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Why the Sacrifices in the Sinai Covenant

Thanks shroom.
Just following His commandments.

And if thou bring an oblation of a meat offering baken in the oven,
it shall be unleavened cakes of fine flour mingled with oil, or unleavened wafers anointed with oil.

Leviticus 2:4

Thanks for offering me your meat.
But I don't see how that helps you to keep the commandment.

And their meat offering shall be of flour mingled with oil,
three tenth deals for a bullock,
and two tenth deals for a ram,

Numbers 29:3
I think you meant you just following your own ideas of what you think His commandments teach us .They are not commandments of men.

Why would any man offer them as if they were of flesh and blood beasts .Mankind a beast of the field of clay.

All of the ceremonial shadow spoke of the work of the lamb slain from the foundation of the world .The Six days the father did work. He propmised a demonstration of that unseen work of faith as a labor of His love. All of the things used as a shadow Flour, corn bullocks, sheep Asses, lamb, birds the veil. the wash basin. the stones etc. They were used in the sacrifices a shadow that pointed ahead to the future sufferings of Christ at Calvary and the glory, the graves were opened and the old testament saints entered the eternal land of rest the Sabbath .Each idem used in the ceremonies had a specific gospel message .

They were given the understanding of the parables used as a ceremonial law, shadow of the things that did come during the three a days and night propmised demonstration . They by grace (unmerited favor) looked ahead by the faith of Christ labor of love we by the same spirit of faith as it is written . . . . . it can miraculously look back. .

We receive eternal life when the first hearing our first love. God working in us to both will and do His good pleasure..(Philipian2:13 The love we return to when repenting. Christ in us the hope of glory.

1 Peter 1:9-11 Receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls .Of which salvation the prophets have enquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you: Searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify,( a shadow) when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow.
I know this world's religions teach that God created the Partition. But when the Scriptures are examined, it appears that both Jew and Gentile were under the same instruction. The Pharisees, who were the religious leaders of that time, didn't believe Moses, and had "omitted" much of His Very important instructions, at least according to Jesus. He made a show of them openly, not God. He exposed and then tore down the Partition they created and had taught for centuries. Zacharias and Simeon knew better.
You simply cannot make a distinction between the nation Israel and other nations. Even though the Bible does. You run everything all together into one thing. In doing so you are unable to see the Bible saying anything but what you say it says. And you miss entirely who Jesus is and what He did.
I'm not making up doctrines, nor have I adopted Calvin as my teacher, as you have. I am letting the Scriptures teach me doctrine and sharing this perspective with you.
You most certainly do make up doctrines. Your central most important one seems to be "The Doctrine of the Pharisees." Then you say every time the Bible mentions man-made doctrine or deceivers etc. it is talking about the "Doctrine of th Pharisees." After that you claim that all Christian doctrine that contains any sort of liberty, (freedom from the curse of the Law) or salvation now by grace, through faith (alone) in the person and work of Jesus, is also the "Doctrine of the Pharisees" in that it is man-made. And you do all this while not recognizing a single thing that Jesus is saying to and about the Pharisees, and why, and utterly ignoring the historical evidence about who the Pharisees were. Rewriting their history to fit your "Doctrine of the Pharisees."

Then you also have your "Doctrine of the Law" which says, in opposition to scripture (I might add) that we are all still under the law, condemned by not keeping it (but only certain parts of the law, mainly sabbaths, feasts and festivals, but not to be kept according to the law), and that keeping this law, and only keeping this law will give anyone eternal life. (Read the blessings and cursing's of the law. If you are under the law, you are subject also to its cursing's. You cannot have your cake and eat it too.)

Then there is your "Doctrine of Christ" which basically says that Jesus only came to change the priesthood and remove the animal sacrifices. And to teach us how to save ourselves by being obedient (something the Law already taught btw.) In your Christology, the crucifixion is reduced to murder, with no qualities of a saving work. No substitution, no atonement, no victory, no redemption in it at all. Just a theory of redemption in which the work of redemption is still based on keeping the Law. But only those parts already discussed. IOW self-righteousness, rather than the righteousness of Christ. Every bit of this is contrary to the Bible. I would post scriptures, but they have been quoted to you before. It only results in a posturing with long streams of pasted scriptures that are promoting the false religion of the world, that we must appease God with our righteous offerings.

Calvin has been dead for centuries, though he did have some very intelligent, well thought out and Bible backed, insights. As have many people, including the apostles. It is because I look in the Bible for myself to check out what I hear that I realize this man-made religion of the world that you promote as doctrine, is utterly devoid of understanding and comprehension. It is false. Deception. Another voice.

And screaming "Calvinism!" is still not a valid defense in any debate.
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All my brothers won't take your bait of bickering.

I am trying my best to imitate them too.

blessings, lady.
I think you borrowed that term "bickering" from my posts. Now if you would only actually imitate Jesus instead of hateful speech and defending someone when you don't even know what he says.
I think you borrowed that term "bickering" from my posts. Now if you would only actually imitate Jesus instead of hateful speech and defending someone when you don't even know what he says.
blessings, lady.
Gen. 12: 1 Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee:

So here is a commandment from the God of the bible. God spoke to Abram and gave him instruction to "DO" something. That is, leave his comfort zone, his family traditions and religions, to leave the life he was born into.

2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: 3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.

Here God is telling Abram what will happen if Abram does as God instructs.
There is no if/then statement here. This is a promise God made to Abraham. God did not have to entice or threaten Abraham to get him to do what He wanted. There is no if/then, it is not there.
There is no if/then statement here. This is a promise God made to Abraham. God did not have to entice or threaten Abraham to get him to do what He wanted. There is no if/then, it is not there.
In his doctrine of the world, Christ I guess is still threatening us. Obey or be damned. Particularly those things Christ fulfilled Himself. Feasts, festivals, sabbaths, dietary laws. Righteousness.
In his doctrine of the world, Christ I guess is still threatening us. Obey or be damned. Particularly those things Christ fulfilled Himself. Feasts, festivals, sabbaths, dietary laws. Righteousness.
`Yes, I think he is still very much new-age.
Shall we talk about lady parts then? What in the world has gotten into you? We must use offensive language when there are many less offensive words that can be used and make the same point, or else we are watering down the truth?
You were speaking to Meshak.

Lady Part
In his doctrine of the world, Christ I guess is still threatening us. Obey or be damned. Particularly those things Christ fulfilled Himself. Feasts, festivals, sabbaths, dietary laws. Righteousness.
The Seventh Day Sabbath was not done away with, it is part of the ten commandments. The Festival Sabbath Day Rest were done away with.
The Seventh Day Sabbath was not done away with, it is part of the ten commandments. The Festival Sabbath Day Rest were done away with.
As an ordinance of law it was done away with. As a day kept holy to the Lord, with no ordinances of law, a day is kept by Christians. Our day of the Lord is the first day of the week, the day of the risen Lord.
You were speaking to Meshak.

Lady Part
I was responding to something Meshak said. She took offense at me saying SM needn't use such explicit, unnecessary language to describe the circumcision (it needn't have been described at all.) It is best to get the full story of what one is talking about before they make such a big deal over something that doesn't concern them. I say that to both you and Meshak.