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This is a Debate about!

Good day! Let we continue with verse 2. Romans 1:2-4.
Paul is declaring here that Jesus Christ was born human beings, from the lineup descendents of David. And by His resurrection declared Son of God. That means that Jesus Christ was with God, then come to the earth, die for our sins, and resurrected (not His Spirit come out of His body) but wake up from the dead, then return to God.

Am i correct?
Good day! Let we continue with verse 2. Romans 1:2-4.
Paul is declaring here that Jesus Christ was born human beings, from the lineup descendents of David. And by His resurrection declared Son of God.
That means that Jesus Christ was with God, then come to the earth, die for our sins, and resurrected (not His Spirit come out of His body) but wake up from the dead, then return to God.

Am i correct?
No. Jesus Christ did not preexist his conception except in God's plan.
Jesus Christ is a man (John 8:40). Men do not preexist their conception.
Jesus Christ became a man, and now I can understand better that you all that think that Jesus Christ was just a man. So if Jesus Christ is just a man then he also have sin just like all humans did. Now I understand why you people are plucking verses here and there. Because by study the Bible start by verse one till the end, is above your comprehensive mind of nonsense!! You cannot think further. But let me show you from the Bible what Jesus says, after His resurrection. I hope that you have some love of the true God that you don't know who He is.
Luke 24:11-23. If this cannot convince you my friend, you are calling Jesus a liar.
And the Bible says, if someone denied that Jesus Christ is not the LITERAL SON OF GOD, they are the antichrist. They are from Satan. Who do you think was talking with Moses and Abraham and all the others in the Old Testament?? Do you think it was God the Father of Jesus Christ?
Jesus Christ became a man
He began his existence as a man.
, and now I can understand better that you all that think that Jesus Christ was just a man.
He isn't "just" a man, he is the Christ, the Son of God.
So if Jesus Christ is just a man then he also have sin just like all humans did.
No. God is his Father. Jesus did not inherit the sin nature every descendant of Adam has.
Now I understand why you people are plucking verses here and there. Because by study the Bible start by verse one till the end, is above your comprehensive mind of nonsense!! You cannot think further.
Your insults are tiresome.
But let me show you from the Bible what Jesus says, after His resurrection. I hope that you have some love of the true God that you don't know who He is.
Luke 24:11-23.
Luke 24:11-23 do not prove Jesus Christ preexisted his conception.
If this cannot convince you my friend, you are calling Jesus a liar.
No I'm not.
And the Bible says, if someone denied that Jesus Christ is not the LITERAL SON OF GOD, they are the antichrist. They are from Satan.
I believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
Who do you think was talking with Moses and Abraham and all the others in the Old Testament?? Do you think it was God the Father of Jesus Christ?
It wasn't Jesus. He did not exist yet.