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This is a Debate about!

Grace, hi! Again don't get me wrong. I am not only focusing on the Sabbath day only. But all 10 commandments.

To take it short, just answered me this question with yes, or no.

This is what God has spoken to John with His own voice through an angel. Revelation 12:17, and Revelation 14:12? Do you belong in this group of people? Your yes, or no, is enough for me to see in which category of group you are in.
Thanks for your sweet writings to me.
Yes, I believe in following the commands of my Lord. They are ever with me through the day. What should I do at this moment or how should I answer this post, or is this the way love would act. You see, even 1 Cor 13 is the law of God. If Jesus did not come to condemn the world then why are we doing it?

I do believe that God is calling you even higher.
It appears you are still trying to make Jewish flesh profit as if it was the power of Spirit of Christ . Jesus said his flesh profits for zero, nothing nada

The Spirit not seen is that alone that does profit .Salvation has nothing to do with the corrupted dying flesh of any nation .

You would first have to answer. Is it a ceremonial law as a shadow or a moral law as in no murder?

Remember two days are set aside to do no regular work . The new era of Sabbaths (new testament) Jew and gentiles alike The 7th to prepare the manna and on the first day it can be eaten.

On one occasion a person waited till the 1st day to b prepare by cooking the manna needing firewood In violation of the cerimoninil law he was put to death as a example. Shadows are not substance.
Again my friend is wrong. If there is a shadow, then there are an object. If you lost Jesus, (and that is exactly what is happening to you by your men teachings), then to find Jesus Christ back, you must start searching for Him by His shadow. Why? Because the brightness of His glory is to much for your eyes to see.
Start now reading 1 Corinthians 15 completely. When you are so far focused on verse 51-54.
Do you see what will happen to true Christians when Jesus returns now? For the second time!!

If you didn't read it and keep plucking verses here and there, then leave it till here.

I am busy with John 1:1. Do you will participate? Yes!! Start answering verse 1.
Again my friend is wrong. If there is a shadow, then there are an object. If you lost Jesus, (and that is exactly what is happening to you by your men teachings), then to find Jesus Christ back, you must start searching for Him by His shadow. Why? Because the brightness of His glory is to much for your eyes to see.
Start now reading 1 Corinthians 15 completely. When you are so far focused on verse 51-54.
Do you see what will happen to true Christians when Jesus returns now? For the second time!!

If you didn't read it and keep plucking verses here and there, then leave it till here.

I am busy with John 1:1. Do you will participate? Yes!! Start answering verse 1.
Let us pray for eachother. BTW, it is 1 Cor 13
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Sorry, I mean let US!!
Thank you Pipiripi,
And thank you for this too:

"For Mr it is the best way to do it so, otherwise it will be the same way as 10 years ago. Nobody can participate and only see. It is no fair. Let everybody that will challenge their beliefs freely and openly. Just respect and let the Bible speak.

But if you can change it, and put it on the place it should be, for me is welcome. But I like that someone can say something to help the other that have the the same teachings."

Now and then we need a reminder that debate has many styles and methods.

Many blessings,
Thank you Pipiripi,
And thank you for this too:

"For Mr it is the best way to do it so, otherwise it will be the same way as 10 years ago. Nobody can participate and only see. It is no fair. Let everybody that will challenge their beliefs freely and openly. Just respect and let the Bible speak.

But if you can change it, and put it on the place it should be, for me is welcome. But I like that someone can say something to help the other that have the the same teachings."

Now and then we need a reminder that debate has many styles and methods.

Many blessings,
My brethren! You know the best, remember that my English is very bad, just help me if you can by not to offend other person. Or makes them think by my writing that I am rude!!
God bless you and take care! Pray for me, I needed it most.
My brethren! You know the best, remember that my English is very bad, just help me if you can by not to offend other person. Or makes them think by my writing that I am rude!!
God bless you and take care! Pray for me, I needed it most.
Certainly Pipiripi...
I will pray for you.
I am glad to help amend or reduce any offence too.
As far as I am concerned Pipiripi can pick it up again. I'll choose which discussions I want to get into.
Thats great, choose whatever you want, but start by chapter and verse 1.
Again my friend is wrong. If there is a shadow, then there are an object. If you lost Jesus, (and that is exactly what is happening to you by your men teachings), then to find Jesus Christ back, you must start searching for Him by His shadow. Why? Because the brightness of His glory is to much for your eyes to see.
Start now reading 1 Corinthians 15 completely. When you are so far focused on verse 51-54.
Do you see what will happen to true Christians when Jesus returns now? For the second time!!

If you didn't read it and keep plucking verses here and there, then leave it till here.

I am busy with John 1:1. Do you will participate? Yes!! Start answering verse 1.

Keep plucking verses here and there? That seems to be your more of your private interpretation as a personal commentary of what you say you hear coming from the bible .God’s interpretation is the greater witness. The witness of two.

Yes if there is a temporal (shadow) as a metaphor the signified understanding used in parables. Then there is substance (eternal)

The whole period there were Kings in “Israel” (abomination of desolation) the bride of Christ, Israel. Her name was changed to Christians during the first century reformation.

Note . . .(Purple in parenthesis) my added opinion to make a point

Hebrew 9: 8-10 The Holy Ghost this signifying,( using metaphors as shadows ) that the way into the holiest of all was not yet made manifest, while as the first tabernacle was yet standing: Which was a figure(parable) for the time then present, in which were offered both gifts and sacrifices, that could not make him that did the service perfect, as pertaining to the conscience; Which stood only in meats and drinks, and divers washings, and carnal ordinances, imposed on them until the time of reformation.

Most Rabbis I have had a chance to share with refuse to acknowledge the first century reformation as if it never occurred, Do you deny it also ?

Can shadows make him that performed the ceremony perfect, as pertaining to the conscience?

And John 1:1 is straight forward, The Spirit of Christ worked in the Son of man, Jesus the prophet and chief apostle.(not as I will but you Father the one with power ) Jesus like us had the treasure of the power of God working in our brother in the Lord to both will and empower him to do the good pleasure of the Father but it was not of him any more than it is of us

Nothing was made by the Son of man ( a creation) God is not a man .

John 1:1-3 In the beginning was the Word, (not the Son of man, Jesus) and the Word was with God, (not the Son of man, Jesus) and the Word was God. (not the Son of man Jesus)The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; (not the Son of man Jesus) and without him (not the Son of man Jesus) was not any thing made that was made.

No mention of the Son of man, Jesus other than he was part of the creation .God is not a man .
Keep plucking verses here and there? That seems to be your more of your private interpretation as a personal commentary of what you say you hear coming from the bible .God’s interpretation is the greater witness. The witness of two.

Yes if there is a temporal (shadow) as a metaphor the signified understanding used in parables. Then there is substance (eternal)

The whole period there were Kings in “Israel” (abomination of desolation) the bride of Christ, Israel. Her name was changed to Christians during the first century reformation.

Note . . .(Purple in parenthesis) my added opinion to make a point

Hebrew 9: 8-10 The Holy Ghost this signifying,( using metaphors as shadows ) that the way into the holiest of all was not yet made manifest, while as the first tabernacle was yet standing: Which was a figure(parable) for the time then present, in which were offered both gifts and sacrifices, that could not make him that did the service perfect, as pertaining to the conscience; Which stood only in meats and drinks, and divers washings, and carnal ordinances, imposed on them until the time of reformation.

Most Rabbis I have had a chance to share with refuse to acknowledge the first century reformation as if it never occurred, Do you deny it also ?

Can shadows make him that performed the ceremony perfect, as pertaining to the conscience?

And John 1:1 is straight forward, The Spirit of Christ worked in the Son of man, Jesus the prophet and chief apostle.(not as I will but you Father the one with power ) Jesus like us had the treasure of the power of God working in our brother in the Lord to both will and empower him to do the good pleasure of the Father but it was not of him any more than it is of us

Nothing was made by the Son of man ( a creation) God is not a man .

John 1:1-3 In the beginning was the Word, (not the Son of man, Jesus) and the Word was with God, (not the Son of man, Jesus) and the Word was God. (not the Son of man Jesus)The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; (not the Son of man Jesus) and without him (not the Son of man Jesus) was not any thing made that was made. Word

No mention of the Son of man, Jesus other than he was part of the creation .God is not a man .
Very interesting, so if the "Word" is not Jesus Christ then we must continue further to see who exactly is the "Word"

You didn't answer verse 1 first alone, first mistake by not listening to John!!.

First if you have read the title above verse 1,then you start reading to see what means, the "Word" Becomes Human. Maybe your Bible doesn't have this title.

Verse 2 clearly says "HIM" so it must be another person next God.

Verse 3 without doubt indicate that this person or being was very close to God.

Now if you say it isn't Jesus Christ, then let we see what the other verses say. So keep going with your teaching. And remember that by your teaching the word, "word" is not Jesus Christ, that called Himself the son of man, and the Son of God.

Let me here the other three verses of your teaching. 4,5,6.
Pipiripi !!! How do you pronounce it?
From now I cannot go deep into it, because we must compare scripture with scripture.

John 1:1-2 ...'In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.The same was in the beginning with God.'

Those four words above, 'the Word was God' has convinced many Christians to believe that Jesus is the 'only true God' Himself. And yet they miss the simple meaning of what John was saying. Is this all John had to say about Christ? No. This part I lett it till we come to his time.

To begin with, the English translations of John 1:1 have a small but yet important word missing, which is in the original Greek. Let's add that word back in and see how it changes the verse ... "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with [THE] God, and the Word was God." ... So ("......") the "Word" was with THE God in the beginning. So the "Word" was with someone who is THE God. Who is that? Again, John records it for us. (When we go deeper in the other verses)