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Why I believe Trinity Or Jesus is god doctrine is a false god worshipping doctrine.

No set of words is guaranteed to prove the Trinity false to a trinitarian.
Agreed. Here you again use trinitarian subjectivism as the standard.

In criminal cases, you are only required to prove beyond a reasonable doubt. Trinitarians demand a standard of unreasonable doubt. And this is not a criminal trial.
Agreed. Here you again use trinitarian subjectivism as the standard.

In criminal cases, you are only required to prove beyond a reasonable doubt. Trinitarians demand a standard of unreasonable doubt. And this is not a criminal trial.

Idolatry isn’t a crime against God?
Idolatry isn’t a crime against God?
Not sure where you are going with this. The word is sin. IDOLATRY is sin against God. Crime is an act against another person's property in a social context.

I suppose the point is about evangelism. We simply are not going to convince everyone. Our job is to plant seeds. It's up to the Holy Spirit to allow the seed to take root. Many, including believers, are happy in their sin. They are looking to remain sinning, not figure out how to abandon their sinful ways.
The Trinity is real. In Genisis, God said "let US make man in our image"....; when Moses asked the burning bush who he should say sent him, the reply was "I AM"; and in the gospel of John, Jesus said "Before Abraham was, I AM". And also in John, Jesus says the Father will send the Helper, the Holy Spirit....; The Holy Spirit is mentioned many times.
So from the beginning of the Bible, we have a plurality in God. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Jesus referred to the Father many times; when Jesus was baptized, a voice from heaven said 'this is my son" and the Holy Spirit descended like a dove.
For ne argument about Jesus not being God because He died, wrong! Jesus the man suffered and died but the God part did not die; that Part was set aside so that He could suffer the punishment for our sins and take on the full wrath of God so that we could be spared.
Believe what is written in the Bible. Be saved. Or turn your back and suffer.

Thanks. I’m an ex-trinitarian but I believe it’s important for your voice to be heard.

Do you think Jesus is a trinitarian?