat the same unbiblical claims.
Arial said:
What is wrong with you? Nobody has ever said we are not to do good works. You keep going back to that, something that doesn't exist, to prop up your legalism.
You claim obedience is legalism. That's how you water down His teachings.

, what do you plan to do about all your imperfections? Do you think a holy God accepts I tried my best? Why did He send Jesus then? You have yet to even begin to grasp His holiness and how so very far you fall short of it.

Jesus says with God anything is possible. So what makes you think SM is not perfect? Who made you judge of His servant's faithfulness?

Well, I never have made such a claim so it seems that you don't listen to what I have always said about the law. It is immutable, unchangeable and reflects the very character of God. That is why once you break it, you can't unbreak it and you are damned for all eternity, unless...
this is so a strange comment.
You claim obedience is legalism. That's how you water down His teachings.
That's not a water down, that's what the term means.
Legalism - adherence to law.

Jesus says with God anything is possible. So what makes you think SM is not perfect? Who made you judge of His servant's faithfulness?

Who made you judge by saying His believers water down the teachings of Jesus?
He is not a respecter of persons.
That's why your attempts to earn salvation by obeying the law are not respected by him.
You can't be serious. The rich young "ruler" was not obeying the other commandments which are not the original ten. He was more concerned about himself than his community.
You can't be serious. The rich young "ruler" was not obeying the other commandments which are not the original ten. He was more concerned about himself than his community.
Not deep enough.
Sell all that you have.
You claim obedience is legalism. That's how you water down His teachings.
That is not what I claim at all, or anyone else on here. What I claim is that the obedience is not what saves. It is faith in the person and work of Jesus that saves. Obedience follows after that. Until one accepts that Jesus did the perfect obedience, that He went to the cross on our behalf, dying as though He were the sinner in our place, paying our debt, rising again to life and returning to the Father, any "rules" or "law" we obey is still contaminated by our sin.
Jesus says with God anything is possible. So what makes you think SM is not perfect? Who made you judge of His servant's faithfulness?
No one is perfect. When the Bible says nothing is impossible to God it does not mean that it is possible for sinful men to dwell with His holiness. What He did to remedy this, so He could have people in His kingdom, is send His Son to actually carry the penalty for sin to His own grave in His own death. This vicarious work is applied to an individual through faith and by the pure, precious grace of God.
That's not a water down, that's what the term means.
Legalism - adherence to law.

Who made you judge by saying His believers water down the teachings of Jesus?
Good morning Sissy :)

May God bless you.:)
Jesus says with God anything is possible.

You obviously don't have much faith in God and Jesus' word.
Well you and SM keep thinking you are perfect apart from Christ's righteousness imputed to you. I have some disturbing news though. You just lobbed a false accusation at me (false witness is another way of wording that), did so on a public forum, which now makes it slander, and last I checked that falls short of perfect.