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Why I believe Trinity Or Jesus is god doctrine is a false god worshipping doctrine.

Sometimes quotes from others appear in my REPLY fields, and I cannot remove them.
In any case, hoping not to offend anyone, I whisper Jesus is God
The logos.

HELPS Word-studies
3056 lógos (from 3004 /légō, "speaking to a conclusion") – a word, being the expression of a thought; a saying. 3056 /lógos ("word") is preeminently used of Christ (Jn 1:1), expressing the thoughts of the Father through the Spirit.

[3056 (lógos) is a common term (used 330 times in the NT) with regards to a person sharing a message (discourse, "communication-speech"). 3056 (lógos) is a broad term meaning "reasoning expressed by words."]

Good Bradley-- The words, the thoughts, the message.

Whose thoughts? Whose reasoning? Whose message? Whose words? The word of God (the Father) is what comes from Him- by or through the spirit creating the son.... all in spirit. Spirit gives birth to spirit. Jesus is not spirit. Jesus is the physical human vessel that the word of God was sent to. I know folks have trouble, but scripture is clear on this. To say otherwise always requires a derivative of what is actually said.
An ambiguous statement.

It's an example of the circular reasoning required.... The Father is God, so then His son must be God.

Are we not sons of God? Does that make us God? Of course not, but then the fall back is that the man Jesus was different.
That something that always annoyed me, that blanket statement “Jesus is God” when through out the scriptures talks about God in him (God in his Word by the Holy Spirit of God), and also the Lord Jesus and his mankind nature. Jesus is the Lord God Almighty, that is my view point on the ordeal.

DanceswithGnostics, just friendly conversation

God bless,
Matthew Gallagher

Just as annoying and unnecessary and adding nothing to the conversation as all the things he complained about meshak doing. It's troll spam and will be treated as such. It's intended to annoy you.
It's an example of the circular reasoning required.... The Father is God, so then His son must be God.

Are we not sons of God? Does that make us God? Of course not, but then the fall back is that the man Jesus was different.
We are seed, but I wouldn't say we are sons AKA progeny. What are your beliefs again?
Hasta la Vista

-an alleged troll spammer

Let me ask you.... would it annoy you if someone went around adding JESUS IS NOT GOD in any number of threads, with or without further comment as you have done this morning? In at least three threads, shouted or whispered. It's childish. Don't do it. Go sulk if you must, but don't spam and troll.
We are seed, but I wouldn't say we are sons AKA progeny. What are your beliefs again?

My understanding in this regard is as simple as it can be. I agree with Jesus, who called himself and us sons of God in the same manner. In the way in which Jesus (a man) was to be considered a son of God, so too are all who call God, as he did too, our Father.
Isn't it amazing how much of our own experiences we read into scripture and into our judgments of others:!!!??
Yes, it is amazing and bothersome, I catch myself frequently doing it, but most times it is after the fact and I realize I failed to take into consideration the viewpoint of the other as they have their own journey that gives them their viewpoint as mine does me. It frustrates me when I do this.
Yes, it is amazing and bothersome, I catch myself frequently doing it, but most times it is after the fact and I realize I failed to take into consideration the viewpoint of the other as they have their own journey that gives them their viewpoint as mine does me. It frustrates me when I do this.
I do not think the problem is different POV's but rather it is NOT listening to other POV and trying to walk in their shoes even for just a moment. In stubborn pride to look at the world through the glasses we have been given and if anyone questions our vision, instead of asking God to check our eyesight with his eye chart thus learning more about God and less about us, we stubbornly proclaim that we are right and have been because we listen to God while God is crying out to us to listen and learn
It’s why it’s good to judge oneself and examine if one is being in Christ or not.

Unity = Love = God loves those who do not love him (He sent his Son, who died for the ungodly).

Doctrinally many will divide over difference viewpoints: unless you are sharing being open and honest. You may reach a dead end that neither one will change their mind on a certain subject: love should prevail even still.

Faith and love is utmost importance even over being looked at wrong for your doctrinal viewpoint is whatever that may be it is between you and God at the end of the day what lies in ones heart.
I do not think the problem is different POV's but rather it is NOT listening to other POV and trying to walk in their shoes even for just a moment. In stubborn pride to look at the world through the glasses we have been given and if anyone questions our vision, instead of asking God to check our eyesight with his eye chart thus learning more about God and less about us, we stubbornly proclaim that we are right and have been because we listen to God while God is crying out to us to listen and learn
Who do you think has the problem, Lori?