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"Try The Spirits Whether They Are Of God" 1 John 4:1.

No, I am here to promote "The Historical Gospel of Jesus Christ" that calls all doctrines and religions into question. I consider all holiness doctrines such as Catholicism and other such religions to be anti-Christ. I believe Paul, Paul said, "There is NONE righteous, no, not one" Romans 3:10. All that enter into the judgment professing their righteousness will disappear in a puff of smoke. God is holy beyond human comprehension. The only way anyone is going to be saved is because of the merits of Jesus Christ. Jesus justifies the ungodly (us) Romans 4:5 and reconciles them to God, 2 Corinthians 5:18, 19. He does that by offering to God the Father a life of perfect obedience according to his holy law and atoning for their sins. There is no other way to be saved. We are saved and justified by his righteousness and not our own.

As I said, this is your religion. And as such, you are not allowed or capable of answering the questions i ask, nor will you engage in an honest, examination of the Scriptures I post.

I don't believe you or Constantine's "historical gospel" because those who are snared by this religion are not allowed to answer questions or examine Scriptures which may bring question to their many "winds of doctrine".

It seems you will not consider the Scriptures I post, and I will not follow a religion that refuses to consider Scriptures.

So we will simply disagree.

Thanks for the sermon, but I've heard it on TV for decades.
As I said, this is your religion. And as such, you are not allowed or capable of answering the questions i ask, nor will you engage in an honest, examination of the Scriptures I post.

I don't believe you or Constantine's "historical gospel" because those who are snared by this religion are not allowed to answer questions or examine Scriptures which may bring question to their many "winds of doctrine".

It seems you will not consider the Scriptures I post, and I will not follow a religion that refuses to consider Scriptures.

So we will simply disagree.

Thanks for the sermon, but I've heard it on TV for decades.

All of the prophets and patriarchs were sinners. Many of them confessed that they were sinners, Isaiah wrote, "But we are all as an unclean thing, and all of our righteousness are like filthy rags; and we do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind have taken us away" Isaiah 64:6.

I read all of the scriptures that you posted, but they did not convince me that man has a righteousness that God will accept. We are saved and justified by a righteousness that is totally and completely outside of us. Mainly by the Lord Jesus Christ. Like I said before, there are two kinds of righteousness. The righteousness of man and the righteousness of God. Man does not possess the righteousness of God because he is born after Adam.
All of the prophets and patriarchs were sinners. Many of them confessed that they were sinners, Isaiah wrote, "But we are all as an unclean thing, and all of our righteousness are like filthy rags; and we do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind have taken us away" Isaiah 64:6.

I read all of the scriptures that you posted, but they did not convince me that man has a righteousness that God will accept. We are saved and justified by a righteousness that is totally and completely outside of us. Mainly by the Lord Jesus Christ. Like I said before, there are two kinds of righteousness. The righteousness of man and the righteousness of God. Man does not possess the righteousness of God because he is born after Adam.

Of course you are not persuaded by scriptures. Jesus also Prophesied of this.

Luke 16:31 And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.

Psalms 14:5 There were they in great fear: for God is in the generation of the righteous.
I could say the same thing about you as in Luke 16:31.

Who are the generation of the righteous? The generation of the righteous are those that are "In Christ". All that are "In Christ" are perfect and complete in God's eyes, Colossians 2:10.
The elect in Isaiah are the Jewish people. God chose the nation of Israel to bring forth the savior of the world. There is nothing in the book of Isaiah about an individual election, simply because God is no respecter of persons, Acts 10:34. This appears to be a tough pill for you to swallow.
Robert, there are many scriptures where God's elect are depicted to represent the individual. Certainly, all the members of the Church (His Body) are the elect for they have received justification.


Robert, there are many scriptures where God's elect are depicted to represent the individual. Certainly, all the members of the Church (His Body) are the elect for they have received justification.


That happened when they heard the Gospel and decided to believe it.
Well one of us is wrong....and it won't be long before we find out who that person is.

Yes, at least one of us is wrong, and we could indeed soon find out who.

The way the world is going, it seems like Christ could be returning for the church soon. I’m 69, and I think it’s possible I may live to see it. Could be wrong, of course.
Yes, at least one of us is wrong, and we could indeed soon find out who.

The way the world is going, it seems like Christ could be returning for the church soon. I’m 69, and I think it’s possible I may live to see it. Could be wrong, of course.
I thought you were a young guy, heck I'm only 52. I think we'll all find out soon, along with the true nature of earth. :geek: