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This is a Debate about!

If they wouldn't repent unless they had to are they really interested in being saved?
They were taught the way you teach, and that is that they don't have to repent of their sins to get saved, or to stay saved. Remember, you said that makes a filthy works salvation, which is condemned.
They were taught the way you teach, and that is that they don't have to repent of their sins to get saved, or to stay saved. Remember, you said that makes a filthy works salvation, which is condemned.
@Grace Accepted
I want a longer time to edit. lol That should have said, "If", "If they were taught the way you teach..."
If they were taught the way GA, and others teach...to believe and nothing else, then no, they wouldn't repent of their sins to be saved. GA and others teach that if we do anything else besides just believe, then we are in a works salvation and are condemned for having a works salvation.
They were taught the way you teach, and that is that they don't have to repent of their sins to get saved, or to stay saved. Remember, you said that makes a filthy works salvation, which is condemned.
No, you have misquoted me.
No I haven't.
Straighten it out right now then.
Tell me, if we believe and repent of Jesus to get saved, is that the Way?
We will repent time and time again as we walk after the Spirit. We will repent because we love Him.
We will repent time and time again as we walk after the Spirit. We will repent because we love Him.
You didn't answer the question. Just answer with a yes or no:

Tell me, if we believe and repent to Jesus to get saved, is that the Way?
Thematic statement is needed. Parameters of focused attention too.
It is always good to see dialogue and debate between two posters. But we need to place debating terms or it could go on forever.
For Mr it is the best way to do it so, otherwise it will be the same way as 10 years ago. Nobody can participate and only see. It is no fair. Let everybody that will challenge their beliefs freely and openly. Just respect and let the Bible speak.

But if you can change it, and put it on the place it should be, for me is welcome. But I like that someone can say something to help the other that have the the same teachings.
Pipirpi, I commend you for sharing with the world your faith. Please consider the following:

We should always walk in His footsteps. Certainly, if the spirit moves you to do things differently on Saturdays than you do on other days, follow after the Spirit. But does that mean that we are spiritual policemen enforcing what we believe to be God's law?

If I do not love am I not shattering God's law in a single blow? When Jesus picked out the weightier matters of the law, He did not mention the Sabbath as one of them. He mentioned 3 Justice, Mercy, and faith. (Matt 23:23)

The spiritual problem with reducing God's Law to a single commandment by focusing solely on it is that we miss out on what actually saves us. I am sure that you would agree that keeping a sabbath will not save anyone. If a person behaves differently on Saturday than they do on other days of the week out of love and adoration for their savior, then that is a very good thing. That would be true of striving to obey all of the commands of God.

The Law of God is much, much bigger than just the Ten Commandments. It includes everything God said in the bible including all of the things Jesus taught and it extends to the real world in all of the laws of nature. If I pick out one tiny command in one tiny part of God's law and push that then I get trapped into ignoring the rest of God's law and I get tangled up in definitions because it is not enough to just say, Keep the sabbath, for now, I must define how to keep it and that opens a can of worms which soon devolves into a discourse that is not loving.

Pipirpi, I commend you for sharing with the world your faith, but perhaps God is calling you to show His love also.
Grace, hi! Again don't get me wrong. I am not only focusing on the Sabbath day only. But all 10 commandments.

To take it short, just answered me this question with yes, or no.

This is what God has spoken to John with His own voice through an angel. Revelation 12:17, and Revelation 14:12? Do you belong in this group of people? Your yes, or no, is enough for me to see in which category of group you are in.
Thanks for your sweet writings to me.
You didn't answer the question. Just answer with a yes or no:

Tell me, if we believe and repent to Jesus to get saved, is that the Way?
It is not a yes or no question. It is much more complex than that. A person is dead in sins and trespasses and is unspiritual. Being dead, He cannot understand the things of God. This is the way I was. But the natural, nonspiritual man does not accept or welcome or admit into his heart the gifts and teachings and revelations of the Spirit of God, for they are folly (meaningless nonsense) to him; and he is incapable of knowing them [of progressively recognizing, understanding, and becoming better acquainted with them] because they are spiritually discerned and estimated and appreciated. 1 Cor 2:14 (Don't bother with your reinterpretations because I can read this text myself and I already know how you view it.)

God comes to each person through the Holy Spirit and strives with that man or woman. In Nehemiah 9:30 it talks about this, "Many years you bore with them and warned them by your Spirit... Each person is enlightened by Christ. The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world. (John1:9) That is why each person chose between light and darkness. If Jesus did not give them the light they would not know anything but darkness, they would have no choice to make.

This is where Jesus shines the light on us and we see our true nature and sinfulness. We will understand that it is sin that drives our bitter confrontations, and cold accusations. We will see that we do not obey. The true light is shining upon us. This is the point that we either surrender and repent by His gift of repentance or we harden our hearts and reject His spirit. The only part we are playing is the informed choice we make.

We are adrift in a sea of sin and God sends His son to rescue us. When he throws us the lifeline we either grab it or push it away.