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Run away from Apologetics! (Don't become a lawyer)

Jesus will judge them according to what they have done, not necessary to live by the Gospel,

Yet, people who reject His word, especially those claiming God and Jesus' name, disregarding their will will not be forgiven.

see the above.

This is for @Arial and others who claim to be saved.
1 John 3:
1 Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not.
2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.

1 John 5:13 These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.
People should be able to recognize that there IS a God through looking at creation, but to learn about Him and the Lord Jesus Christ, they need to hear the gospel.

What was said was considered for those who are away from civilization, there is an island out there in the waters where this tribe lives and no one is able to go on it. I would agree those who seek for God should also learn about the Son if they have that type of chance to be able to do so.

@meshak, we know everyone will be judged and God is fair and just and will consider their knowledge and happenstances, sister. He will consider everything about their life, and some people are less fortunate than others.
God is bigger than the scripture - as he has the ability to move into people by the spirit who have never heard the Gospel.

Considering God created all things by the breathe of his mouth (WORD)(Also Gods Holy Spirit),

People who never heard the gospel out there in the deserts and away from civilization -> Have the ability to see God in the creation, and for someone to go and say "they must hear the gospel" -> is wrong.

Psalm 33:6
Romans 1:20

If people can be saved from the wrath of God without the gospel of Jesus, then why on earth did He come from God to suffer and die to pay for sins----which is the gospel? And why did Jesus say that NO ONE comes to the Father except through Jesus?
If people can be saved from the wrath of God without the gospel of Jesus, then why on earth did He come from God to suffer and die to pay for sins----which is the gospel? And why did Jesus say that NO ONE comes to the Father except through Jesus?


From my perspective the wrath of God was poured on the nation of Israel and the cup of wrath is no longer full.

These are exceptional situations we are speaking on specifically.

Those who do not have access to the Gospel and only have access to nature itself, and can't just read English.

You may see differently, and I can not argue against another person who sees differently, otherwise I am infringing on individual freedom and liberty of another human being.

Thus, one must think for themselves, and God is above our own ways and his thoughts are not ours of course.

love you!

From my perspective the wrath of God was poured on the nation of Israel and the cup of wrath is no longer full.

These are exceptional situations we are speaking on specifically.

Those who do not have access to the Gospel and only have access to nature itself, and can't just read English.

You may see differently, and I can not argue against another person who sees differently, otherwise I am infringing on individual freedom and liberty of another human being.

Thus, one must think for themselves, and God is above our own ways and his thoughts are not ours of course.

love you!
One who has this philosophy can not honestly say they have any interest in truth or any real concern for the eternal well being of others.
@meshak, we know everyone will be judged and God is fair and just and will consider their knowledge and happenstances, sister. He will consider everything about their life, and some people are less fortunate than others.
what does this have to do with what I said?

Your point?
I do not care for apologetics as it is "intellectualism" by default, just defending beliefs, and not really learning or grasping things from the Bible

I somewhat disagree, depending on who your audience is. Know the verse about us being one body? One applicable metaphor is iron sharpens iron. And another is to stay in your lane. If you are not called for apologetics, plant seeds for God's Kingdom another way. We are all counting on you, brother!

The Great Commission is apologetics to the unbelievers. Among believers, it gets very esoteric very quickly. People appeal to foreign language and ancient customs to invoke the IDOL of "context."

The only context the uninitiated need to grasp is we are, by default, all going to hell in a hand basket. And the only thing that can prevent that is to grab hold of the SS life preserver called Yeshua. Simple.

The only thing that is going to amount to anything is building your house on the solid foundation laid by Christ, the 'apologetics' is almost like a house that can fall, and it is something that can be shaken.
You might be confusing what we do with who we are. I love the expression, "Preach the Gospel every day. If you have to, use words."

We are all Christ followers but have different professions and different hobbies. I once was an avid runner. You could say that my interest fell and was shaken. But so what? I just adopted another hobby. I still cherish my child's future, breath air and inhabit this small planet.
I somewhat disagree, depending on who your audience is. Know the verse about us being one body? One applicable metaphor is iron sharpens iron. And another is to stay in your lane. If you are not called for apologetics, plant seeds for God's Kingdom another way. We are all counting on you, brother!

The Great Commission is apologetics to the unbelievers. Among believers, it gets very esoteric very quickly. People appeal to foreign language and ancient customs to invoke the IDOL of "context."

Iron sharpens iron and stay in your lane! I like both of those.

I am confused about what you refer to as 'the idol of context" -- you don't think context and original meaning is important?