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Why I believe Trinity Or Jesus is god doctrine is a false god worshipping doctrine.

It's an example of the circular reasoning required.... The Father is God, so then His son must be God.

Are we not sons of God? Does that make us God? Of course not, but then the fall back is that the man Jesus was different.

All the focus is of course on Jesus, his personhood and its human and divine natures, however those are 'assumed', as one can pick his own dish in the Christological buffet, as noted in a commentary earlier :) - as we muse over Jesus in his titles as 'Son of Man' & 'Son of God', you can view Jesus in both these 'aspects' or any other 'phase' if a more 'modalist' perspective dazzles your taste bud, or some other tier in the strata.

From a purely 'meta-theist' view as I often lean towards and include in the narrative, the omnipresence and allness of 'God' includes all and transcends all simultaneously (this includes Jesus!), so the spats fickled over in most unitarian/trinitarian debates are inconsequential to nearing 'petty' depending on the points argued or viewpoints preferred, since all are really 'relative' unless we are considering The Absolute itself, and its absolute qualities and attributes, 'God' Him/Her/ItSelf :) - again, all is point of view and is conditional by different factors, relationships and context, - these views are subject to change.

About meshaks usual going ons about the 'trin' issue, its part and parcel of the play on the forum isn't it ? - we all have our pet peeves and perks of 'theology', which show our own special and unique personality traits and dispositions of belief. I think being more creative at times can be more interesting than spouting the same lines and memes however, so naturally I try to add nuance and dimensions to my commentary, since after all....all that is happening is Consciousness exploring and discovering itself thru an infnite variety of viewpoints....thats all that is going here folks :) - thats it!

As you know, the 'freelight' could go on lol.......he has too much fun sometimes, but hey, life is to be enjoyed...dive in with no net below eh? (one cannot see any borders or bounderies to the infinite) - I could no sooner put 'God' in a 'box' than claim to bottle infinity in one swoop which is impossible, so I allow 'God' to be 'God' without qualification or necessary explanation, since what is absolute......is absolute. - we mesh and mash over the 'details' of 'God' and play in multiplicity, forensics, details.... its natural for the finite mind to do so, - do as you will, you're a co-creator of your own world-view, you do the exploring, learning and CHOOSING.

As far as any ultimate or final view of my own Christology as 'unitarian', 'trinitarian' or any 'arian' (ha!).....it still holds that Jesus is the SON of 'God', slice and dice that as you please,......a 'son' is always a being that is 'begotten' of a 'father', so the 'father' of a 'son' always maintains primacy, no matter how you wanna fiddle it, or metaphysicalize it (the son being 'eternally begotten'...yada yada :rolleyes:). - all fiddles or horns have a place in the grand symphony (toot as you please), its how they are played and relate to the greater whole or 'context' of the 'story' that matters, and best when such helps our 'com-prehension' of the whole.

We learn as we go..........our 'research' is key, there is 'earning' in 'learning'.


See my issue is that we are conditioned to receive it only one or two ways. There is very little allowance in most organized traditional Christian-based churches to find your way as an individual. Some individuals find their way as you noted, being moved by the spirit but not through traditional dogma and ritual. Does that make them less Christian? Some in the mainstream say it does. I would like to believe that the journey isn't as important as the destination. If they ended with the same results then I have no issue with how they came there. My journey has been 67 years and is just getting to where a dear friend got by the time they were 30. They just church and schools and prayers and other tools as they were dedicated to their need for immediate results. Mine took me in and out of faith and a wandering journey through study, through failures, and then an epiphany of sorts and I redirected my energy.

I guess I am saying I mostly agree with what you said, but with qualifiers from my point of view.
There are different paths to one truth by one Spirit and Baptism (whether by sprinkling or submersion.) The body of Christ includes individuals from all manner of disciplines and faiths but all come through the narrow gate of Christ into His pastures of plenty. There may even be many who do not know the name Jesus but have been worshipping and loving Him just the same. Who knows whether a plains Indian will fall at the feet of Christ and exclaim, "Oh, Great White Spirit."

Those who do not resist God will be saved by the Blood of Christ even if they have never heard the word "Christian." Submitting to God overcomes our conditioning. If Christ can command the disabled to walk and obey, how much more can he say to the conditioned, "hear and they will hear what the Spirit says?"
It’s why it’s good to judge oneself and examine if one is being in Christ or not.

Unity = Love = God loves those who do not love him (He sent his Son, who died for the ungodly).

Doctrinally many will divide over difference viewpoints: unless you are sharing being open and honest. You may reach a dead end that neither one will change their mind on a certain subject: love should prevail even still.

Faith and love is utmost importance even over being looked at wrong for your doctrinal viewpoint is whatever that may be it is between you and God at the end of the day what lies in ones heart.
One cannot judge one's self properly for it is a conflict of interest. We should simply submit to God daily, behold Christ and never resist the spirit.
See my issue is that we are conditioned to receive it only one or two ways. There is very little allowance in most organized traditional Christian-based churches to find your way as an individual. Some individuals find their way as you noted, being moved by the spirit but not through traditional dogma and ritual. Does that make them less Christian? Some in the mainstream say it does. I would like to believe that the journey isn't as important as the destination. If they ended with the same results then I have no issue with how they came there. My journey has been 67 years and is just getting to where a dear friend got by the time they were 30. They just church and schools and prayers and other tools as they were dedicated to their need for immediate results. Mine took me in and out of faith and a wandering journey through study, through failures, and then an epiphany of sorts and I redirected my energy.

I guess I am saying I mostly agree with what you said, but with qualifiers from my point of view.
Well said both of you @Grace Accepted.
I see in both your remarks binary position on self and collective revelation that merges with a trichotomy: personal revelation (self in relation to HS) and collective revelation/education (Informed mutual selves in relation to HS).
Both are wonderful and together, fantastic!
What you said brought this to my mind, Grace

If one is already self aware especially if one has knowledge of the word of God, it seems that perspective also comes into play when one decides to make the choice to feed and reap to the flesh or the spirit.

The word of God will judge oneself properly, and the Holy Spirit also moves and let’s others know when they have done wrong.

Individually it would all be predicated solely on faith - trusting in what Jesus had done with what he had accomplished on, and after the cross.

I know when I’m being mean and hateful, I can play scenes in my mind. Even if I desire to win an argument with another individual I can see it and play it out in my mind. Interestingly enough Kardia- the Greek word for heart is used 800 times throughout the Bible and it’s always figurative. With the notion our mind and heart are actually synonymous with one another.

With the notion noted and sown into the believers heart, one can correctly identify by the Holy Spirit speaking within them because of its indwelling to know when the mind is having bad thoughts, in the negative and in the positive. The earthly ways lead to destruction and misery, where the heavenly ways are the good gifts God gives to those asking for help in and by the spirit.

Paul makes it very clear also to examine oneself in the faith, and that is inclusionary to the benefit of a believers who are seeking to examine and see if they are in faith trusting and asking God for help in their lives to help them to not have an evil unbelieving heart that is fixated mainly on the material attributes the flesh give, such as lust, hate, greed, selfishness. And focus one God and set ones mind on the things above which are pure, and peaceable.

That is my approach, when it comes to at least examination of oneself with their personal relationship with God.

Thank you for a moment to read,
In Christ,
Matthew Gallagher
What you said brought this to my mind, Grace

If one is already self aware especially if one has knowledge of the word of God, it seems that perspective also comes into play when one decides to make the choice to feed and reap to the flesh or the spirit.

The word of God will judge oneself properly, and the Holy Spirit also moves and let’s others know when they have done wrong.

Individually it would all be predicated solely on faith - trusting in what Jesus had done with what he had accomplished on, and after the cross.

I know when I’m being mean and hateful, I can play scenes in my mind. Even if I desire to win an argument with another individual I can see it and play it out in my mind. Interestingly enough Kardia- the Greek word for heart is used 800 times throughout the Bible and it’s always figurative. With the notion our mind and heart are actually synonymous with one another.

With the notion noted and sown into the believers heart, one can correctly identify by the Holy Spirit speaking within them because of its indwelling to know when the mind is having bad thoughts, in the negative and in the positive. The earthly ways lead to destruction and misery, where the heavenly ways are the good gifts God gives to those asking for help in and by the spirit.

Paul makes it very clear also to examine oneself in the faith, and that is inclusionary to the benefit of a believers who are seeking to examine and see if they are in faith trusting and asking God for help in their lives to help them to not have an evil unbelieving heart that is fixated mainly on the material attributes the flesh give, such as lust, hate, greed, selfishness. And focus one God and set ones mind on the things above which are pure, and peaceable.

That is my approach, when it comes to at least examination of oneself with their personal relationship with God.

Thank you for a moment to read,
In Christ,
Matthew Gallagher
Hi Matt,
What you wrote moved me. Thank you for that.
Our relationship with God transcends the current world.
In the current state we do things we know are wrong and at the same time try to do the things we begin to know are right.
What a complex!
The old and new are struggling in our current form. Out of that struggle a new thing is growing... bit by bit.
I was reminded of that struggle... and with each day... renew.