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"Try The Spirits Whether They Are Of God" 1 John 4:1.

Robert, there are many scriptures where God's elect are depicted to represent the individual. Certainly, all the members of the Church (His Body) are the elect for they have received justification.


There is no election without a purpose. God chose prophets, patriarchs, apostles, for a purpose. If you are not one of the three you have not been elected, because God is no respecter of persons. Trusting in election for your salvation is not trusting in Christ. You might be a counterfeit.
There is no election without a purpose. God chose prophets, patriarchs, apostles, for a purpose. If you are not one of the three you have not been elected, because God is no respecter of persons. Trusting in election for your salvation is not trusting in Christ. You might be a counterfeit.
calm down Robert, I believe in Jesus Christ, our Lord GOD....But I also believe in every word of the Bible (His Word) that He has "preserved for generations forever".

I remove, add, change nothing for it is His authority and sovereignty. I go by that not the words of some preacher/teacher spewing out their thoughts of what GOD really is... I ask you no believe a word I say but take what I say and be a good berean (acts 17:11)/.

I can do no more for you than that..You have to find the truth for yourself even though you have already heard it,

I remove, add, change nothing for it is His authority and sovereignty. I go by that not the words of some preacher/teacher spewing out their thoughts of what GOD really is... I ask you no believe a word I say but take what I say and be a good berean (acts 17:11)/.

Are you sure? Do you add or take anything away from this part of Romans 3?

But now apart from the Law the righteousness of God has been manifested, being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets, even the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all those who believe; for there is no distinction; for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, being justified as a gift by His grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus; whom God displayed publicly as a propitiation in His blood through faith.
calm down Robert, I believe in Jesus Christ, our Lord GOD....But I also believe in every word of the Bible (His Word) that He has "preserved for generations forever".

I remove, add, change nothing for it is His authority and sovereignty. I go by that not the words of some preacher/teacher spewing out their thoughts of what GOD really is... I ask you no believe a word I say but take what I say and be a good berean (acts 17:11)/.

I can do no more for you than that..You have to find the truth for yourself even though you have already heard it,

Many believe that Jesus is the Lord God, even Satan. That does not make you a Christian, nor does being a good Berean.

Paul said, "The just shall live by faith" Romans 1:17. Embracing a religion like Calvinism for your salvation is NOT living by faith. What you have is a faith in Calvinism. Predestination is your hope, not Jesus Christ. If you had faith in Christ, you would not need Calvinism. Renounce Calvinism and trust in Christ alone and I will believe that you are a Christian.
Are you sure? Do you add or take anything away from this part of Romans 3?

But now apart from the Law the righteousness of God has been manifested, being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets, even the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all those who believe; for there is no distinction; for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, being justified as a gift by His grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus; whom God displayed publicly as a propitiation in His blood through faith.
OK, so what are you trying to say or not say here... go ahead and spit it out???

Many believe that Jesus is the Lord God, even Satan. That does not make you a Christian, nor does being a good Berean.

Paul said, "The just shall live by faith" Romans 1:17. Embracing a religion like Calvinism for your salvation is NOT living by faith. What you have is a faith in Calvinism. Predestination is your hope, not Jesus Christ. If you had faith in Christ, you would not need Calvinism. Renounce Calvinism and trust in Christ alone and I will believe that you are a Christian.
Again, Calvinism is not a religion, it is a talking point like the dems are using. I am surprised thatyou cannot see that but then again you deny predestination and election so what else is news. I reject your summation of my faith in Christ and to the whole word of GOD...

Again, Calvinism is not a religion, it is a talking point like the dems are using. I am surprised thatyou cannot see that but then again you deny predestination and election so what else is news. I reject your summation of my faith in Christ and to the whole word of GOD...

Christianity was predestined, not individual Christians. God wants everyone to be saved. The choice is up to them. It's why we are to preach the Gospel, to give people the opportunity to hear it so they can decide to believe it. Or not.