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Why I believe Trinity Or Jesus is god doctrine is a false god worshipping doctrine.

Gods judgements are to allow people to know and learn righteousness.

My soul yearns for you in the night; in the morning my spirit longs for you. When your judgments come upon the earth, the people of the world learn righteousness.

Have you ever seen this before?
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pardon my interruption into the discussion.... All the time I see people talking about faith being the power to do these things, and to a degree I cannot disagree. That said, it is often said in such a way that it sounds like something we do not something God does (all how it is said and that isn't just words but tone and such we can't see on the forum) In reality our relationship with God is a kind of symbiotic relationship in which we put forth some of the effort (obedience, yielding, even faith) but without God to work with our willingness it is nothing but our filthy rags even if we do it with great faith. If we don't make sure people understand this we are doing a disservice to God, self, the faith, etc.

carry on that is just my two cents.
Reminds me of love. What is faith enough to move mountains apart from love?
Gods judgements are to allow people to know and learn righteousness.

My soul yearns for you in the night; in the morning my spirit longs for you. When your judgments come upon the earth, the people of the world learn righteousness.

Have you ever seen this before?
Isaiah 32: 20
Some thoughts to share, razzel, and pops,

It’s very individual experience, for sure.

It’s nice to have rest and peace with God by having faith. You know, once you know. It is almost something you can’t really let go, though it is possible too, in which I mean to become faithless.

Faith is in the Gospel of Christ makes anyone right with God and they have the ability to become children of God. God has given them the holy spirit and now it is between that individual who now is communication with God, in and through Christ who is the door way that leads to the Father, into the pasture, by still waters, into the barn, into the kingdom of Heaven. This message is for all people, and if they do not believe they have the right to know that Jesus did die, was buried, and resurrected from the grave for them to know that there is an afterlife.

And all will be resurrected.

Jesus overcame sin, death, Satan and his demons, hell, the grave, and all of these things for all people.

Those who aren’t believers still are spiritually dead, those who are believers in the Gospel of Christ which is the power of God unto salvation, are spiritually awake having been born again by God.

It’s freeing to know these things, because of what Jesus has done for all people, that they can be able to talk with God and have relationship and ask for help by the spirit.

In Christ,
Matthew Gallagher
I'm not sure we always think about what we have faith in. We say God, but there are so many aspects to God...for example, is our faith in His salvation, in HIs power, in His Love, etc.
Our faith (Christ's) given to us from God is that which works in us to both reveal and empower mankind to perform it .The little measure of faith he does give us again is not from us that have no strength to believe and perform .
Our faith (Christ's) given to us from God is that which works in us to both reveal and empower mankind to perform it .The little measure of faith he does give us again is not from us that have no strength to believe and perform .
This is not true, Garee. Everyone has the capacity to believe the Gospel. God wants everyone to be saved (1 Tim 2:4; 2 Pet 3:9), and salvation is available to everyone.

Calvin may have died, but unfortunately Calvinism lives on.
This is not true, Garee. Everyone has the capacity to believe the Gospel. God wants everyone to be saved (1 Tim 2:4; 2 Pet 3:9), and salvation is available to everyone.

Calvin may have died, but unfortunately Calvinism lives on.
Calvin is dead, fortunately God is alive. Let there be a new creation and it was good. (The bride of Christ the church)

If you mean the capacity because they are still living having a new opportunity every day on the green side of the grass. . . . yes.

But the capacity to believe God not seen (faithless powerless humans) coming from a dying body working out the death sentence (its appointed for all men to die once) There will be no double jeopardy and a retrial. The verdict is in the wage of sin is death never to rise to new life according to the letter of the law, as it is written
Calvin is dead,
Unfortunately, Calvinism isn't. It should have died with him.
fortunately God is alive.
Let there be a new creation and it was good. (The bride of Christ the church)

If you mean the capacity because they are still living having a new opportunity every day on the green side of the grass. . . . yes.
Anyone can choose to believe.
But the capacity to believe God not seen (faithless powerless humans) coming from a dying body working out the death sentence (its appointed for all men to die once) There will be no double jeopardy and a retrial. The verdict is in the wage of sin is death never to rise to new life according to the letter of the law, as it is written
This does not make sense.