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Why Jesus Doesn't Need Your Help to Save You


Salvation is always co-operational, synergistic.....man and 'God' working in sync/harmony with one another, integrating the wholeness of spirit, soul and body :)

Repentance is always essential to transformation, no matter your 'spin' on 'soteriology'.....one is changed by the renewing of the mind to the Mind of 'God', becoming one with Him in love and light. "he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with him", "be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind",.....so WE certainly have a place and responsibility in causing/effecting our own salvation, our own evolution and ascension. - we are the choosers! and we get what we choose, life or death, integration or disintegration. I find 'synergism' much more rationale 😊

Thats just the outer template of course,...lots of nuances within those frameworks :)


Salvation is always co-operational, synergistic.....man and 'God' working in sync/harmony with one another, integrating the wholeness of spirit, soul and body :)

Repentance is always essential to transformation, no matter your 'spin' on 'soteriology'.....one is changed by the renewing of the mind to the Mind of 'God', becoming one with Him in love and light. "he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with him", "be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind",.....so WE certainly have a place and responsibility in causing/effecting our own salvation, our own evolution and ascension. - we are the choosers! and we get what we choose, life or death, integration or disintegration. I find 'synergism' much more rationale 😊

Thats just the outer template of course,...lots of nuances within those frameworks :)

Our salvation is totally and completely outside of us. Man can contribute nothing to his salvation. Jesus has justified the ungodly, Romans 4:5 and has reconciled us and the world unto God without the help of sinful fallen man. All that sinful fallen man is required to do is to accept it and believe it, plus nothing. This is why Paul wrote, "For by grace (God's goodness) are you saved through faith; and not of yourselves: it is the gift of God" Ephesians 2:8.