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Jesus' God

You know, I don't belong to JWs and don't agree with some of their claims but they are the most outspoken organization about God and Jesus' identity.

They are the ones who got me thinking about God and Jesus' clear identity.

I believe they will be blessed greatly just for that.
Well I think they (JW) get a lot of scripture correct except for especially their little 'a god' in John 1:1c and associated scripture that gets misinterpreted because of it, and their Michael who became Jesus and returned back to heaven as Michael again, and again their scripture that also gets misread because of this Archangel. I do use them a lot for much scripture authentication and interpretation....
Well I think they (JW) get a lot of scripture correct except for especially their little 'a god' in John 1:1c and associated scripture that gets misinterpreted because of it, and their Michael who became Jesus and returned back to heaven as Michael again, and again their scripture that also gets misread because of this Archangel. I do use them a lot for much scripture authentication and interpretation....
I think those are insignificant comparing misrepresenting God and Jesus to the world.
I think those are insignificant comparing misrepresenting God and Jesus to the world.
True...I've notice Binitarians showing up of chat rooms lately. The Father and the Son are divine persons and both 'own' equally the same Holy Spirit...and then there are new Trinitarian paradigms that suggest that Jesus only is the LORD or God of the Bible in Spirit form and not in the flesh...still cannot wrap my head around that one yet.
I believe if we are wrong about God's identity, God will not give us spiritual discernment.

that's why I listed all trin's man-made doctrines.
I understand but it has nothing to do with discarding once saved always saved. God does not save in part he does not give a remnant of grace. That's a catholic doctrine oral tradition that opens the way for limbo or purgatory . The wondering doctrine as a law of the fathers wonder, wonder, wonder never coming to a end the salvation of ones soul. Born again believers receive the end of their new faith from the beginning .
True...I've notice Binitarians showing up of chat rooms lately. The Father and the Son are divine persons and both 'own' equally the same Holy Spirit...and then there are new Trinitarian paradigms that suggest that Jesus only is the LORD or God of the Bible in Spirit form and not in the flesh...still cannot wrap my head around that one yet.
circus world.
While the JW's understand that Jesus Christ isn't God, in thinking he is Michael the arch-angel, they don't know who he is either.
The Christ anointed teacher worked in the Son of man, Jesus the chief apostle messenger as a prophet (angel) .Given the name Michael which is a query . Who is like God ?. . .No man . God is not a man.

God working in man to both reveal his will and empowered them to do it.
Then there are a few varieties of OSAS, 100% Calvinistic all of the TULIP, say to 2 letters of it. I believe the start of some unnecessary arguments occur when one does not define 'ONCE SAVED' and then how that process occurred before blurting out 'I believe in OSAS.' not always mind you.
Then there are a few varieties of OSAS, 100% Calvinistic all of the TULIP, say to 2 letters of it. I believe the start of some unnecessary arguments occur when one does not define 'ONCE SAVED' and then how that process occurred before blurting out 'I believe in OSAS.' not always mind you.
It would seem how long will one waver between two schools of theology .

1 Kings 18:21King James Version2 And Elijah came unto all the people, and said, How long halt ye between two opinions? if the Lord be God, follow him: but if Baal, (the teaching of men) then follow him. And the people answered him not a word.
The Christ anointed teacher worked in the Son of man, Jesus the chief apostle messenger as a prophet (angel) .Given the name Michael which is a query . Who is like God ?. . .No man . God is not a man.

God working in man to both reveal his will and empowered them to do it.
I have no idea what you're talking about.
It would seem how long will one waver between two schools of theology .

1 Kings 18:21King James Version2 And Elijah came unto all the people, and said, How long halt ye between two opinions? if the Lord be God, follow him: but if Baal, (the teaching of men) then follow him. And the people answered him not a word.
I think you do not understand my post at all...you have a pre-defined view on the subject I wager
I want to tell you why Jesus was loved by His Father.

Because His Father was of utmost importance to Him.

So much so that He claims God is one of the greatest commandments.

In fact, it is the first commandment.

but you guys fail to see that most churches, trin churches misrepresent His Father as a triune god.

the world believes the God of Abraham is a triune god.

If you don't know the most important commandment, everything else you claim is meaningless because God will not permit anyone to enter His kingdom.

Jesus gets furious when anyone disrespects His Father the way triune god worshippers treat Him.

This is a clear fact of trin churches' deception.

BTW, these facts are all bible-based claims. Not my own.

so don't tell me I don't quote the verses.

If you don't believe I quote the scripture, I can find it for you.

Just ask.

thank you.

Because Jesus Christ is YHWH, ALMIGHTY GOD!