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Why I believe Trinity Or Jesus is god doctrine is a false god worshipping doctrine.

After reading through the thread, I wonder: Were any minds changed by this conversation?
In my experience, no matter the topic, people hardly ever change their mind about anything.

I've got a friend who is a baby Christian. Every now and then he shoots trinitarianism across my bow. I reply powerfully. Rather than acknowledge ANY strength of my position ...

... or any weakness in his argument ...

he merely ends the exchange with something like, "That's what I believe and you are not going to change my mind."
In my experience, no matter the topic, people hardly ever change their mind about anything.

I've got a friend who is a baby Christian. Every now and then he shoots trinitarianism across my bow. I reply powerfully. Rather than acknowledge ANY strength of my position ...

... or any weakness in his argument ...

he merely ends the exchange with something like, "That's what I believe and you are not going to change my mind."

That’s been my experience too.

I’m not looking for the hard heads. I’m looking for the wise heads.

If I had to venture a guess, I would say that it’s not likely that any minds were changed. The tone on both sides isn’t a good look for either side.

Why do these conversations on the Trinity continue to happen? What do people hope to accomplish with them?
Why do these conversations on the Trinity happen? What do people hope to accomplish with them?
Pursuit of truth. Iron sharpens iron.

I mentored a young man who reminds me so much of myself at his age. We've become close friends, like father and son. He knows what he is talking about and like me then, expresses detailed analysis. Now, I take great pains to strive for brevity. Brief but profound points tend to hit home more effectively ... Proof Jesus is not God is that he died. Proof the trinity is false is that Jesus did not teach it. Hard to get around this. Trinitarian attempts take dozens of paragraphs. They violate Occam's razor.
Pursuit of truth. Iron sharpens iron.

If hardly anyone changes their mind about anything then how much sharpening is really taking place?

I mentored a young man who reminds me so much of myself at his age. We've become close friends, like father and son. He knows what he is talking about and like me then, expresses detailed analysis. Now, I take great pains to strive for brevity. Brief but profound points tend to hit home more effectively ...

Your point about brevity resonates with me. I seldom read, write or respond to long posts.

Proof Jesus is not God is that he died. Proof the trinity is false is that Jesus did not teach it. Hard to get around this. Trinitarian attempts take dozens of paragraphs. They violate Occam's razor.

Some trinitarians believe that God died. Some trinitarians don’t. What they have in common is trinitarianism.

Most Protestant trinitarians I've interacted with are fully persuaded that Jesus taught trinitarianism. That belief goes beyond the constraints of biblical history, as demonstrated in church history. Catholic scholars are good at acknowledging it - that’s why I quote them - but Protestants aren’t particularly interested in what Catholic scholars acknowledge and neither Catholics nor Protestants show much interest in what Catholic and / or Protestant scholars acknowledge.

Minds that are closed aren’t easily opened.
“I will not change my mind.” - Trinitarian

“I will not change my mind.” - Non-trinitarian

“Let’s continuing talking about it.” That’s an exercise in futility.

“I’m open to the possibility of changing my mind.” - Trinitarian and non-trinitarian

“Let’s continue talking about it.” That’s a mutually beneficial exercise.

“I’m undecided but willing to listen to all sides.” - A rare bird

“Let’s continue talking about it.” That’s an exercise in evangelism.