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Why Jesus Doesn't Need Your Help to Save You

We are saved by hearing and believing the Gospel.

"In whom you trusted, AFTER you heard the word of truth, the Gospel of your salvation: in whom also AFTER that you believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise" Ephesians 1:13.

Order of salvation.

We hear the Gospel.
We believe the Gospel.
We receive the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit brings repentance.
I guess Peter had it backwards..

Acts 2:38 Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
I guess Peter had it backwards..

Acts 2:38 Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Yes, Peter had several things backwards. This is why Paul had to straighten him out, Galatians 2:11-14.
Justified by faith means no more circumcision.
Justification by faith means no more laws, rules or religion. It means 100% trust in the work and the person of Jesus Christ. It also means to cease from your own works and to enter into his rest, Hebrews 4:10.
Not that. When a person repents and believes the Gospel, that is when he receives the gift of holy spirit (Eph 1:13).

That was a different issue. Peter was being a hypocrite.
Peter was not walking according to the truth of the Gospel, Galatians 2:14.
Peter was not walking according to the truth of the Gospel, Galatians 2:14.
If you will read carefully and expand your mind, you will find that Peter was always in trouble..as one scholar put it The only time Peter did not have a foot in his mouth was when he had it out of his mouth to put the other one in...

Peter did not now walk to far outside of GOD for He was in the inner of Jesus Christ.

Justification by faith means no more laws, rules or religion. It means 100% trust in the work and the person of Jesus Christ. It also means to cease from your own works and to enter into his rest, Hebrews 4:10.
Cease from the works of the law, the purification works of the law. Didn't you read Hebrews? It is about sacrifices and priests and the temple, and various washings and food and drink.
Cease from the works of the law, the purification works of the law. Didn't you read Hebrews? It is about sacrifices and priests and the temple, and various washings and food and drink.
If it tells us to do something or not to do something it is law. If you continue to follow the law, you will perish. "For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that believes" Romans 10:4.

Law keeping does not please God, Law keeping pisses God off, Romans 4:15. The Pharisees were hypocrites and you are one of them.
God does not save unbelievers and unrepentant sinners.
Why do you think John the baptizer was beheaded?
I agree according to the law and testimony , he gives them His power to turn so that then after receiving power they can in turn repent and feel shame comforting themselves knowing they have ben forgiven by the hearing of Faith (Christ's working in us the comforter) .

Knowing that the accuser of the brethren who accuses them day and night no longer has a great effect on their life Yoked with Him the burden is lighter .

John the Baptist when in doubt knowing he was to loss his head was prompted by the Spirit to help comfort him sending them to make sure they John was trusting the correct Son of man Jesus. Jesus sent him back the good news in a parable pertaining to the gospel with a parable filled with metaphors that speak of the gospel rest or or true fast

To the law of repentance . . .as it is written >....Jeremiah 31:18 I have surely heard Ephraim bemoaning himself thus; Thou hast chastised me, and I was chastised, (The work of God faith ) as a bullock unaccustomed to the yoke: turn thou me, and I shall be turned; for thou art the Lord my God.

Two turning or works of repenting. If God does mighty fully not do the first works or labor of his love. . them mankind having no power cannot repent and comfort one self as the comforting work of the one who does the turning .

Satan would have us believe it is all one work of corrupted powerless mankind .

And to the testimony>>Luke 7 :18-23 And the disciples of John shewed him of all these things. And John calling unto him two of his disciples sent them to Jesus, saying, Art thou he that should come? or look we for another? When the men were come unto him, they said, John Baptist hath sent us unto thee, saying, Art thou he that should come? or look we for another?1 And in that same hour he cured many of their infirmities and plagues, and of evil spirits; and unto many that were blind he gave sight. Then Jesus answering said unto them, Go your way, and tell John what things ye have seen and heard; how that the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers (no spiritual sensitivity ) are cleansed, the deaf hear,(spiritual deaf) the dead are raised,(spiritual dead) to the poor ((spiritual bankrupt) the gospel is preached. And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me.

John was given the assurance of faith . . the gospel is preached
If you will read carefully and expand your mind, you will find that Peter was always in trouble..as one scholar put it The only time Peter did not have a foot in his mouth was when he had it out of his mouth to put the other one in...

Peter did not now walk to far outside of GOD for He was in the inner of Jesus Christ.

Paul not Peter was the inner of Jesus Christ.
Paul not Peter was the inner of Jesus Christ.
No, Peter, Paul was after the ascension of Jesus. Peter, John and Andrew were the three who were in the inner circle of Jesus. they were at all the events as well.
