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What to be born again for

He's talking about Nicodemus, John 3.

John 3 isn't talking about the Christian new birth. It's talking about being born "from above," not "born again." Jesus is telling Nic about resurrection.
Not true. Jesus is saying exactly what is written in the Bible.

Stop plucking verses and read the whole conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus!!
Someone doesn't pay attention to what people say.

High Five!!! (with MC Hammer music playing in the background ---- 🎼 Can't Touch This! 🎼 )
Mc Hammer in Christian world song!! "Can't touched this"?
O!! I forgot! I am spiritual, I have forgotten what Jesus has spoken to Nicodemus!! I'm sorry 😞
Or, "in the midst of you." Jesus thought it was close.

We'll see it.

Not yet. The world is a train wreck, and getting worse.

You're confusing the rapture with the first resurrection.


Disagree. Born from above is resurrection.
Resurrection cannot be born again. Resurrection will occur when Jesus returns now for those who have die in Him. And we that are alive will be also changed from mortals to immortal body. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.
And this is written for those that think that Jesus come rules on earth when He come now.

Why should we go meet Jesus Christ in the air with all His angels, and at the same time go down on this unclean earth to live in this Jerusalem on earth for 7 years tribulation. A completely delusion of Satan.
That is the very first time I ever hear of God wishing. And I can't figure out what you are saying.
thelo - 1) to will, to have in mind, intend, A. to be resolved or determined, to purpose; B. to desire, to wish; C. to love; to like to do a thing, be fond of doing; D. to take delight in, have pleasure. AMP and MOUNCE translates "who wishes all men to be saved" . . . TLB translates "for He longs for all to be saved, then other translations have either "who desires, who wants, who will have."
He is the way to salvation, but He came to save. Maybe I will cover the rest of your post tomorrow, maybe not.
QUOTE: "He is the way to salvation, but He came to save." Isn't that saying the same thing?

Okay. BTW, I couldn't find the video "Predestination and Election Explained" when I entered it in the search bar on YouTube.
Please learn some new words.
Stop plucking and start using the whole context of something that you want to talk about.

You people start be Genesis 1 verse 1,then verse 2, and start imaging things that has nothing to do with creation.

I have ask a question. Answer my question. Who or what is the Spirit of God that was dwelling upon the earth? Is he your God holy spirit, or the Holy Spirit of God?
Okay. BTW, I couldn't find the video "Predestination and Election Explained" when I entered it in the search bar on YouTube.
I posted it in a thread of that title.
The first video I posted had that same title. It was there until sometime the next day, then Shroom told me it was gone and had the notification copyright violation. I tried to find it on youtube so I could screenshot it for him and it was gone, with that title. There were a number of other videos, different aspects of same topic. There was one that had a different title but turned out to be the same video, and I posted it. So it is in the thread, but you will have to go through a couple of comments to get to it.
Show me in the Bible where I can read which people that has resurrect and born again. Chapter and verses!!
Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you might already be familiar with all of scripture.
Until the resurrection you have not been born anew from corruptible to incorruptible.

1 Corinthians 15
(49) And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly.
(50) Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption.
(51) Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,
(52) In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
(53) For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.
QUOTE: "He is the way to salvation, but He came to save." Isn't that saying the same thing?
No. The way is how He accomplished His mission. That He came to save is what the mission was. He did not come simply to make salvation possible, though He did that, He came to actually save a people. Not potentially, but actually.