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This is a Debate about!

Thematic statement is needed. Parameters of focused attention too.
It is always good to see dialogue and debate between two posters. But we need to place debating terms or it could go on forever.
Hi Mungo! I'm here for you to prove me the truth.

Let we start with John 1:1.

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God".

What do you think is the Word? There is three things saying in verse one.
Can I clarity: who is we? Sorry to interrupt. As I thought it was one to one and not teams.
I am agree, love is the key. But James said if you have break one of the commandments then you have break all.

Jesus also confirms this for us.
Grace, you are a Christian for many years. So if you see something that isn't written in the Bible, never did Jesus and the apostles has approved the change from the 7th day to the 1st day of the week. You know exactly what will happen when we put something, or take something, and preached something that is not written in the Bible, is a curse upon their head. Galatians 1:1-10. Paul was challenged self the holy angels in heaven that lives with Jesus and God the Father. Do you remember what is written in Revelation 22:18-19.
I hope that you have understand my love for humanity. This is my duty, to make people see to follow only Jesus Christ and the apostles.

If Jesus Christ has kept the Sabbath as His custom. What about us? Should we walk in His footsteps or beside His footsteps?

Pipirpi, I commend you for sharing with the world your faith. Please consider the following:

We should always walk in His footsteps. Certainly, if the spirit moves you to do things differently on Saturdays than you do on other days, follow after the Spirit. But does that mean that we are spiritual policemen enforcing what we believe to be God's law?

If I do not love am I not shattering God's law in a single blow? When Jesus picked out the weightier matters of the law, He did not mention the Sabbath as one of them. He mentioned 3 Justice, Mercy, and faith. (Matt 23:23)

The spiritual problem with reducing God's Law to a single commandment by focusing solely on it is that we miss out on what actually saves us. I am sure that you would agree that keeping a sabbath will not save anyone. If a person behaves differently on Saturday than they do on other days of the week out of love and adoration for their savior, then that is a very good thing. That would be true of striving to obey all of the commands of God.

The Law of God is much, much bigger than just the Ten Commandments. It includes everything God said in the bible including all of the things Jesus taught and it extends to the real world in all of the laws of nature. If I pick out one tiny command in one tiny part of God's law and push that then I get trapped into ignoring the rest of God's law and I get tangled up in definitions because it is not enough to just say, Keep the sabbath, for now, I must define how to keep it and that opens a can of worms which soon devolves into a discourse that is not loving.

Pipirpi, I commend you for sharing with the world your faith, but perhaps God is calling you to show His love also.
I am agree, love is the key. But James said if you have break one of the commandments then you have break all.

Jesus also confirms this for us.
Grace, you are a Christian for many years. So if you see something that isn't written in the Bible, never did Jesus and the apostles has approved the change from the 7th day to the 1st day of the week. You know exactly what will happen when we put something, or take something, and preached something that is not written in the Bible, is a curse upon their head. Galatians 1:1-10. Paul was challenged self the holy angels in heaven that lives with Jesus and God the Father. Do you remember what is written in Revelation 22:18-19.
I hope that you have understand my love for humanity. This is my duty, to make people see to follow only Jesus Christ and the apostles.

If Jesus Christ has kept the Sabbath as His custom. What about us? Should we walk in His footsteps or beside His footsteps?

It appears you are still trying to make Jewish flesh profit as if it was the power of Spirit of Christ . Jesus said his flesh profits for zero, nothing nada

The Spirit not seen is that alone that does profit .Salvation has nothing to do with the corrupted dying flesh of any nation .

You would first have to answer. Is it a ceremonial law as a shadow or a moral law as in no murder?

Remember two days are set aside to do no regular work . The new era of Sabbaths (new testament) Jew and gentiles alike The 7th to prepare the manna and on the first day it can be eaten.

On one occasion a person waited till the 1st day to b prepare by cooking the manna needing firewood In violation of the cerimoninil law he was put to death as a example. Shadows are not substance.

Okay, I am summoned I feel great. But you are hypnotized by Satan, and I try to wake you up my friend. 2 Thessalonians 2:8-12.
Start the debate by answering verse 1. By the way are you a trinitarian? I HOPE yes!!

There is nothing in the law that speaks of manna for a reason

Its really one commandment divided into parts. To the law and its testimony . You can say ten but there is no need to divide. The first commandment as to its testimony goes through 6 verses in Deuteronomy 5. 7 thru 11)

Can you explain why the forth Commandment is given as two different reasons unlike other ? We are to compare the unseen spiritual understanding of one parable Exodus 20 to another Deuteronomy 5 .

The Genesis beginning.

Exodus 20 11 For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.

The Genesis beginning introducing manna (what is it) .The bread of unfamiliarity

Deuteronomy 5: 15 And remember that thou wast a servant in the land of Egypt, and that the Lord thy God brought thee out thence through a mighty hand and by a stretched out arm: therefore the Lord thy God commanded thee to keep the sabbath day.

To the testimony of the ceremony as sign to the unbelieving world it begin with.. Honor thy father and thy mother,

Deuteronomy 5: 16-21 Honour thy father and thy mother, as the Lord thy God hath commanded thee; that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee, in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. Thou shalt not kill. Neither shalt thou commit adultery.
Neither shalt thou steal.Neither shalt thou bear false witness against thy neighbour. Neither shalt thou desire thy neighbour's wife, neither shalt thou covet thy neighbour's house, his field, or his manservant, or his maidservant, his ox, or his ass, or any thing that is thy neighbour's.

You, just as the Sunday observers, don't understand that the observance of days, even the Sabbath, doesn't matter anymore.

On the Sabbath, a person couldn't prepare food, they had to gather the bread from heaven the day before, and get enough to eat on the Sabbath.

JESUS IS OUR BREAD FROM HEAVEN NOW. We eat of him every day by obeying him, his words, every day.

On the Sabbath, a person couldn't even light a fire, not even on the coldest day of winter to make themselves comfortable.

JESUS IS OUR COMFORT NOW. Jesus is our light.

The Sunday and Sabbath observers miss the point that Jesus is the Sabbath Rest.
Love is to obey Jesus' commands. The problem is, is that people obey the way false teachers explain it.
In my experience, I had no ability to love or obey or even know what obedience was until Jesus first loved me. It was in seeing what a waste my reprobate life was and then what Jesus did for me that I began to have an inkling of what love was.

The story of Mary is my story. Those who have been forgiven much love much. Not only do I see salvation differently than you do, but I see love and obedience differently. I know that I was not obeying God in judging others. Where that exists, so resides disobedience to Jesus.
In my experience, I had no ability to love or obey or even know what obedience was until Jesus first loved me.

God first loved HIS CREATION, the WORLD.

You can't change the truth by your misunderstandings and the teachings of your false teachers.

God does NOT save us supernaturally BEFORE we hear and believe and obey.

God saves us when we hear the supernatural message and believe it and obey it!

It was in seeing what a waste my reprobate life was and then what Jesus did for me that I began to have an inkling of what love was.
It is never, ever, ever wrong to obey Jesus.
The story of Mary is my story. Those who have been forgiven much love much.
Not only do I see salvation differently than you do, but I see love and obedience differently.
The truth is the Way, not different ways that you preach.
I know that I was not obeying God in judging others.
You sure weren't obeying. It was quite evil.
Where that exists, so resides disobedience to Jesus.
Which proves we have to obey to have his love.
In my experience, I had no ability to love or obey or even know what obedience was until Jesus first loved me. It was in seeing what a waste my reprobate life was and then what Jesus did for me that I began to have an inkling of what love was.

The story of Mary is my story. Those who have been forgiven much love much. Not only do I see salvation differently than you do, but I see love and obedience differently. I know that I was not obeying God in judging others. Where that exists, so resides disobedience to Jesus.
My experience is exactly the opposite.

I have learned what love is by reading God and Jesus' word; It is obedience to God and Jesus' law.

God is love.

Jesus was sent to teach us God's love to us because we don't know God's love.
Not only do I see salvation differently than you do, but I see love and obedience differently. I know that I was not obeying God in judging others. Where that exists, so resides disobedience to Jesus.
You used to talk about how you worked with people with autism, but you didn't know I had a son who is severely autistic, and that I know the entire lingo by professionals, of all levels, who work with people with autism, words that describe their mental disability. You used to insult people here with that new lingo for people with autism. You didn't like my beliefs, so you attacked me personally by referring to me with the words used for the mentally handicapped, the words for the autistic people. I told you that you were using words against me to call me mentally disabled, words that substitute the old word, the word "retarded", and the word that use to be used. People use to use the word retarded to insult others, but now you were using the new words to insult others, to insult me. You, then you went on a rampage and lied about me saying I was using the word ‘retarded’ inappropriately. You tried to cover up the intentions of your heart, which I recognized. I am glad that you seem to have repented of what you did.