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"Try The Spirits Whether They Are Of God" 1 John 4:1.

Christianity was predestined, not individual Christians. God wants everyone to be saved. The choice is up to them. It's why we are to preach the Gospel, to give people the opportunity to hear it so they can decide to believe it. Or not.
I have explained that from my point of view before and you have rejected it...That is fine, I have no problem with that at all...

well spit it out, your among friends. Yes, I do consider you a friend.


Thank you Blade. I consider you a friend as well.

I don't mean it as any kind of 'trick question.' It's an honest question that was prompted by what you said regarding not adding or taking anything away from scripture. I am wondering how you handle Romans 3, within the framework you stipulated. Here's the link to what you said again, with my question.

On the other forum you listed your theology as "Calvinist".
Yes, but a theology is not a religion...A religion is simply that the attempts of Man to cover himself with GOD.

It's true that I understand parts of it differently than you, but I don't ignore it.
Oh, the predestination is not ignored....It meaning is changed to apply to the Church (his Body), so no body is going to hellall are going to be saved and according to those who do not believe in the word of GOD and Predestination, It is GOD's fault that mankind is in the throes of sin anyway...You seem like this and like that but at the same time you don't like parts of this and parts of that...kind of confusing as my words were just then.

You are all over the place in your beliefs for you have no real anchor and I do, the Whole WORD of GOD

I have gone back and copied/pasted what you said for a guide for me to go by.. nothing against you. "Paul said, "The just shall live by faith" Romans 1:17. Embracing a religion like Calvinism for your salvation is NOT living by faith. What you have is a faith in Calvinism. Predestination is your hope, not Jesus Christ. If you had faith in Christ, you would not need Calvinism. Renounce Calvinism and trust in Christ alone and I will believe that you are a Christian."

Wow, that last sentence is telling on you. If Calvinism had not been made a bad guy to those who do not choose to follow the WORD of GOD, I would not even mention him. But they bring up questions by which I have to study Calvin to enable me to answer them. To answer this last sentence and really all of it, I will let Calvin do that for me.

“What James says(James 2:14-26), that man is not justified by faith alone, but also by works, does not at all militate against the preceding view [of justification by faith alone]. The reconciling of the two views depends chiefly on the drift of the argument pursued by James. For the question with him is not, how men attain righteousness before God, but how they prove it to others that they are justified; for his object was to confute hypocrites, who vainly boasted that they had faith... James meant no more than that man is not made or proved to be just by a feigned or dead faith, and that he must prove his righteousness by his works.” (John Calvin)

As you can see, Calvin is a man whose faith in Jesus Christ is far more than found in most self-proclaiming Christians.

.. ROmans 3 is a large chapter and is really in two to three parts, which verse of group of verses would you like me to comment on

The last verse Rom 3:31 states "Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the law."

Is it true, through our Faith in Jesus Christ, we actually establish the Law. not destroy it.


Hi Bladerunner..... would you mind linking the post where I said what you just accused me of saying? Specifically where I said this>>

"Paul said, "The just shall live by faith" Romans 1:17. Embracing a religion like Calvinism for your salvation is NOT living by faith. What you have is a faith in Calvinism. Predestination is your hope, not Jesus Christ. If you had faith in Christ, you would not need Calvinism. Renounce Calvinism and trust in Christ alone and I will believe that you are a Christian."

Just link to it. Or quote where I said it.

Or any of the rest of your post which you attribute to me.

Shroom: Was it you, I quoted what scholar of the past has said about predestination? Since I do not have book in front of me, I will paraphrase it.
'If it is true that predestination exist, it will almost certainly do away with the arguments of any "FREE WILL"...' In my opinion, I do b believe that Predestination is in GOd's plan and indeed it does not allow Free WILL to pick and choose the Lord Savior as so many have fallen into. In fact, while the "Free WIll" has its place in placing mankind deeper in sin, to say it takes the place of Predestination is accordingly a false Gospel.

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Hi Bladerunner..... would you mind linking the post where I said what you just accused me of saying? Specifically where I said this>>

"Paul said, "The just shall live by faith" Romans 1:17. Embracing a religion like Calvinism for your salvation is NOT living by faith. What you have is a faith in Calvinism. Predestination is your hope, not Jesus Christ. If you had faith in Christ, you would not need Calvinism. Renounce Calvinism and trust in Christ alone and I will believe that you are a Christian."

Just link to it. Or quote where I said it.
Or any of the rest of your post which you attribute to me.
oops, thank you for bringing that to my attention, It was Robert pate who said that I quoted in Blue. I apologise. Its getting to late for me to continue. I see where you did ask the question about ROm 3....

Hopefully this is correct although at this point, I cannot guarantee it.. "

"Are you sure? Do you add or take anything away from this part of Romans 3?
But now apart from the Law the righteousness of God has been manifested, being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets, even the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all those who believe; for there is no distinction; for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, being justified as a gift by His grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus; whom God displayed publicly as a propitiation in His blood through faith."

Mr. E. If you will allow me to me to answer this tomorrow evening to prevent any further major mistakes to happen. will await your reply.

Again I apologise and will go back and correct the post.

Many believe that Jesus is the Lord God, even Satan. That does not make you a Christian, nor does being a good Berean.

Paul said, "The just shall live by faith" Romans 1:17. Embracing a religion like Calvinism for your salvation is NOT living by faith. What you have is a faith in Calvinism. Predestination is your hope, not Jesus Christ. If you had faith in Christ, you would not need Calvinism. Renounce Calvinism and trust in Christ alone and I will believe that you are a Christian.
"The just shall live by faith" Romans 1:17. Embracing a religion like Calvinism for your salvation is NOT living by faith. What you have is a faith in Calvinism. Predestination is your hope, not Jesus Christ. If you had faith in Christ, you would not need Calvinism. Renounce Calvinism and trust in Christ alone and I will believe that you are a Christian."

Wow, that last sentence is telling on you. If Calvinism had not been made a bad guy to those who do not choose to follow the WORD of GOD, I would not even mention him. But they bring up questions by which I have to study Calvin to enable me to answer them. To answer this last sentence and really all of it, I will let Calvin do that for me.

“What James says(James 2:14-26), that man is not justified by faith alone, but also by works, does not at all militate against the preceding view [of justification by faith alone]. The reconciling of the two views depends chiefly on the drift of the argument pursued by James. For the question with him is not, how men attain righteousness before God, but how they prove it to others that they are justified; for his object was to confute hypocrites, who vainly boasted that they had faith... James meant no more than that man is not made or proved to be just by a feigned or dead faith, and that he must prove his righteousness by his works.” (John Calvin)

As you can see, Calvin is a man whose faith in Jesus Christ is far more than found in most self-proclaiming Christians.
"The just shall live by faith" Romans 1:17. Embracing a religion like Calvinism for your salvation is NOT living by faith. What you have is a faith in Calvinism. Predestination is your hope, not Jesus Christ. If you had faith in Christ, you would not need Calvinism. Renounce Calvinism and trust in Christ alone and I will believe that you are a Christian."

Wow, that last sentence is telling on you. If Calvinism had not been made a bad guy to those who do not choose to follow the WORD of GOD, I would not even mention him. But they bring up questions by which I have to study Calvin to enable me to answer them. To answer this last sentence and really all of it, I will let Calvin do that for me.

“What James says(James 2:14-26), that man is not justified by faith alone, but also by works, does not at all militate against the preceding view [of justification by faith alone]. The reconciling of the two views depends chiefly on the drift of the argument pursued by James. For the question with him is not, how men attain righteousness before God, but how they prove it to others that they are justified; for his object was to confute hypocrites, who vainly boasted that they had faith... James meant no more than that man is not made or proved to be just by a feigned or dead faith, and that he must prove his righteousness by his works.” (John Calvin)

As you can see, Calvin is a man whose faith in Jesus Christ is far more than found in most self-proclaiming Christians.
James was a Judaizer. A Judaizer is someone that believes in Jesus, but also believes that you must keep the law of Moses. The book of James was directed to law keeping Jews, James 1:1. Not to Gentile Christians. John Calvin did not possess the Holy Spirit. He was a murderer and a tyrant. Google, "The Recorded Atrocities of John Calvin". If you believe that John Calvin was indwelt by the Holy Spirit, then you must also believe that God is the devil.
Yes, but a theology is not a religion...A religion is simply that the attempts of Man to cover himself with GOD.
Are you attempting to cover yourself with Calvinism?
Oh, the predestination is not ignored....It meaning is changed to apply to the Church (his Body),
The Christian church was fore-ordained, not individual Christians.
so no body is going to hellall are going to be saved and according to those who do not believe in the word of GOD and Predestination,
You have made this false accusation several times now. Not all are going to be saved, only people who have become Christian.
It is GOD's fault that mankind is in the throes of sin anyway...
No it isn't.
You seem like this and like that but at the same time you don't like parts of this and parts of that...kind of confusing as my words were just then.
Yes, your words certainly are confusing.
You are all over the place in your beliefs for you have no real anchor and I do, the Whole WORD of GOD

The whole word of God does not teach that individual people are predestined to salvation.
Shroom: Was it you, I quoted what scholar of the past has said about predestination? Since I do not have book in front of me, I will paraphrase it.
'If it is true that predestination exist, it will almost certainly do away with the arguments of any "FREE WILL"...' In my opinion, I do b believe that Predestination is in GOd's plan and indeed it does not allow Free WILL to pick and choose the Lord Savior as so many have fallen into. In fact, while the "Free WIll" has its place in placing mankind deeper in sin, to say it takes the place of Predestination is accordingly a false Gospel.

Predestination of individual people does not exist, it is a false theology/gospel. God wants everyone to be saved (1 Tim 2:4), He is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance (2 Pet 3:9).
Predestination of individual people does not exist, it is a false theology/gospel. God wants everyone to be saved (1 Tim 2:4), He is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance (2 Pet 3:9).
Then how do you explain the Book Of Life?