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Why I believe Trinity Or Jesus is god doctrine is a false god worshipping doctrine.

But we are told to judge; at least self.
We are told to remove the log in our own eye, but God judges and reveals what that log is. Humans do not have enough righteousness of their own to make a righteous judgment of themselves let alone others.

We either submit to God's judgments and live or abide by our own judgments and die. The heart is deceitful above all else, who can know it?
We are told to remove the log in our own eye, but God judges and reveals what that log is. Humans do not have enough righteousness of their own to make a righteous judgment of themselves let alone others.

We either submit to God's judgments and live or abide by our own judgments and die. The heart is deceitful above all else, who can know it?
The heart of flesh is not the heart of stone.

How do you remove a log you cannot see?

I do not think the bible instructs is to do what we cannot.

Who is talking about self righteousness? We are talking about believers.
What you said brought this to my mind, Grace

If one is already self aware especially if one has knowledge of the word of God, it seems that perspective also comes into play when one decides to make the choice to feed and reap to the flesh or the spirit.

The word of God will judge oneself properly, and the Holy Spirit also moves and let’s others know when they have done wrong.

Individually it would all be predicated solely on faith - trusting in what Jesus had done with what he had accomplished on, and after the cross.

I know when I’m being mean and hateful, I can play scenes in my mind. Even if I desire to win an argument with another individual I can see it and play it out in my mind. Interestingly enough Kardia- the Greek word for heart is used 800 times throughout the Bible and it’s always figurative. With the notion our mind and heart are actually synonymous with one another.

With the notion noted and sown into the believers heart, one can correctly identify by the Holy Spirit speaking within them because of its indwelling to know when the mind is having bad thoughts, in the negative and in the positive. The earthly ways lead to destruction and misery, where the heavenly ways are the good gifts God gives to those asking for help in and by the spirit.

Paul makes it very clear also to examine oneself in the faith, and that is inclusionary to the benefit of a believers who are seeking to examine and see if they are in faith trusting and asking God for help in their lives to help them to not have an evil unbelieving heart that is fixated mainly on the material attributes the flesh give, such as lust, hate, greed, selfishness. And focus one God and set ones mind on the things above which are pure, and peaceable.

That is my approach, when it comes to at least examination of oneself with their personal relationship with God.

Thank you for a moment to read,
In Christ,
Matthew Gallagher
We can only examine what God reveals. The Holy Spirit is the conviction and convincer of sin, Let to our own fallen natures we will rationalize and excuse ourselves every tie to some degree or another. Submit to the Spirit's judgments and follow Him out of bondage to self and self-deception. There is no DIY righteousness it is not by judging oneself that we are changed, it is by beholding.
The heart of flesh is not the heart of stone.

How do you remove a log you cannot see?

I do not think the bible instructs is to do what we cannot.

Who is talking about self righteousness? We are talking about believers.
Surely it does. It presents our goal as possessing the righteousness and holiness of God, a goal so lofty and so great that the human spirit is shriveled by it. The bible teaches us this principle in story after story. Gideon was asked to do the impossible and then God intervened and made it even more impossible. Moses was asked to do the impossible, a fool's game to confront Egypt, the most powerful nation on earth, with Just himself and his brother. Daniel was asked to do the impossible, tell the king a dream he had had and reveal its meaning without so much as a hint from the King.

The paraplegic who had existed in a hopeless squalid condition for 32 years at the pool of Salome was asked to get up and take up his bed and walk, a ludicrous request and an impossible feat. Peter was asked to get out of a boat in the midst of a tempest and walk upon the billowing waves a completely insane action sure to meet with a drowning.

I could go on, but the lessons are clear, God asks us to do the impossible in the bible and how can we obey? The same way all of these others did, by faith.
Surely it does. It presents our goal as possessing the righteousness and holiness of God, a goal so lofty and so great that the human spirit is shriveled by it. The bible teaches us this principle in story after story. Gideon was asked to do the impossible and then God intervened and made it even more impossible. Moses was asked to do the impossible, a fool's game to confront Egypt with Just himself and hi brother, the most powerful nation on earth. Daniel was asked to do the impossible, tell the king a dream he had had and reveal its meaning without so much as a hint from the King.

The paraplegic who had existed in hopeless squalid condition for 32 years at the pool of Salome was asked to get up and take up his bed and walk, a ludicrous request and an impossible feat. Peter was asked to get out of a boat in the midst of a tempest and walk upon the billowing waves a completely insane action sure to meet with a drowning.

I could go on, but the lessons are clear, God asks us to do the impossible in the bible and how can we obey? The same way all of these others did, by faith.
So where is it you think we are missing one another? You seemed to be claiming something or another about self righteousness and then agree that with GOD all things are possible. I don't get your point I guess.
So where is it you think we are missing something new another? You seemed to be claiming something or another about self righteousness and then agree that with GOD all things are possible. I don't get your point I guess.
With God's judgments and the eyesalve of Christ, we will behold these judgments, behold our Christ, and by the power of the Holy Spirit be changed. How have I gone from the spiritually self-bloated prig at TF to me moving in the direction I am now headed? Do you think I judged myself correctly just a few years ago when I engaged in putting others down and excused it? What is changing? Why is it changing in me? What brought me to see myself as God saw me and give me the correct condemnation of my former path of unrighteousness? It was not self-judgment, that was allowing me to skate by doing what God hated.
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So where is it you think we are missing one another? You seemed to be claiming something or another about self righteousness and then agree that with GOD all things are possible. I don't get your point I guess.
Simply do not rely on self-judgment, rely on God's judgment.
Surely it does. It presents our goal as possessing the righteousness and holiness of God, a goal so lofty and so great that the human spirit is shriveled by it. The bible teaches us this principle in story after story. Gideon was asked to do the impossible and then God intervened and made it even more impossible. Moses was asked to do the impossible, a fool's game to confront Egypt, the most powerful nation on earth, with Just himself and his brother. Daniel was asked to do the impossible, tell the king a dream he had had and reveal its meaning without so much as a hint from the King.

The paraplegic who had existed in a hopeless squalid condition for 32 years at the pool of Salome was asked to get up and take up his bed and walk, a ludicrous request and an impossible feat. Peter was asked to get out of a boat in the midst of a tempest and walk upon the billowing waves a completely insane action sure to meet with a drowning.

I could go on, but the lessons are clear, God asks us to do the impossible in the bible and how can we obey? The same way all of these others did, by faith.
....amen, and HIS POWER and WILL
So where is it you think we are missing one another? You seemed to be claiming something or another about self righteousness and then agree that with GOD all things are possible. I don't get your point I guess.
pardon my interruption into the discussion.... All the time I see people talking about faith being the power to do these things, and to a degree I cannot disagree. That said, it is often said in such a way that it sounds like something we do not something God does (all how it is said and that isn't just words but tone and such we can't see on the forum) In reality our relationship with God is a kind of symbiotic relationship in which we put forth some of the effort (obedience, yielding, even faith) but without God to work with our willingness it is nothing but our filthy rags even if we do it with great faith. If we don't make sure people understand this we are doing a disservice to God, self, the faith, etc.

carry on that is just my two cents.
With God's judgments and the eyesalve of Christ, we will behold these judgments, behold our Christ, and by the power of the Holy Spirit be changed. How have I gone from the spiritually self-bloated prig at TF to me moving in the direction I am now headed? Do you think I judged myself correctly just a few years ago when I engaged in putting others down and excused it? What is changing? Why is it changing in me? What brought me to see myself as God saw me and give me the correct condemnation of my former path of unrighteousness? It was not self-judgment, that was allowing me to skate by doing what God hated.
Judgement of self can still be flawed even if we exclaim a change outwardly. I think I get your point. We know by the conscience and the Holy Spirit. We have to constantly check out motives against the will of GOD perhaps.