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The Trinity

Greetings Arial,
he had a heretic killed. And you love the heretic. What kind of intellect and reasoning is that?
What was the main "heresy" that this individual was charged with? I think you will find that he did not accept the Trinity, and possibly advocated against it. Are you thus suggesting if this forum subject was openly discussed in Calvin's time that you would endorse the execution of all that oppose you here, on this thread?

Kind regards
You have no idea of the intellect or mindset of Calvin.
His approval of killing an innocent man is his wicked and antichrist spirit.

what he did was the worst kind of sin.

And you cannot see it.

So sad.
No, people, even in their fallen state, can choose to believe the gospel.
The Calvinist belief in irresistible grace is false.

God is not a man as us never was never could be .God has no beginning or end of Spirit life. He is the one Spirit of truth

If they hear it (irresistible grace) and God empowers them to belive and perform it yes. No different the the Son of man Jesus our "born again" brother in the lord . he say marvel not but rather belive His father. Jesus the apotle prophet set the example .

Matthew 12:50For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother.

Mark 3:35 For whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is my brother, and my sister, and mother

Jesus as the Son of man died not receiving the propmise of a new incorutopble body just like any of the sons of God .

Hebrews 11:39 And these all, having obtained a good report through faith, received not the promise:
God having provided some better thing for us, that they without us should not be made perfect

Two is the witness of God throughout the Bible (Father not seen and the Son of man seen ) not three, a queen mother that some have named Mary after our sister in the Lord .
Greetings Arial,

What was the main "heresy" that this individual was charged with? I think you will find that he did not accept the Trinity, and possibly advocated against it. Are you thus suggesting if this forum subject was openly discussed in Calvin's time that you would endorse the execution of all that oppose you here, on this thread?

Kind regards
Oh my gosh! The ignorant lengths people will go to to try and defame someone who believes in the trinity! It is the same dumb tactics the Democrat party and woke crowd in the US use! You cut off an important part of my sentence so that you quote me as having said something completely distorted and divorced from my point, so as to be able to make the absurd accusation!

In Calvin's day, right or wrong, it was the policy of church and state (one of the reasons the US constitution forbids the joining of the two) to execute opponents of the church---heretics. That was law. And Calvin did not murder this person, he merely agreed with the capital punishment of the land. So now people who would have Calvin's theology crucified, resort to bringing up this legality as though it makes Calvin himself a monster, and therefore, in their mind, disqualifies everything he ever said. It is the height of stupidity. Meanwhile, they go about their merry little life, never giving a second thought to people being put to death according the law and time of their own land, for crimes deemed worthy of such punishment. And they certainly do not consider themselves monsters for not only letting it happen, but not caring one iota about it.
His approval of killing an innocent man is his wicked and antichrist spirit.

what he did was the worst kind of sin.

And you cannot see it.

So sad.
You live in a state where any number of people have been put to death for breaking certain laws of the land and time in which you live. Did you allow that to happen? Did you try and stop it? Did you approve? Did you even care one way or another? No? Then I guess by your reasoning that would make you a monster. Therefore, nothing you say is true. If it is the worst kind of sin for Calvin, it is also the worst kind of sin for you, and you can't see it.
You live in a state where any number of people have been put to death for breaking certain laws of the land and time in which you live.
Do you really believe your excuse is legit for Jesus' followers? Escpecially leader of professed follower of christ?

what they did was exactly the same as pharisees.

Do you really cannot see it?
Greetings again Arial,
If it is the worst kind of sin for Calvin, it is also the worst kind of sin for you, and you can't see it.
I think Calvin was more involved in the death of Servetus.

I will quote one article that I found, and I deleted one sentence shown by ..... as I disagree with this.
"Michael Servetus was a Spanish physician and theologian who rejected orthodox Trinitarian doctrine. According to Servetus, God is one single person. ...... According to Servetus, Christ was made a man by God, and His human nature prevents Him from being God. Servetus concluded God is eternal, but Jesus Christ is not. In his denial of the Trinity, Servetus was seen as a heretic by Catholics and Protestants alike. John Calvin briefly corresponded with Servetus, but broke off all communication after the first few letters, as it was apparent that Servetus was unyielding in his denial of the Trinity.

In 1552 the Spanish Inquisition took action against Servetus, but he escaped their hands. Later, the French Inquisition declared Servetus worthy of death but had to burn him in effigy, due to his escape. In August 1553, Servetus traveled to Geneva where he was recognized and at Calvin’s request was imprisoned by the city magistrates. The trial of Michael Servetus lasted through October, at which time the Council of Geneva condemned him to death. Servetus was burned at the stake on October 27, 1553. The Calvinists and the Catholics both wanted him dead, but the Calvinists got to him first.

The condemnation and death of Michael Servetus has been a black mark on John Calvin’s record for centuries. Was the burning of Servetus justified, or was it cold-blooded murder? God will judge. In contemplating the history of Calvin and Servetus, it is good to remember the following facts:

– The laws in Switzerland made heresy punishable by death; Servetus’ death was thus justified in the eyes of the Geneva Council. Plus, the councils of Berne, Zurich, Basle, and Schaffhausen were consulted, and they all encouraged the verdict and punishment.

Calvin agreed with the sentence of death passed on Servetus; however, he urged that in mercy Servetus be executed by the sword, not by burning. The council rejected his suggestion."

It is interesting that Servetus was first condemned by the Spanish Inquisition.

Kind regards
Greetings Arial,

What was the main "heresy" that this individual was charged with? I think you will find that he did not accept the Trinity, and possibly advocated against it. Are you thus suggesting if this forum subject was openly discussed in Calvin's time that you would endorse the execution of all that oppose you here, on this thread?

Kind regards

There is no law against having a opinion (heresy) unless it does despite the the fulness of Christ grace, the price of redeemption .

Times during the reformations can cause confussion and tribulation, and to others great joy. (double edgeded sword) . Because of the first century reformation those that glory in the flesh crucifed our brother in the Lord Jesus, as well as many Christian brothers and sisters . The 15th century reformation a carbon copy .

Sola scriptura (all things written in the law and prophets) is the final authority in matters of the faith of Gods labor of His love.in any generation. It restores the goverement of faith (two working as one).
Greetings again Arial,

I think Calvin was more involved in the death of Servetus.

I will quote one article that I found, and I deleted one sentence shown by ..... as I disagree with this.
"Michael Servetus was a Spanish physician and theologian who rejected orthodox Trinitarian doctrine. According to Servetus, God is one single person. ...... According to Servetus, Christ was made a man by God, and His human nature prevents Him from being God. Servetus concluded God is eternal, but Jesus Christ is not. In his denial of the Trinity, Servetus was seen as a heretic by Catholics and Protestants alike. John Calvin briefly corresponded with Servetus, but broke off all communication after the first few letters, as it was apparent that Servetus was unyielding in his denial of the Trinity.

In 1552 the Spanish Inquisition took action against Servetus, but he escaped their hands. Later, the French Inquisition declared Servetus worthy of death but had to burn him in effigy, due to his escape. In August 1553, Servetus traveled to Geneva where he was recognized and at Calvin’s request was imprisoned by the city magistrates. The trial of Michael Servetus lasted through October, at which time the Council of Geneva condemned him to death. Servetus was burned at the stake on October 27, 1553. The Calvinists and the Catholics both wanted him dead, but the Calvinists got to him first.

The condemnation and death of Michael Servetus has been a black mark on John Calvin’s record for centuries. Was the burning of Servetus justified, or was it cold-blooded murder? God will judge. In contemplating the history of Calvin and Servetus, it is good to remember the following facts:

– The laws in Switzerland made heresy punishable by death; Servetus’ death was thus justified in the eyes of the Geneva Council. Plus, the councils of Berne, Zurich, Basle, and Schaffhausen were consulted, and they all encouraged the verdict and punishment.

Calvin agreed with the sentence of death passed on Servetus; however, he urged that in mercy Servetus be executed by the sword, not by burning. The council rejected his suggestion."

It is interesting that Servetus was first condemned by the Spanish Inquisition.

Kind regards
God is not a man (Creation) never was never could be.

Jesus is our brother in the Lord . Our father informs us to call no man on earth Holy Father . one is our adoptive father in heaven. We are all brothers and sister as mothers

Matthew 12:50 For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother.

Mark 3:35 For whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is my brother, and my sister, and mother.
God is not a man (Creation) never was never could be.

Jesus is our brother in the Lord . Our father informs us to call no man on earth Holy Father . one is our adoptive father in heaven. We are all brothers and sister as mothers

Matthew 12:50 For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother.

Mark 3:35 For whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is my brother, and my sister, and mother.

Are you endorsing what Calvin did was legit?
Greetings again Arial,

I think Calvin was more involved in the death of Servetus.

I will quote one article that I found, and I deleted one sentence shown by ..... as I disagree with this.
"Michael Servetus was a Spanish physician and theologian who rejected orthodox Trinitarian doctrine. According to Servetus, God is one single person. ...... According to Servetus, Christ was made a man by God, and His human nature prevents Him from being God. Servetus concluded God is eternal, but Jesus Christ is not. In his denial of the Trinity, Servetus was seen as a heretic by Catholics and Protestants alike. John Calvin briefly corresponded with Servetus, but broke off all communication after the first few letters, as it was apparent that Servetus was unyielding in his denial of the Trinity.

In 1552 the Spanish Inquisition took action against Servetus, but he escaped their hands. Later, the French Inquisition declared Servetus worthy of death but had to burn him in effigy, due to his escape. In August 1553, Servetus traveled to Geneva where he was recognized and at Calvin’s request was imprisoned by the city magistrates. The trial of Michael Servetus lasted through October, at which time the Council of Geneva condemned him to death. Servetus was burned at the stake on October 27, 1553. The Calvinists and the Catholics both wanted him dead, but the Calvinists got to him first.

The condemnation and death of Michael Servetus has been a black mark on John Calvin’s record for centuries. Was the burning of Servetus justified, or was it cold-blooded murder? God will judge. In contemplating the history of Calvin and Servetus, it is good to remember the following facts:

– The laws in Switzerland made heresy punishable by death; Servetus’ death was thus justified in the eyes of the Geneva Council. Plus, the councils of Berne, Zurich, Basle, and Schaffhausen were consulted, and they all encouraged the verdict and punishment.

Calvin agreed with the sentence of death passed on Servetus; however, he urged that in mercy Servetus be executed by the sword, not by burning. The council rejected his suggestion."

It is interesting that Servetus was first condemned by the Spanish Inquisition.

Kind regards
So what?! What has that to do with the teachings and unusual ability for systematic (consistent and logical and God centered throughout) theological exegesis of scripture? What has it to do with your "what if" scenario you lobbed at me?

Want to play what if? If the doctrines that were legally met with death in Calvin's time had been reversed, and it was unitarians who had the reins of church and state, and it was trinitarians who were being put to death as heretics, does that mean that if those times still existed, but we also had computers and internet, that you would be calling for and supporting the death of every trinitarian on the forum? And what about all the unitarians (every unitarian on the board) who has different unitarian views from yours? Would they also get death or would you support mere imprisonment. See how ignorant it is? See what a lame way it is to frame a defense?

"Hypocrites!" Jesus cried.
"Hypocrites!" Jesus cried.
Hypocrites are you guys and you make excuse about it.

Jesus would never condone any killing especially using His name.

You dont even realize how many of His word you are disregarding by your endorsing Calvin's killing.