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Run away from Apologetics! (Don't become a lawyer)



All apologetics is is defense system against anyone who may have a different perspective than yourself. They can be word picky over what you say, and they will engage with you, and sometimes it just not helpful over all, it is all to get their own way with you in having you try to defend whatever is you may have said.

I do not care for apologetics as it is "intellectualism" by default, just defending beliefs, and not really learning or grasping things from the Bible, or allowing people to have freedom to think, and have their opinions and have liberty in Christ to say what they may, even if it is not directly lining up with scriptures.

I am myself a fallible person, and I am not good with my words, neither was Moses. However it is by the grace of God, by loving us so much that he gave his son to the World, to pay for all of our sins and falling short.

Trust and rely on God, do not worry about what man or any woman may tell you, they are allowed to have the right to believe and act as they will, God has given them liberty to do so.

The only thing that is going to amount to anything is building your house on the solid foundation laid by Christ, the 'apologetics' is almost like a house that can fall, and it is something that can be shaken. Be free by the spirit and not the wisdom of the world, but the wisdom of the Spirit, in trusting God.

An answer - ἀπολογίαν (apologian) where we get the English word apologetics from .

627. apologia
Strong's Concordance
apologia: a speech in defense
Original Word: ἀπολογία, ας, ἡ
Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine
Transliteration: apologia
Phonetic Spelling: (ap-ol-og-ee'-ah)
Definition: a speech in defense
Usage: a verbal defense (particularly in a law court).
Hi Shroom

My personal beliefs is that it is, why do or how do you think that Christianity is not subjective?
Hi Shroom

My personal beliefs is that it is, why do or how do you think that Christianity is not subjective?
The truth is the truth. If you believe something that is not true you believe a falsehood.

1 Tim 1:3 As I besought thee to abide still at Ephesus, when I went into Macedonia, that thou mightest charge some that they teach no other doctrine,

You think Christ has returned. You think we're in the kingdom. You think the devil has been thrown into the lake of fire.

All false.
This is not about my beliefs, it is about why do you think Christianity is not subjective? Is not my beliefs subjective in which are given from scripture? Your beliefs are also founded in scripture only you just do not believe they have happened.

This is what subjective christianity looks like. It Is not about telling someone what they believe is false. It just a perspective from a subjective viewpoint that is being shared between an individual.
Hi Shroom

My personal beliefs is that it is, why do or how do you think that Christianity is not subjective?
It is not subjective.

Eph 4: 5-6
One Lord, one faith, one baptism,
One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.

Matt 7: 13-14
“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

Gal 1:8
But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse!

It is no more subjective than learning to fly an airplane.
It is not subjective.

Eph 4: 5-6
One Lord, one faith, one baptism,
One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.

Matt 7: 13-14
“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

Gal 1:8
But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse!

It is no more subjective than learning to fly an airplane.

Quoting scripture doesn't help in any rate. Those are truths I agree with, however there are subjective things in the Bible that you would adhere to wouldn't you?
Some people believe that no one is going to hell.
Some people believe that people are for sure going to be burning in hell forever.

Don't you see how subjective Christianity is a thing?
Some people believe that God is a trinity 3 persons in One God,
Some people disagree that God is a trinity 3 persons in One God and have a different perspective.

Don't you see how Christianity is subjective?

This is the point of no reason of arguing with others who differ with you, and to study the Bible and seek for the answers in there than what someone may say or believe, cause all people are responsible for themselves. Each us will die, and what we believe is what we believe, and God is going to weigh the heart at Judgement day, and while we live it is for us to Love God, First above all else,

and love others while we get the chance, and we can share what we believe with the Bible and have our own opinions but at the end of it love is going to prevail over the "YOUR WRONG IM RIGHT" - mentality.
All apologetics is is defense system against anyone who may have a different perspective than yourself. They can be word picky over what you say, and they will engage with you, and sometimes it just not helpful over all, it is all to get their own way with you in having you try to defend whatever is you may have said.
I can certainly understand why you hate apologetics. There may be a lot of stuffy and intellectual apologists, but that is not an indictment of apologetics. All Christians should be skilled in it, especially if they are evangelizing and can expect to be asked many questions. They should be able to answer them from a biblical perspective and support what they say. On a forum, one would expect to encounter different positions and arguments and resistance. If we can't engage by supporting what we say from a reliable source (in this case the scripture) without arriving at apoint where the only place we can go is our opinion repeated over and over, or whimpering about love, we need to take our gospel preaching more seriously. Apologetics is something that should become natural to the Christian, and frankly it is a duty. It is not a matter of higher learning in institutions to do so. It is at its base, something that should apply in all our life. Knowing what we believe, and why we believe it, being able to articulate it and support it. IOW we need to know our Bible. All of it and as one consistent ongoing interconnected revelation of God to us, not divorcing the parts from one another.
I do not care for apologetics as it is "intellectualism" by default, just defending beliefs, and not really learning or grasping things from the Bible, or allowing people to have freedom to think, and have their opinions and have liberty in Christ to say what they may, even if it is not directly lining up with scriptures.
A belief that can't be defended is a failure to learn and grasp the things from the Bible. Not the other way around as stated above, And being able to defend a belief is not telling people they don't have the freedom to think and have their own opinions. And teaching what does not line up with scripture is of no value and potentially very harmful. It is false teaching. Which btw, the Bible tells us is bad to do and to hear.
The only thing that is going to amount to anything is building your house on the solid foundation laid by Christ, the 'apologetics' is almost like a house that can fall, and it is something that can be shaken. Be free by the spirit and not the wisdom of the world, but the wisdom of the Spirit, in trusting God.
This again is the opposite of what is true logically. Apologetics is focused on the cornerstone of Christ and the foundation laid by the apostles (who by the way, were skilled apologists). What is a house built on sand is a subjective Christianity.
I can certainly understand why you hate apologetics. There may be a lot of stuffy and intellectual apologists, but that is not an indictment of apologetics. All Christians should be skilled in it, especially if they are evangelizing and can expect to be asked many questions. They should be able to answer them from a biblical perspective and support what they say. On a forum, one would expect to encounter different positions and arguments and resistance. If we can't engage by supporting what we say from a reliable source (in this case the scripture) without arriving at apoint where the only place we can go is our opinion repeated over and over, or whimpering about love, we need to take our gospel preaching more seriously. Apologetics is something that should become natural to the Christian, and frankly it is a duty. It is not a matter of higher learning in institutions to do so. It is at its base, something that should apply in all our life. Knowing what we believe, and why we believe it, being able to articulate it and support it. IOW we need to know our Bible. All of it and as one consistent ongoing interconnected revelation of God to us, not divorcing the parts from one another.

A belief that can't be defended is a failure to learn and grasp the things from the Bible. Not the other way around as stated above, And being able to defend a belief is not telling people they don't have the freedom to think and have their own opinions. And teaching what does not line up with scripture is of no value and potentially very harmful. It is false teaching. Which btw, the Bible tells us is bad to do and to hear.

This again is the opposite of what is true logically. Apologetics is focused on the cornerstone of Christ and the foundation laid by the apostles (who by the way, were skilled apologists). What is a house built on sand is a subjective Christianity.

While I respect your comment and notions; Still Subjectivity exist. One can have all the answers as an apologist however the thing is; if love doesn't prevail, then their is nothing being built on the foundation of Christ which is all about love. Some people do not believe that this is most important matter.

If someone asked me if people are going to hell today; I would tell them, no I do not believe that due Jesus Christ and his victory.
Same with the question: Is Satan and his demons still running around today? No I do not believe that due to Jesus Christ and his victory.

What do you believe is important to learn about in the Bible? To learn and grow in the knowledge of God and the Lord Jesus Christ, to grow in becoming from a child of God, into a Son or Daughter of God in living by the Holy Spirit, being a part of the kingdom of God above.

Do you believe people are going to be eternal punished forever? No I do not, I believe all people are resurrected, and everyone will gain spiritual body given by God nonbeliever or believer - and God has set it up due to the victory of Jesus is that people will either be going into the Kingdom of Heaven, and those who have not faith will be outside, and my hope is that even though this is like it is, I hope we can go outside of the kingdom of the Heavenly Jerusalem and go out and help those outside, though many people reject due to dogmatic stances of no second chances, it is up to one what they may believe and do with this information.

I am not saying people who study it (Apologetics) are not Christianity, however what it does tend to do is not allow freedom of thinking, and freedom to have a differing opinion than the other if they constantly hammer one another over and over in "IM RIGHT YOUR WRONG" Mentality.

Just depends on the person someone may be studying about the Apologetics. There are many different of forms and people have wrote about people may study, and should study the Bible itself, to have an answer if it is questioned to you.
Do you believe evil and darkness still exist? Yes I believe as human beings we have the capacity to cause evil on another, and darkness does still exist and the "spirit of Greed" "spirit of Hatred" Spirit of Pride" that lives in the World can come into us and cause of a person to become greedy and it all stems firstly from the heart, and the only way to get darkness out is to look towards the Light and follow after the Lord Jesus Christ.