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Run away from Apologetics! (Don't become a lawyer)

Iron sharpens iron and stay in your lane! I like both of those.

I am confused about what you refer to as 'the idol of context" -- you don't think context and original meaning is important?
I do think context and original meaning is important. It's that people have IDOLS that are not in Scripture but rather than admit this, they assert their IDOLATRY is in Scripture if only I properly understood the context. THEN, rather than actually accept one IDOLATROUS reading into verses what is not there at a time, they forever switch verses. I'll give you an example.

Trinitarians: Here is a link to 166 verses proving there are square circles.
Me: The first verse proves no such thing.
Trinitarians: You have to look at it in context of all these verses.
Me: None of these verses show what you claim.
Trinitarians: You just don't understand context.
I do think context and original meaning is important. It's that people have IDOLS that are not in Scripture but rather than admit this, they assert their IDOLATRY is in Scripture if only I properly understood the context. THEN, rather than actually accept one IDOLATROUS reading into verses what is not there at a time, they forever switch verses. I'll give you an example.

Trinitarians: Here is a link to 166 verses proving there are square circles.
Me: The first verse proves no such thing.
Trinitarians: You have to look at it in context of all these verses.
Me: None of these verses show what you claim.
Trinitarians: You just don't understand context.

Ahhh... gotcha. I wasn't clear on what you were saying.

I haven't run across an example of exactly that, but I know what you mean. It's like trying to talk to a Calvinist about pre-destination, or a SDA about the sabbath. They can only see what they see.
They can only see what they see.

“I am just a poor boy
Though my story’s seldom told
I have squandered my resistance
For a pocketful of mumbles
Such are promises
All lies and jest
Still a man hears what he wants to hear
And disregards the rest”

(Paul Simon, The Boxer)
“I am just a poor boy
Though my story’s seldom told
I have squandered my resistance
For a pocketful of mumbles
Such are promises
All lies and jest
Still a man hears what he wants to hear
And disregards the rest”

(Paul Simon, The Boxer)

You ain't nothing but a hound dog

(not Elvis Presley)