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Why the Sacrifices in the Sinai Covenant

Adam succeeded where God was concerned but he failed where he himself was concerned.
He was told not to eat the fruit.
To not fail would be to watch His Wife,His Love (possibly die) because of her transgressions. Rem. God could just simply make another Eve. That road that Adam could have taken would have been a failure to me. Jesus died for you and me, His Bride to be. Could Adam do no less?

was Adam not a Son of GOD
Was Satan not a Son of GOD
Does this not make them Brothers or are all Sons of GOD not connected with each other...Rem, for the language for mother,,father,brother, sister, etc. comes from GOD not Man.Are those terms just for us or does He apply them elsewhere in heaven.

Both were sons of God, but Satan is a spirit being. Adam was a man. They weren't brothers.
really, Paul tells us Adam was not deceived so why would He go against His Father and side with His Brother to eat the fruit.
First, Adam was not satan's brother. He sinned because he chose to. He believed what he heard rather than what God had told him.
He believed what a snake told him....good one.
At the very least, Adam's actions were preordained.
No they were not. It was Adam's choice to make.
Ok, here we go again. We have creature free will where our needs are met by that free will.
All mankind died because of Adam's actions.
That's right. It was not God's will. God's will trumps Creature Free-Will and you and I are creatures of the Creator.

Those actions is to me that He had rather be in the wagon with her even though she is on the wrong side of GOD. Thus, He died for/with her....
Your love story is nothing but a guess.
It goes along with the two plans, tow love stories of the Bible.
I look forward to meeting Adam and Eve in Heaven along with their three sons.
Cain won't be there. Also, Adam and Eve had way more than three sons.
was speaking of Cain, Abel and Seth....and of course you knew this, just wanted to get your digs in.
Only through a Love where one had rather stand with them in death than live without them..God would almost certainly killed Eve if it had been in his plan but it was not in His plan and they lived a little less than that one day of GOD. Unless one has a love like that, one can not understand this part of what I said.
You have no idea what God would have done to Eve if Adam had not
OK, For the fall of Adam, all mankind would die; until then it appears Mankind would not if Adam had not fallen. Then God gave women all kinds of curses that are not good to say the least. with the exception of Childbirth which is a blessing.

Now we get to what God would have done if Adam had not fallen? Lets see, there is Death #1, #2, all kinds of other Curses.(but this would only be born by Eve herself)

Can you think of what God might have done to her to at least equal the curses He placed on her for her transgressions joined with Adam's fall. Or would He just kill her and start over. You tell me....You don't believe in love......that is for sure.
What did the scripture just say...you have a bad habit of just ignoring scripture when it does not fit your beliefs.
What did I ignore? Please be specific.
You know.....not playing these games with you tonight.
Adam was a Son of GOD.you deny that...
No, I do not.

.the Angels are Sons of GOD...there is a very fine line where the body of mortal man and the redeemed body of man that will be like Jesus. I believe that Adam and Eve were in this type of body before the fall.
Why do you believe that? Where does the Bible say it?
Where does the Bible state what? be more specific.
Well, you do not believe in the two plans of the Bible where for the love of a people God, the Father has spared them for 3500 years and the love of a people (the Church) caused Jesus to accept all the sins of Mankind and die for their removal from believers. One might even go so far to say: A Story of Two Love

I'm a dispensationalist, Blade. God has not forgotten Israel.
No, your a Unitarian...there is lot of difference.

So sinning, direct disobedience to God, is not failing. Got it.

Calvinism does funny things to a person's thinking.
Hlis Fall from Eden would have been a great failure if He had not fallen and let Eve take her punishment (probably Death) with his intervention.

Yes, He failed to obey GOD but WHY? For the Love of a Woman

Both were sons of God, but Satan is a spirit being. Adam was a man. They weren't brothers.
I guess you need to define a man, flesh, bone and blood........which will not get into heaven. leaves two that will. what was Jesus' body in the upper room after His resurrection speaking to Thomas. I could go on, but alas it is late that this like always is going nowhere.

Good night
How do you understand Paul's word of "Christ is the end of the law"?

This question is for @Studyman too.

thank you.
You always ask the question right after reading the answer.
Read my post again, I fully answered your question.
Try it this way NHEB Therefore remember that once you the non-Jews in the flesh, who are called "uncircumcision" by that which is called "circumcision." (in the flesh made by hands;),

I am not reading the rest of the post as I am done talking to a wall for a bit.

Yes, as all translations say, "called uncircumcision" By the "circumcision" made with hands, not by God, as HIS Own Word's I posted, but you declined to acknowledge, clearly show.
Yes, as all translations say, "called uncircumcision" By the "circumcision" made with hands, not by God, as HIS Own Word's I posted, but you declined to acknowledge, clearly show.
You said the Pharisees! Calling it doctrines of men! It is no different than Christian's referring to fellow Christians as Christians, and non-believers as non-Christians. Americans/ non-Americans, citizens/ non-citizens. Why do you miss Paul's point and make up an entire doctrine and defense around something that is insignificant? Not everything in the Bible is talking about what you call everything which is the doctrines of men.